Why do my SoloQ teammates do this?! They have to know better!

This is becoming a problem every time I get Ormond and getting me downed right away.
Every time I spawn in with a teammate at the Killer Shack, if the teammate spawns just outside the Shack, they decide to immidetley fast vault the window to get inside to work on the generator.
They literally announce where we are, the Killer comes and finds me first unfortunately.
Fast vaulting causes a loud notification for the Killer. Please don't begin a match with a fast vault.
That is all.
At least they are doing a gen instead of just hiding in corners all game, so your teammates are not so bad by soloQ standards.
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Oh they do that too. One of my SoloQ builds is:
- Kindred
- Bond
- Open-handed
- Prove Thyself
Bond + Open-Handed will horrify you. They're not just hiding, they're in the basement pointing at each other, spam crouching, and slowly getting in and out of lockers.
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I guess if its the start of the match, they assume the killer is too far to get the notification.
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I think they just assume that the Killer has Lethal Pursuer anyways LOL.
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Kindred and Bond are the two perks that really enforce that sometimes ignorance is bliss. I run this build sometimes with deja vu instead of prove and yeah… some things are better left unseen.
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There are a lot of survivors throwing games it seems i swear I'm more likely to die because of bad team mates than a good killer lol
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I've noticed this too. People farming you off hook with the Killer still there because literally not enough time has passed for them to leave. Then they just start losing on purpose, going down unnecessarily, ect.