Please do somehting about people giving up on the hook for no reason



  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2024

    In the entire thread above where does it state the following words: "I disliked the survivor changes"?

    Let me spoon-feed you the answer., it does not.

    You mentally decided that upon reading it as it was never stated. OP was confused as to why survivors are suddenly starting to give up, I clarified my own personal summary of reasons that could be the case from what I had witnessed so far.

    As for your prior comment, asking and demanding are two different things, as I clearly stated above but I guess I have to reiterate. Telling someone they need to do something is a demand, not an ask.

    Also, not once did I state I had an issue with camping or tunnelling in this entire thread, again that was from you mentally.

    I would also like you to elaborate on your last point, where exactly did I say I quit mid game in the thread above? 🤣

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2024

    lol I just noticed the edit.

    The term butchered means "to spoil something completely by performing or dealing with it very badly", ie it has been nerfed.

    The term dislike means " to feel distaste for or hostility towards" or for simple terms, to hate it.

    There is no correlation between the two, stop trying to find one.

    • PTB is on PC so only the PC audience is being taken into consideration when getting feedback (one sided feedback, you do the math)

    This one here is also a fact LMAO

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,504

    No that's what I meant. You seem to agree that at least some of your points are silly reasons to give up.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    My Apologies.

    and yeah definitely mate, even I wouldn't DC cause of most of the reasons I listed.😂

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    Sure, those things should be bannable then.

    If they can do it in CS, or LoL, or DotA, ban you for afking, or for "feeding" (throwing) then we can do it in DBD. You can fix the walking around nothing, by giving you crows (aka, afk) status, if you don't do something productive after a minute or 2.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    I still feel frustrated when survivors sacrifice themselves on the first hook, but my understanding has deepened over time. It always lowers the teams chances of survival, which is why I'm typically always against it. However, I know that oftentimes there's more to it than frustration at "being outplayed". The game is intricate, influenced by numerous factors. Occasionally, the odds are stacked against you from the beginning, and no amount of positive attitude or effort will change the outcome. Some people yield to death/defeat quicker than others.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited May 2024

    No. You just think of your opinion as superior. In that case, then yes. There is little point to discuss.

    I have experienced this game for a long time and have seen a lot of ups and downs. I even had inpact on some of the things that changed.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited May 2024

    Why is this a fact???

    The comment: "PTB is on PC so only the PC audience is being taken into consideration when getting feedback (one sided feedback, you do the math" literally makes no sense at all!

    The PTB doesnt offer a seperate section to insert your feedback. There is no button, where a textbox pops up only for the player to insert their opinion.

    Feedback for the PTB is collected via the Forums. ANYBODY can write here. What you mean, is that not everyboody can PLAY the PTB. This however is not what you said. You said, that all the opinions of other players are not taken into consideration. This is wrong. I could have watched the PTB for basekit unbreakable on Otz´s livestream, where he and his friends tested out all the features and then go to the forums to write a lenghty post about how this is not a good idea.

    This point is factually wrong.

    Post edited by radiantHero23 on
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    how have survivors been butchered then? Your words.
    If they have been butchered then something must have changed.

    No one really demanded anything of you they just said with a laundry list like that you probably shouldn’t play and they have a point.

    The thread is about quitting, the point is to keep it on topic. You have advocated for quitting by providing reasons to quit.

    If your goal was to clarify “why people quit” then you framed it very poorly and have made even weaker attempts to clarify. I understand why you struggle though because you don’t even understand your own point so how could you possibly understand someone else’s?

    That is kinda funny. But such is the value of online interactions.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I’m afraid here you simply quibbling over poorly thought semantics to avoid making any valid point.

    If presenting a list of reasons to quit on the predisposition that the game has been butchered then you must dislike the state of things. Otherwise you wouldn’t consider them butchered or reasons to quit.

    Making a coherent point is very easy if you try. Why not give it a try.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited May 2024

    This thread is maybe the closest I've ever felt to 2017 DBD since that time. It's like Freddy just came out all over again. I'm frightened, and yet, it feels good to be home.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Well that clears that up then.
    Have fun quitting I guess.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It’s definitely been the highlight of my afternoon meandering through the forums.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    It's got nothing to do with being superior, you stated a point and then went completely around on it.

    You've experienced this game for a long time but never experienced what I've personally seen? Okay then that's fine, we all have different experiences with the game.

    And do remember that once again you did say this "But your original list makes little sense at many points..."

    Thus, my above comment is a fact.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Is the PTB on PC only? - Let me answer that for you, Yes.

    And what is a fact? "a thing that is known or proved to be true.".

    A very small, miniscule minority watching a video of the current PTB from a streamer but not having direct hands on experience does not mean both audiences are taken into consideration (because their opinion will be influenced by the person they've watched and PC and Console are different in many ways, for example the smoothness of 360's). That is not how a usual PT works.

    IF that was the case then game companies would NEVER run PT's on minority platforms, only on the main platform that has the biggest audience so that they can collect feedback.

    A GOOD example of this is console players being affected a lot more heavily by pre nerfed Boil over than they were on PC. I saw many games where a PC player would have miniscule wiggle sway but when it came to console they had a ridiculously large wiggle cone.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2024

    I have responded to every single one of your comments where applicable.

    I've written a list of ways survivors have been butchered (or for simplicity nerfed); causing players to quit in past games prior to today, which you clearly disagree with and you still have a problem, so tell me, what is it?

    Something must have changed? My first point was gen times being increased (something that has been changed), I couldn't be anymore direct with my answer, especially having it written before you've even commented it.

    "No one really demanded anything of you they just said with a laundry list like that you probably shouldn’t play and they have a point." - This sounds very personal and objective tbh.

    "The thread is about quitting, the point is to keep it on topic. You have advocated for quitting by providing reasons to quit." - I have provided my witnessed reasons for players quitting midgame in the past, not reasons players should quit in the future, there is a clear difference, you also want to influence my opinion and try to sway it, which will never happen.

    I would also like to highlight the following, in almost each and every single one of your comments on this thread you have attacked someone personally, directly or indirectly, So I ask you, why don't you keep it on topic?

    Your comment to @Rudjohns you commented the following: "Tunneling is not the problem, players like you are." - stating he was the problem.

    Your very first comment to me you reiterated that I should quit indirectly: "So if you don't really enjoy a large number of aspects of the game then it's not wholly unreasonable for someone to ask, hey why do you play?" - Knowing full well that I just clarified that what he wanted was a demand not an ask prior, which I have to repeat once again. On top of that, that interaction had nothing to do with you.

    Then you brought up some points about an agreement, when none were mentioned above your comment in this thread, thus, no correlation at all to my original post or any other.

    I find this part particularly intriguing tbh. You specifically mention what your goal in this post is. - "Nothing wrong with giving feedback and saying there are changes you don't like", I take it my original comment was what you don't like.

    Again, directly attacking @Rudjohns this time: "You haven't really exposed anything other than your inability to deal with tunneling and a quitter mentality."

    Again to me: "If your goal was to clarify “why people quit” then you framed it very poorly and have made even weaker attempts to clarify. I understand why you struggle though because you don’t even understand your own point so how could you possibly understand someone else’s?"

    Another directed towards me with your first sentence: "I’m afraid here you simply quibbling over poorly thought semantics to avoid making any valid point."

    Here's the cherry on the cake, you even went as far as trying to mock and belittle me: "That is kinda funny. But such is the value of online interactions."

    All of your insults are under the guise of "feedback". This will be the last post I reply to you.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    I dont think it is, because I suspect you replied to me in a different thread the other day but since my quote didn't show in your comment I didn't reply just in case

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    equating ''butchered'' to ''nerfed'' is a new low…

    words mean whatever now?

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    So tell me a time where a perk nerf on DBD hasn't butchered it completely? I'll wait.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Your completely missing the point.

    Your saying: "I saw that and was afflicted by that. If you have not, your opinion is invalid." I have experienced this stuff and am not a quitter out of these reasons (some of them make little sense, yes). Not everyone shares your opinion despite having enough or more experience in the game. I hope you realize this.

    If you read some of the points you stated, you must see yourself how little sense they make. A survivor doesnt become a quitter because of some of them. These more seem like personal grudges you have.

    I did say, that the PTB is on PC only. Please read…

    Have you seen how many people watch Otz LIVE STREAMS? A lot to put it simply. Im not talking about some streamer and a small video. Im talking about the most well known fog wisperer that livestreams every ptb as soon as they drop.

    People that watch these have their own opinion on stuff and can share them on the forums. If they want to repeat Otz´s opinions, then thats on them. They are still able to give their take on it. Therefore their opinions are taken into consideration. The opinion of someone that played it and the one of someone that doesnt has the same weight.

    Example: in the last PTB, where the Pig changes happened, I got on that as fast as possible to record gameplay for the other Pig mains here on the forums, which wherent able to play (out of whatever reason). I played a ton of matches and shared then here. Then we discussed the gameplay and came to conclusions. Some of them are on console. Did their opinions matter less or where not taken into consideration? No.

    Last but not least: I can look up a dictionary myself, thank you.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited May 2024

    Its so weird …

    The first post you reply to, it works. If you then push the reply button on another post, it does nothing. Either you reload the page or go back up to push the button on the post again. Then it works.

    I already told a mod about this problem. Hope it gets fixed.

    Post edited by radiantHero23 on
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited May 2024

    Sbtfl, BBQ, Pain resonance, Dead hard just to name a few.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    That's a weird mentality. If you want to "punish" tunneling, you need to make the killer regret it, not rewarding it.

    I mean, i get it when it happens more often. But even a weak link can equip OTR or DS. Most of the time i'm not mad at the killer for tunneling, i'm mad at my mates not doing gens.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Re-read your laundry list of why players quit and how you framed it. If you didn’t believe survivors have been butchered you wouldn’t have worded it the way you did. If you don’t believe that then you worded it poorly. That’s a critique of your argument not you. Stop taking it personally. It’s not that I didn’t like your original comment it’s that it was severely flawed.

    When pointed out that a laundry list like that brings into question why someone would play at all your response was “Don’t tell me what to do”. Which was either facetiousness, which is fine, or some form of narcissistic inability to take critique without responding to it in a defensively personal manner. Given how this exchange unfolded I’m thinking it’s the latter.

    Yes the topic is tunnelling and quitting… the players who just quit because they get tunnelled are the problem. If players are going to quit in the face of specific gameplay they don’t like then they shouldn’t play. At least not until till able to do so without rage quitting when they don’t get what they want from the game.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    I could say the exact same thing to you.

    You're completely missing the point.

    You're saying: "I didn't see that and wasn't afflicted by that. If you have, your opinion is invalid."

    I stated earlier that everyone has different gaming experiences and that's obvious.

    My first sentence was in reply to you asking how it was a Fact, so maybe you should take your own advice because for some reason I've had to revisit the same points multiple time in this thread.

    Just because of how stupid some of my points sound does not make them invalid. (already explained some of them sound ridiculous, because they are and they've still happened)

    Since everyone on the forum loves statistics let me break it down for you.

    In March 2023 DBD sold 50m Copies worldwide, it's also free to play on places like PSN+ now. So there's definitely a lot more players around the world who have it.

    Otz has 1m subs on Youtube alone, even if you did take into account his other channels, that's still less than 3 million followers and most likely the majority of people subscribing to all 3 channels are the same. His vids range from a mill and lower views across all channels, except in the case of the one which had montages for games like PubG. There were rare instances where his vids also had more than a mill on other channels. Twitch is the same except its around 230k.

    Even adding all that up it's still miniscule compared to 50m+ active copies sold, and even then they could have been multiple purchases. This doesn't even take into account that half of his followers could also be PC main players. There's many discrepancies to is.

    After taking all that into consideration, lets call it 4mill max followers.

    4 % 50 is what? = 12.8.

    In other words 8% of the total community be they on PC or Console, and that's still not taking into consideration the extra players above 50mill who downloaded the game. That is still a miniscule amount in the grand scheme of things.

    To be clear, I never once said that their opinions weren't invalid. I said their data is miniscule and doesn't reflect the player base correctly as a majority of feedback is still from PC.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Dead hard did get butchered, I was also the one to recommend that particular change, there was no way to physically nerf it in a healthy way either. It's in one of my old threads somewhere.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    How exactly did it get butchered?

    Your definition: "to spoil something completely by performing or dealing with it very badly".

    Its still used and often at that. It works fine, still can extend chases if used correct, still can be baited... We don't see it

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    I don't see it often in my lobbies anymore at all, maybe 1 in 35 games if I'm being generous. It requires a prerequisite before activation, it has a very small activation period and you have to time it just right, where as before it was very easy to use as well as all the other positives.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Fair enough if you don't see it but per your definition here:

    It doesn't really fit "butchered". Its performance is satisfactory and not seeing it doesn't translate to being spoiling it completely. Special emphasis on completely as while it was nerfed from its original form, it's still very good.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    After 6.1 it was still the most common and arguably strong survivor perk with minimal counterplay.

    Until now, it has undoubtedly fallen from its throne, however, dh was a broken and unfair perk that had to change.

    Right now, the Perk is still one of the best perks in dbd.

    "butchered" from no brainer to pretty great.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Now your just making stuff up that fits your argument.

    I witnessed changes just as much as you have. This makes none of our opinions invalid. You experienced stuff the way you did and I did it the way I did. However, in the way you stated your opinions in relation to the topic, the arguments such as the Ptb one make little sense.

    A discussion is there to argue opinions. Until now, you told everyone that said that your opinions don't align with theirs that "if they had been there, they would agree", invalidating their opinion in the process.

    No, they can have been "there" but have a different opinion on the topic.

    If course is was also afflicted by some of the things you stated. I have a different opinion about their impact though.

    I'm not even gonna go into the next bit, because it leads to nothing.

    First and foremost, I talked about twitch not YouTube. On twitch, every time when a Ptb drops, almost every dbd streamer tests the Ptb. People watch that.

    You stated, that the opinions of the players that do not play on pc are not taken into consideration when it comes to Ptb. This is straight up not true.

    I wouldn't go as far as : "I never once said, that their opinions weren't invalid." because yes, you never said, that their opinions where valid indeed.

    The last part is propably true. We do not know what percentage of people on pc give feedback compared to people that play on console, but one could come to the conclusion that people that can test it are more likely to give feedback on it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    I think this is something the developers are very much blind to, and it desperately needs to be addressed. Matchmaking focuses way too much on queue times and match quality is too often terrible.

    Not everyone is able to play for a 2-3 hours at a time and "win some and lose some". I'm closer to 40 than 30. I usually only have time for a couple games in the evening. It's unbelievably frustrating when those trials are losses from the lobby, and the result would have been the same if I took my hands off the keyboard and didn't participate.

    As a result, I don't play DbD that much anymore. If I only have an hour or so for gaming, I'm not going to spend it on a game that isn't respecting my time and refuses to manage the community by banning repeat AFKers.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Would you say post nerf, players were still actively trying to use it? test out the changes etc, I know I was.

    I think that no matter what changes happen to this perk players will still use it because there's no other perk like it in the game, and the mind games are just too fun when using it. I do also think that using this perk brought out the sweatyness of killers, which was fun to see because when you got out played it was usually in a serious way, which made you better overall.

    I do agree that it doesn't seem as spoiled currently but from what it originally once was, it was indeed butchered due to having 3 nerfs to one perk (the reason I personally use that term), it took multiple attempts to nerf this perk too, so it was only natural some issues were going to arise with it.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Okay mate, have fun with this discussion. Done repeating myself. 👍️

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Ah the days of long queue times.. I could watch an entire TV show while waiting lmao

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    If you don't want to treat it like a comp game, feel free to not, your mmr will reflect that and you'll get matched with like minded people.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    butchered and nerfed are still not interchangeable

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    It was very relevant actually, it proved my point that perks have indeed been butchered in the past, you stating that my question was relevant proved that my statement was also true, indirectly.

    And yes, they are depending on how severe the nerf has been.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no. The words don't change meaning because of a venn diagram.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    They should inventive staying in the match. More BP or shards.

    They should also only have salt mines for DCers and people who kill themselves on hook have to be stuck playing with each other.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Yes, but to be fair almost EVERYONE would be testing changes, cause things changed and they want to see what its like first hand.

    Your beliefs are your own but thats also not the point. We are following the definition you gave and Deadhard does not fit.

    to spoil something completely by performing or dealing with it very badly", ie it has been nerfed.

    As Alice_pbg effectively said above, Nerf =/= Butchered. Just because it got hit with a nerf bat, even repeatedly, does not mean its butchered (by this definition) since it still performs very well with survivors who know what their doing.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited May 2024

    I don't think it's a good thing to "manipulate" your, you're teammates and the killers MMR.

    Stats are already meaningless, used as bad data for balance. If anything, it makes things worse in the long run.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    The queues are long in the evening at whatever my MMR is anyway. I'm often waiting 3 or 4 minutes for a trial that's over within 30 seconds because my teammates aren't even functional. I'd gladly take a 5 minute queue for a better game over a 3 minute queue+10 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

This discussion has been closed.