Hatch rules

Beardman Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

Please bring the old hatch rules back (Where it appears in map when there are more generators done than survivors alive). Now keys are basically worthless and camping killers or overly agile killers make it impossible to escape. I spent about 10mins watching how a huntress just stood in the middle of between 2 escape doors with no one escapes death totem of course 8 meters from exit gate. So all 3 survivors were stuck unable to destroy totem or open doors. 2 out of the 3 survivors died. If only hatch would've been an actual alternative in-game…

It was definitely more fun just randomly encountering the hatch and then trying to get a key if no one had one already. Killers already have perks that make you unable to open escape doors or even leave when a survivor is hooked. Now you basically just sacrifice yourself when there's only one other survivor left, or if it's been a bad match (too many gens left) as it's the only way for anyone to make it out. Or other survivors just hide and wait for you to be killed.

The rules could be updated, if need be, but I really feel that was the best hatch rules we had so far. Both on Console and PC.


  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386
    edited May 13

    by that i mean a rng by chance find it first mechanic that if the killer finds it first 100% gives him a kill no matter what even if he was loosing the game and the survs all should get out.

    Yeah, it would be sick

  • Beardman
    Beardman Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    The killers already have tributes that affect the entirety of the match gameplay. And as a killer u are purely dependent on your skill as well. Good survivors make it hard and actually entertaining but that is the point of the game a challenge. But most matches you can play with a lvl 1 killer. No perks and still wipe the survivors for the simple fact of doing no gens. In decent matches u still get 2-3 kills even before 3 gens are done. One or two survivors escaping after working on their gens even if the others just ran around feels alright to me. Why guarantee me a kill as a killer??

    Each gen takes about 90 secs without perks and killers still have perks to make them last twice as long. What more time do u need XD.

    I can understand some people like it but I don't even bother using keys or worry about the hatch when playing with a team. What's the point if I can't escape with them through the hatch when playing together. It just seems like a nice team mechanic in a very team dependent game. It can still be worked on doesn't need to be the same. Maybe it needs to be revealed or have another item, maybe u can't listen for it, or add to perks to counter hatch. Maybe a timer before it can be taken, etc.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 153

    90 seconds is one chase man. Way too fast. It's amazing how much easier survivors want it.

  • Beardman
    Beardman Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    some chases only last 10 secs. 60% killer win rate atm. Let's not forget the killers that down the 3rd survivor and just leave it bleeding out to get the last one so he can escape or anything….

    Killers have it good honestly, been playing for years both in console and PC. It just keeps getting easier, killers get what they want.

    And I enjoy both only play a few hours with the few people who still actually want to play as survivor.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,390

    Pattern of bloodpoints look the same to me in the EU.

    Weekends there are more killers, weekday evenings there are more survivors.

    At the level I'm at, the number of flashlights, background players, FTP + Buckle Ups, and Boil Overs I see has become astounding. At some point my killer games became a lot less chill, and survivors now are regularly running aggressive perks.

    I tend to let the last player go, but I always play like I'm trying to win, and try to catch them first. I'm not too enamored by scoring 4ks unless I have to complete challenges or Adepts.... despite that killer tends to be quite stressful, where even if I want to play more chill, survivors kinda force me to be more hardball... if I don't take at least 1 slowdown, it becomes VERY hard to get even close to a 4k.

    Yet on soloQ survivor, I can still play rather chill, and pretty much run any build I want, and still do fine. I regularly get to 1 gen remaining or gates powered, and the times I don't are usually when 1 player suicides on hook, DCs, or plays stupidly aggressive even when they're on death hook. I always get more frustrated by my teammates than the killer.

    So from my perspective, I agree killers have it good compared to orevious years, but heavily disagree with the insinuation that survivor is unplayable. I play without any exhaustion perks and survivor is still perfectly playable, it's hard to say the same for a killer without slowdown. From my perspective killers are in a good spot where they can't be easily bullied, but actually trying to get a 4k is pretty tough against competant teams.

    Stacking 4 gen regression perks is admittedly too strong, but the upcoming changes are addressing that, and it looks promising across the board to me.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,755

    you completly ignored my point.

    i dont want such a mechanik for the killer i just wanted to highlight how absurd the whole hatch is and i cant understand why people want anything similar to old hatch back other then "i want easy escapes lol".

    if bhvr would introduce such a rng you get killed tough luck mechanic next patch for killer the forums would burn and understandebly so. its already enough that right now the killer can play perfectly but does not get a 4k cause luck said screw you.

    i know that killer are very strong right now but thos are two completly diffrent problems so why using one as an argument against the other

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 153

    lol what? Borrowed Time - Standard. Anti-Camp - Standard. Dozens of pallets on every board around every turn. No more automatic pickup at the hook. 3-genning now in survivors favor. Windows and free escapes everywhere.

    They can't keep making it any easier for survivors - and it's silly they use a 60% mechanic instead of a fair mechanic. Survivors just keep getting worse, then it's made easier for them, they get worse, game made easier for them, etc. Then they have the nerve to bag at the gate as if they are "good" lol.

    Almost no MMR chase last 10 seconds at the start. None.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 153

    Or you could just win the real way by finishing gens and then splitting up to escape from the gate? Hatch wins should be next to none, this is just something they put in to stop survivors from hiding infinitely or quitting the game for good. Sometimes players will die at the gates while others escape. Just like sometimes a killer camps a hook and the hooked survivor dies while the others finish gens at win. Not everyone needs to get out for all players - we dont need easy mode on everything for survivors.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,290

    Now keys are basically worthless

    That's really not true…. You just need to use some addons and key is really strong thing to have.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,327

    Keys are underrated. Not for the actual item but the addons that you can use on them.

    As for your suggestion: No. I played back when hatch still worked like that and it was ridiculous. You basically had to watch out for anyone who might have a key, hope they're solo and tunnel them out before the key could be used. Otherwise you would be punished for doing your own objective as well as not doing your objective. Either they got the gens done and escaped like that or you got a kill and the survivors had an easier time opening hatch to escape.

    This should never return. As funny as it was getting 4 people to escape through the hatch, it was stupid too. There is a reason why survivors don't escape as soon as the last gen is done but actually have to open the gates and it make it out. This mechanic just completely skipped that part. And that's the best case scenario for the killer. If someone died before that, that was 1 gen less they had to repair before the hatch spawned.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 73

    I wouldn't bring this system back as it was OP especially against SWF. But one thing I would change that if all gens are done = hatch spawns. Cuz making it spawn only when you're the only one left is kinda trash especially in situations when your teammates not leaving and waiting on the exit gates.