CHAOS MODIFIER not really random

i started playing chaos modifier today and for some reason all 4 games ive had was no mither EVERY GAME.
i instally raged quit after the 3rd and 4th game cause ######### i thought i would be given random perks not the same one every game
I got corrective action 2 times in a row
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atleast it isnt no mither for the 4th time in a row
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The problem with randomness is that humans are naturally inclined to look for patterns. Getting the same perk several times in a row can still be the result of a random selection.
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I agree with Crowman. The Modifier is completely random which is why it can happen that you get the same perk multiple times in a row even though the chances are very low but since we have so many players, the chance is basically higher that someone has this situation. It is very unfortunate that you got from all of these perks No Mither four times in a row.
Some Companies have a repeat prevention. For example if you chose the random play on Spotify it is basically not random because the App prevents that you get the same song twice in a row. I guess something like this could be a good thing for the next time?
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I did a random build archive once and literally got the exact same build I was using normally. That's what I call true random lol
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It's random. You just got really unlucky.
This is an example of the Gambler's Fallacy. Just because something has occurred more frequently than expected, doesn't mean the inverse is any more likely to happen.
Like when you flip a coin and get Heads several times in a row, it feels like you should get Tails to "even it out", but you're just as likely to get either choice. They're statistically independent, all of the previous events have no effect on the next one.
It's also known as the Monte Carlo Fallacy, named after an event that happened at said Casino where a roulette wheel landed on Black 26 times in a row.
Wild Streaks of unlikely things are (unfortunately for you in this case) possible. Here's hoping you don't get it a 5th game in a row :3
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That's a sign it's actually random, a lot of "random" systems actually have anti-repeat built into it simply because even random repeats makes it "feel" less random to our pattern-loving brains. Haven't encountered any "non-random"-seeming patterns yet myself, but I am sure it'll happen.
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It is as random as it gets. I face killers that almost all have "Plaything". And yeah 2-3 matches one team mate got "No Mither". I find this modifier the best so far. Definitely more interesting than "Lights Out".
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Probability is a 🐕 ain't it 😏
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Your luck is now spent. Don't play a lottery any time soon.
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I've had Low Profile, For The People, and Small Game a number of times. Overall though I've had good variety
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Not favored by the RNG gods.
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Well I got really random perks, I think I only got blastmine twice xD
As killer I got even a brutal one with rancor, ruin, grim embrace and nurse's as chucky xD
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As a survivor I got no perks at all ( a perkless run ) so you shouldn't complain.
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were the perks in the same slots too? thats crazy
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I kept getting Invocation Weaving Spiders, along with Deliverance.
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i mean do you know how often i roll a 1 when i play board games? my record is 15 times in a row. and a dice is still random
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I've had No Mither a handful of times, and it's always paired with Self Care or Lucky Break… This modifier really shows how useless a lot of perks actually are unfortunately. It also shows that using a handful of builds, I have to pause and read a lot of the perks because idk what they do.
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Same, I have the worst dice rolls 😂
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I swear to god if i played dnd my char would kill himself in the first ten minutes triping over his own feed... thats how bad my dice are
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4 times in a row???
Have you considered participating in the lottery?
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Dungeon Master here… my dice rolls are so notoriously bad, I frequently need to describe the BBEGs as blundering, clumsy combatants, because entire battles will take place in which they couldn't even hurt a fly.
My dice rolls have certainly tested my ability to describe someone as incredibly intimmidating and all-powerful when the dice are constantly telling a different story.
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the dice gods a testing you my friend cause only thru great challange do great champions arise
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I think you should have just been luckier.
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The shuffle is pretty sure not 100% random. Ive watched the loadouts of everyone in my matches since the beginning and you could see some perks being more often than others day by day.
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There are like 130+ survivor perks and 16 picked every match. That means 1 in roughly every 9 matches you should see a duplicate. Yet i see 2-3 duplicates every match. It seems like program decides like X amount of survivors and only picks from them. Because it should be the rarity that you see duplicates not the majority