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What would be the unhealthyst perks to become basekit?

Im just thought about BT become basekit a while ago and why of Corrupt doesnt become basekit by now and I thought what whould be unhealthy basekit perks for both sides. By the survivors I though first about a meta perk would be unhealthy like Adren, DS, WoO, DH or something and yes some are in some forms unhealthy for the game, but not unhealthy on all levels. So my guess for survivor would be breakdown, because if all the survivors had breakdown the game would forces slugging Situations on Teams and Killers, that doesnt want to slugg or playing a sobo playstyle.

As for Killers i thought also about the meta perks first but most arent unhealthy, for example the gen regression perks would be fine being basekit in Trapper, but unfair on top Tier Killers. So I would maybe suggest Remember me, because it leads to tunneling the obsession.

P.S. I know I could just say No Mither and Preditor, but I wanted perks, that give you value, but could lead to big problems if in every round. These to would just nerf you and make it harder for you to play.

I would like to hear your suggestions and sry for the long text. 😅

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  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Pretty much any perk becoming basekit would be unhealthy, there's only a handful of perks that could even be conceived of as healthy as basekit additions.

    I trying to think of a perk that wouldn't just unbalance the game toward one side or another., but would totally destroy the game flow. Like no way you could even balance around the idea of such a perk being basekit because if it always existed it would undermine the way the game works. Autodidact would wipe out lots of other abilities, Sprint Burst basekit would effectively negate lots of other exhaustion perks, Blood Warden would mean survivors would never stick around once the exit gates are open, Franklin's Demise would mean everyone would just run toolboxes and burn through them immediately, lightborn would make flashlights/flashbangs pointless.

    I'll go with Franklin's Demise as it would make many things in the game pointless.

  • Member Posts: 7,228
    edited May 2024

    NOED and No Mither, or Deliverance

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    omg I can't imagine knockout and breakdown becoming basekit that would be crazy

  • Member Posts: 4,657

    Breakdown, Knock out, third seal, break out, deliverance, distortion, forced hesitation and play with your food in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 410
    edited May 2024

    I agree, that perks shouldnt become basekit (exept Corrupt), but because they already added basekit BT and had planed to make Unbreakeble basekit, what rlly would be to mutch to counter slugging, this is why I started this disguession, because its interesting to think about the worst thing they could be doing.

    Short why I think Corrupt should become base, because its a perk, is good on weak killers and does very litle to top tier Killers. Also most Killer games can be easly lost just because the first chase wasnt going so well. As Killer you have the most stress at the start, because four gens getting worked on potentialy and is the first chase to long three gens are finished. Who was long chases the most? M1 Killers and they need the time at the start. Blight would start a chase like 10 seconds into the match and can get a quick down if he is good and at this point Corrupt would be gone cause of the down.

  • Member Posts: 345
    edited May 2024

    Corrupt should definitely become basekit.

    Basekit BT was a good thing. When a perk becomes a must have on everyone there are 2 possibilities :

    • It helps gameplay wise (E.g windows, lithe, etc)
    • Its a necessity to counter some bad design or toxic behaviour (corrupt, BT, etc)

    As for op question and talking about meta perks that would fit in my 1st category, i'd say devour hope for killers and prove thyself or OTR for survivor, but thats my opinion

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    You underestimate Knockout. The fact that the killer saves an enormous amount of time, while also making it harder for the survivors to recover is what makes it so strong. Of course it's not unbeatable but a majority of survivors will lose by default without the killer having to play well.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    But you wouldn't need to make Corrupt basekit to do that. You could just add a mechanic make gens go slower for the first X amount of time of the match and/or until something happens (most likely a down). You could even structure it so that someone like Trapper gets more early game slowdown than Blight (though I don't BHVR would ever approach that idea).

    That's one of the problems with making perks basekit to address problems: if there is a problem with the base game, it should be fixed. With basekit BT the fix was just that there was no other better way to address the complaint then what that perk did.

    Basekit unbreakable was about a substantial reimagining of the game. It wasn't just to address slugging, the primary goal I think was to speed up how pointless and boring the end game can become in killer wins. None of it went the way I think they expected, but I think they'll try it again with game modes.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    There's no point in making a Killer perk basekit for all Killers until the delta between strongest and weakest Killer is addressed.. As an example, when you play Trapper even semi-consistently you'll need Corrupt Intervention and Deadlock to ensure there is more than 1 gen left by the time you set up your traps. Giving Trapper Corrupt Intervention would be welcome.

    Giving Corrupt Intervention as basekit to Nurse would be just a 5th perk slot and disproportionately benefit her.

    It's different with survivors since they're all just skins anyway. If there were individual advantages to playing survivors (eg Claudette healed faster just for being Claudette or had all the rocks highlighted to go hide and self care against Sloppy Butcher behind; the second part is a joke for anyone that didn't get it) then giving basekit stuff for survivors would have to consider it. It doesn't work that way though so it's not a consideration for Survivors.

    Killers, though, need buffs on an individual basis because they're not just skins.

  • Member Posts: 410

    If you make the gens slower in generell at the start or blocking the three furthest gens is the same. In both mechanics survivors will complain about it like the killers complained about BT basekit and if make the gen speed slower I would say its even more annoying than blocking them. Deja-Vu for example became meta after giving a 6% gen repair boost. Deja-Vu was a strong perk bevor and wouldnt needed a buff, but they added a 6% repair bonus. 6% is nearly meaningless it saves 5 seconds, but it gives a yellow bar and so the gen feels faster. Sitting alone on a gen with a red bar at the start would be very annoying for most of the comunity.

    The same thing could be said about Corrupt basekit. You suggested as a mechanic basiclly Corrupt als the mechanic. Yes you would switch the blocking with slowdown, but I think as I said this would annoy more people, than blocking three gens at the start.

    I wouldnt say it was about reimagining the game. Reimagining would be like changeing the fact, that killers get a hit based around survivors making mistakes and change it to if the killer makes a mistake, the survivor doesnt get hit.

    I think they just wanted to answer the complains about slugging. Also they dont wanted to nerf the killers directly so they added the "insta kill" after everyone are down. Yes they wanted to speed it up when everyone is down, but for something like that, what normaly was a rare thing to witness, they wouldnt do such big changes.

  • Member Posts: 410

    Yes and no. The reson why a trapper always has Corrupt and Blight or Nurse like never is because Corrupt is nearly useless on chase Killers. If I play Nurse I bring Lethal and get a down in like 15 Seconds into the match. You dont bring Corrupt on Nurse, Blight or Spirit. You also dont bring Lethal als Trapper. You could say Corrupt and Lethal ar counter parts. Corrupt gives a slowdown useful for the weaker and slower killers. Bringing Corrupt on a fast and chase Killer it would be a wasted Perkslot. Lethal on the other Hand gives a fast and chase haevy Killer a target to chase and we will immediately go to down that survivor. A slower and weaker Killer get the information where they spawned, but cant get an easy down on one so its also not the best to bring.

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