I was today years old when I realized DS is a 1 time use for the whole trial. I thought you could use each time you got off hook for a total of 2 times…
Then they wanna nerf it? It’s already trash. 🗑️
the reason is it’s a free second chance. The killer won chase and now you get one more chance to escape. It would be like if a survivor got a gen done but the killer was able to regress it back to 50 with one tap
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It depend, winning a chase when he just wait near the hook or blocking the way, waiting 10 seconds for the endurance… I don't want to say "winning"
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You only get 1 use, but many don't know that you can save it if you don't attempt to hit the skill check the 1st time.
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can't killers already do that with pain res + pop LOL?
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What do you mean?
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You can simply let the skill check go (similar to not even attempting hitting a struggle skill check) and it wont consume your DS, meaning you can save it for your 2nd hook
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So is off the record and I don’t have to hit a skill check for that, right? I get it twice at least
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ohhhhh got it! Thank you
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Correction, it was a free 2nd chance perk. Because you could use it before getting hook.
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But, OP got some point
Even if DS have a 5 second stun duration, the perk is active for 60 secondes before unhooking but the survivor can't heal, make a generator, make a totem, sabotaging, opening a chest…
The perk, cannot be use two times, AND cannot be use in the endgame
And now, she got another nerf
What the point? Why using this perk when you have OTR? OTR is more effective now when a survivor got tunnel after the hook than DS8 -
For the record, it would be nothing like this.
Specifically the example and comparison. If we use it, the gen regression puts it back to 90%.
DS isn't this 'omg Im saved!' perk. Its an RNG chance to extend chase a bit. IF you're lucky you will get off at a good looping area. Otherwise, hold W for a few seconds and wait for the hit.
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it depends on context I guess. Camping or tunneling yea it’s good but when they run at you to use the endurance to body block then it becomes more problematic
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yea those are busted. It seems like they are holding up bad killers. I use surge only and maybe eruption if I forgot to take it off and I still get 4k’s. The gen regress Meta is a problem and hopefully the nerfs fix that.
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Play a killer who's not Blight or Nurse against a lobby with one or more DS in it and then tell me it's trash. A well-timed DS can, like a well-timed Dead Hard, completely derail a killer's momentum and deprive them of much-needed pressure… unless they're Blight or Nurse, in which case it might as well not work at all. Even the old 3 second stun was really good against killers with low mobility, especially if you went down in the right place.
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Didn't know that, thanks.
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You make a good point. Admittedly I was just frustrated when I wrote this post. I was tunneled out by a blight on autohaven.
I am sorry.
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That's why I am against the DS nerf.
• It's a one time use.
• It disables in the endgame
• You can't touch anything while you have it.
• You have to hit a skill check (which I can't with my sloth-like reaction time)
• The killer can tunnel through it.
Please, BHVR, you nerfed it enough. Stop.
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Calling one of the best perks in the game trash is quite the hot take there ^^
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Otr does nothing if you get hard tunneled and immediately hit after the unhook, whereas DS still works in those cases. The killer basically knows immediately if you have otr because you don't make injured sounds so if he wants to tunnel he will hit you immediately instead of waiting out the 10 sec base BT.
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I'm ok with you, if the survivor use DS just in a offensive way, okey, fair enought, we can "accept" that, in this case, DS is problematic, but, I don't no how the game can detect if DS is use in this way and not in another (saving you from the tunneling killer)
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They aren't wrong honestly it's far removed from its glory days at the top where you could immediately use it without being hooked and it was always ready to go, now there's so many things that can take it away that if the killer isn't trying to actively remove you it's a wasted perk slot, for that alone it's not a top five perk for me personally
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It was one before
Since now, there's only one use, and can't be deactivate for no reason at the endgame, or because you try to heal yourself, healing someone else, just by a little missclick
It it not ONE of the best perk in the game, OTR take the place of DS now, and this perk gonna be forgotten for something else1 -
Just because it is not completely busted and stupid does not make it a trash perk.
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Otr deactivates under the same condition and gets mostly negated by getting hit immediately after unhook... Ds is still top 5 or 10 of perks in the game on survivor side.
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Classic case of premades using it to bully killers and ruining the perk for everyone else in the process.
DS is terrible however you look at it, but have it be mildly annoying and give it to a premade group of 4 and suddenly it's the worst thing you've ever faced against.
It has very easy counters like not tunneling and slugging people trying to force it to trigger, but because it can be used for already-ahead teams to bully killers, it has to be hands down the worst perk in existence or playing against one of these teams would be depressing and frustrating.
Buff it exclusively for solo-q and the premades will start screaming that they're being punished for playing with friends.
No winning scenario except just letting the perk be trash.
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because of his recent buff at 5 seconds back, when it was 3, you don't practically see it
Dunno if 4 gonna do something, but for me, when I play survivor, I'm not gonna take it anymore, the only people who gotta take it, it's just for bullying, or using it at an offensive way, not in the defensive way0 -
And I want to add something else
DS (and the other one who get deactivate at the endgame)
It's not like, if you have these perk activate and the endgame start, you can use it
No, IF the endgame start, and these perks are active before, it got IMMEDIATLY deactivate
Like, you got unhooked, OTR is active for 80 seconds (technically) but if the endgame (all the gen are done) 10 secondes after your unhooking, OTR immediatly deactivate and you don't have your endurance status anymore0 -
It's not a trash perk but it's definitely not one of the best anymore
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Even when it was 3 seconds it was a really good perk, maybe not top 10, but nowhere near trash.
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I disagree. It is easily one of the best perks in the game.
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Well that's your opinion we can agree to disagree on that subject, I don't see the value in having it outside of playing against bad killers who rely on tunneling, which you should be able to run them anyway without it
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Bruh i thought it was after every unhook like dead hard until this post, I been stunned and then avoided it like the plague after because i thought i could get stunned again.
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I mean sure it has more value against the worse killers, but that does not make it bad or useless against the stronger ones. More than half the roster of killers need to catch up with the distance you got during this time. Sure some can hit you from distance or blink right on top of you like Nurse for example, but it is still quite the time loss for the killer, and especially in addition with Dead hard and OTR against hard tunneling it works really well, as after it you are no longer in deep wounds, so you can benefit from dead hard again.
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It was not
Saying that just show that you never use it to try to be safe after a tunnel or camping killer, 3 secondes, is just nothing, you can do anithing with just 3 (2.6secondes in reality) to be safe0 -
Well I think it was, it just wasn't as good against killers with range attack for example.
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I wouldn't call something that requires you to have already been hooked, requires you to get picked up again within 60 seconds of being unhooked, and requires you to avoid doing anything that advances your win condition "free". It has several restrictions and a strategic tradeoff you need to make. It only feels free because killers don't see those choices being made, only the end result
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Ask yourself this question.
If it is "already trash" why is it that when it was only a 3 second stun, that it was used in literally every single comp game ever?
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I guess what I mean is a good nurse player more than likely won't tunnel because they don't need to but I don't run any of those perks you threw out there in my main builds (I enjoy off meta builds), I personally believe OTR is better even though i dont use it but just from playing against it and it replaced what DS once was, but it's okay we've both had different experiences in the game that have given each of us the opinion we have