Ranking killers on how hard they will be to implement in 2v8.

Just a tierlist to spark discussion around the fact that some killers will never be added to 2v8😔
I'd put pig in the top tier. Legion and Pig together would just be game breaking
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Pinhead with Sadako or Pig would be insane
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I think the fact Survivors have classes gives some potential to work around the issues here.
For example Plague might be a problem because of the ability to injure passively with disease, but the healer class may have a mechanism to counter it.
Legion is an issue cause of his ability to chain easily to get his 4 stacks, but there may well be a class that has some kind of adfitional stun or protection hit bonus to limit him somewhat (especially as flashlight saves aren't a thing).
I'll be interesting to see what classes BHVR have in mind.
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Maybe could work with legion, but plague has her own game when it comes to healing. Also take into account that legion makes you mend, so they would have to tackle that also. (These two would be a problem for example)
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I was under the impression there were no add-ons for killers? Supplemented instead by their unique team abilities? Trying to balance add-ons in this mode sounds a nightmare.
But yeah, it would be tricky regardless... I suppose there would need to be some kind of mechanism built into the mode that could limit killer effectiveness if certain combos got too much 🤔
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There is no mention of addons in the anniversary stream, but would make more sense if so. Devs probably though of tombstone Deathslinger and made a choice.
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If we can take the devs for their word then their main concern with this mode is not competetiveness, it should be a Party "fun mode".
So i dont see why any killer would be locked out, if they decide to get all of em in.3 -
Where's the Kill With Friends option?
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I mean if a really obnoxious strategy forms it could drive those casual players away. Think of plague and twins for example. Imagine a casual player searching guides on how to deal with those killers and the find out their counterplay is the oposite of each other, we would have another lights out scenario, 5 min queues for a side and 10 second queues for the other.
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If you mean custom games, I doubt anyone would have a problem with it?
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well if lights out has shown anything then that majority of people got used too much on windows of opportunity. And if the devs say they want to make a casual mode then they have to go 100% with it, this means no nerfs or buffs for comp matters.
If we need balance in this alternate gamemode, then sure have some killer "groups" and lock some out that would be way too bad for each other. Like have legion and plague be in two diffrent groups. But completely locking out single killers is the wrong approach. It should be that every killer joins 2v8 time after time.0 -
Will the 2v8 be custom only?
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I think we should wait to see how survivor classes tackle this problem, by no means would I want killer groups locked, just would hate to have insane queues.
Also plague and legion would be effective with OTHER killers that benefact from survivors remaining injured, not with each other since they have the same counterplay.
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well locking them out forever should not be considered, my friend for example is a legion main. He'll still play but not seeing legion is alredy a bumper.
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In the stream it was shown that it will be the first iteration, and will be time limited (from the release of the next licenced survivor and ending on the release of the Castlevania chapter)
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Dude we are going in circles. I don't want killers removed, I fear mostly that they will take A LOT of time to implement or they will cause really long queues.
As said before we should wait for the reveal of survivor classes before coming to conclusions.👍️
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The lights out was public. So 2v8 is a customs modifier. Then why do they need to disable killers?
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This is considered a "mode" and not a "modifier". A "mode" seems to mean a completely different set of rules, opposed to 'simply' messing with the main game in some ways.
The way killers are programmed, it's entirely possible that there's gonna be some wild interactions between powers. As in, crashes galore.
For that matter, Freddy was disabled for Lights Out, and Oni was the only killer available for My Little Oni. The latter was perhaps a thematic choice, but I doubt the same goes for Freddy.
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If they even make it custom. I would be very irritated if they didn't. Kind of ruins the point of this being a mode and getting a break from the tunnel filled crap that's live games.
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Adding to what @GentlemanFridge said, the devs stated that they will add more killers in future iterations of this mode. The order in which these are added, and the possibility of some taking years is what the tierlist revolves around mostly.
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I haven't seen the stream so I'm only getting infomation about it from here. I figured it was the Game Mode but then it was stated it was for customs. So I thought it was a modifier.
So, if we are back to it being a Game Mode. Where is my Kill With Friends option?
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I hope so, but they didn't with lights out, hoping this being a separate mode helps with this.
Also tunneling and camping will be much harder in 2v8 since killers can only cage survivors. Since cages reposition camping will be really hard, therefore tunneling is also harder.
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I recommend you watch the stream, specially the part that shows gameplay footage.
Kill with Friends I doubt will be added because it's harder to get 10 people in a custom game. So far no mentions of Kill with Friends, but further iterations are mentioned and could mean that. (You can watch the stream here)
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@Mr_K at minute 46:00 they show gameplay and talk about it
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You're welcome!
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I'd recommend taking a look at GBK's summary thread. He explained it much better than I ever could.
(I'd link it but the rich text massively exceeds the max character length, for some reason.)
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So, if we are back to it being a Game Mode. Where is my Kill With Friends option?
But it has that? 2:04:40 if you want the time stamp of stream where they say this will happen and allow you to team up with another person to play killer. Is there some comment elsewhere saying it can't happen?
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Kinda surprised Hag & Ace weren’t included seeing as they were both year 1 killers/survivors. Hoping Hag gets added next time. 🙏 Would love to combo with other killers playing her.
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Kill your friends is how custom games were called during the initial years this is how it was called. OP refers to custom games including 2v8
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The feedback I'm getting didn't leave that impression.
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Ace was replaced for Mikaela, who was introduced in 2021…😒Favoritism I guess.
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The devs stated around the end of the Livestream that you will be able to que up with a friend as killers.
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I don't get why they limited to 5. What is exactly the reason they choose those?
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They're the 5 killers available to all players for free.
Console got Doc for free, but PC didn't.
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Every platform except steam got 7 killers for free though, also wasn’t Nurse paid dlc on steam as well? Why is she the exception?🤔
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7? Who's the 7th?
Also, The Last Breath chapter, the very first ever released, was free.
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are all free on Xbox & PlayStation, I believe Switch has even more free non-licensed chapters too.
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they start with those five killers. this mode is something they want to develope in parts and we get to play it from time to time. im sure when it comes the next time there will be a couple more killers availble and if everything goes right in the end we will have all killers.
its just hard to make that new mode. they want to give every killer a ability that buffs your partner but they need to consider how certain killers interact with each other. if you look at the start of this post you can see plague and twins for example are a strang thing cause there respective counterplays are oposites of eachother so bhvr needs to take there time to see how things will work
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Hag too, huh? Never knew that.
All the same, the 5 in this mode are the ones available from the get-go to all players.
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Not even pig and pinhead. Do the box or the box will kill you.
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Legion and Twins would be the strongest combie by far. Victor runs behind Legion and after every step victor instandly downs him and so it goes to the next survivor
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pretty good list but how is pin head not at the top. It a no mmr game mode which mean it very likely a noob gonna pick up the box. Also i think slinger should be in the wouldn't hurt a butterfly tier. he can hold someone for an instant down killer at best but u can already two tap survivors with partner anyway