Unpopular Opinion: Billy is stronger than Blight

Not including the double iri addons for Blight which make him the strongest Killer in the game, I think that Hillbilly at his strongest is a much better Killer than Blight now. Above all else Blight needs his speed add-ons, he's just not a good enough Killer without them so when they ended up not only hard nerfing those add-ons but also removing one of the techs that he needed to get hits on certain tiles, that being the hug tech, it hurt him bad
In comparison thanks to all the buffs Hillbilly got I feel as if he is not only a much more threatening Killer but one that now also has higher potential than Blight. His overdrive, speed addons, lopro chains, etc., all turn him into the second-best Killer in the game for me. The only thing I'd say Blight has over Hillbilly is being slightly more better on indoor maps, but even then thanks to the collision changes I've been doing decently fine on maps like Lerys as Hillbilly.
The showcase hens had where it was Blight VS Billy shows this too. And I'm not here to say that because of this Hillbilly deserves a nerf or anything, I just think contrary to what most people think Blight needs a small buff, that being to his base kit speed and a nerf in some other areas like any addons that lower his recharge period.
agreed, i dont think this should be an unpopular opinion. hillbilly has better antiloop, no cooldown, faster mobility, missing is less punishing, and instadowns which means he negates bodyblocks and eats pallets. blight is 3rd and billy is 2nd on my list as well. honestly the overdrive makes him OP.
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Billy nerf when?
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I could see this being true especially with blight's add-ons getting toned down however that in no way means Blight needs a buff he's still the 3rd best killer in the game, it's not like Blight players are struggling at all.
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Yeah Billy is definitely top 3 in my book. My order would be:
- Nurse
- Billy
- Blight
And then followed up by Artist and Spirit.
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Billy with his iridescent add-on (the red engraving I think…), these awful yellow boots and a perfect control of his overcharge, can end up the match in 4 minutes.
It happens recently on Ormond: no gen done after 11 hooks. With his boosted overcharge, he is very strong now, and probably as strong as a good Blight or a decent Nurse bc you can't loop him, you simply don't have the time…
Honestly, I'm be grateful to him this game was short because I don't have suffered…2 -
Not opinion fact
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never he has suffered for to long
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I was only kidding, as much as I hate him (skill issue on my part).
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Blight basically always needed his speed addons to shine, don't get me wrong he is not and was never bad without them, those addons just enabled more of his anti loop potential, as he does in deed feel quite slow without them. I don't think he necessarily needs a buff or anything, but maybe something to take care of that reliance on speed addons... Buff his base speed and nerf the addons accordingly? Or give him one of those addons base and rework it's effect or something like that, otherwise you will just mostly see people run either double speed or his iri addons. That basically has been the problem with his addons for quite some time, he has some really good addons that makes the others look so terrible nobody in their right mind wants to run them unless for meme purposes. We'll I guess it is better than having fewer decent addons or no good once at all like Freddy... But I still think there is room for improvement.
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I would agree, yes.
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I've been pondering this actually myself for a while and trying to identify my bias towards Blight.
I love playing against Billy, but I hate playing against Blight, but when you compare the 2, it doesn't really make sense...because citing all the points above, Billy is very strong and arguably stronger than Blight, so I've been really trying to figure out where my bias lies.
I'm not especially good at looping but I'm decent, and my current point of thinking is that the difference boils down to how they tend to score hits.
In Billy's case, I feel like I can attempt to juke, and a lot of the time, if Billy doesn't get the right line, I avoid the hit. He recovers fast, and is after me again, but that brief moment he missed me feels exciting and intense. As he goes for another chainsaw hit, he is slightly slower, so I have a chance to try and get to safety or around a corner to continue my juke attempts. He can of course just m1 me, but I boost away from that, and if he's not using his chainsaw to catch me, hes just a regular m1 killer, with a power that is heavily telegraphed, slows him down slightly, and needs him to be precise to hit me. I can juke 3 times and get hit by a 4th, and even though I still got instadowned, I had fun doing so....
In Blight's case, if he is anywhere close to on line with me when he swings, he can usually turn and hit me. The excitement of juking him is instead replaced with frustration, as it feels like he doesn't need to be very precise to score a hit on me. Unlike Billy who is slowed slightly while revving up for another chainsaw attempt, for Blight there is no difference between an m1 hit and an m2 hit, so usually even if I juke a hit, he can usually just walk me down and m1 me to get effectively the same value... and by doing so he also has his power regaining tokens, so me gaining distance doesn't really matter, he can rush straight after me. Even if I juke him twice and got down on the 4th hit, the same as Hillbilly, it doesn't feel as though I had mu h fun or agency doing it.
This I feel is the difference between Blight and Hillbilly, and where my bias lies. Billy feels like I can juke him by inches and have an OK chance of getting somewhere to try do something... even if I fail, it doesnt feel as bad. Blight feels like he is harder to dodge, and even if you do dodge, most of the time it feels like you didn't really accomplish anything... so even if you need to take 2 hits from Blight instead of Hillbillys 1, he's more frustrating to go against.
I have a similar thing with Nurse. A good Nurse can obviously smash you down very efficiently, but the difference is if you DO juke a Nurse she has her long stun and recovery, you feel accomplished in doing so... whereas Blight you feel like it didn't really make much of a difference either way.
I'm trying to remove my Blight bias, and I think objectively you guys are right... but I almost always have way more fun vs. Hillbilly.
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A killer being fun to play against and being strong is not the same… Legion is not a strong killer but he is super annoying to go against. It's fairly simple if you think about it that way.
There are many killers in the game that are just not fun to play against, despite them being strong or weak, that mostly does not matter… Only ofc if the only thing that is fun for you is whether or not you are able to escape against that killer on a regular basis.
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well obviously, he's a farmer. blight could never hope to have the upper body strenght to lift the billion kg of corn billy does.
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I think it could be the case, Blight got a lot of nerfs(still strong), but billy drifting nitro chainsaw its nuts.