How does Blight feel to play after his nerf a little while back?

I don’t play Blight at all but ever since his nerf I think he is extremely more fun to verse, but I haven’t seen many people on here talking about how it feels to play as him.
From my perspective he is still strong, but not problematic like he was pre-nerf. Blight is one of my favorites to verse now, if any Blight mains have opinions to share, drop them here!
I don't think he is nerfed until upcoming patch where they finaly nerfed his Iri add-ons which was the last OP thing about him, like most of my matches againts Blight were double Iris and it was so annoying and its so hard to counter it.
I think outside of his add-ons re-balancing, which he really needed, he is still S tier yet now fair I would say. Without any OP addons he is pretty good. I don't think he much changed outside of add-ons.
But hey I am not Blight main, I play Blight sometimes but I see him more for sure then play him.
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Weak. All his decent add-ons are gone.
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May you explain how he feels weak? I’m curious because I think he is still strong and still has some good add-ons to use.
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He feels very boring to play, before you could do fancy tricks and play like that, now it just feels like you run into a wall until the survivor isn't able to get around the corner fast enough anymore. That was the point for me that makes him fun to play, so he's boring for me now xD
That being said I'm excited for the reduced cooldown to chucky so I can do more flicks and 180s on loops xD
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Honestly he feels awful now. Was one of the most fun killers by far but they gutted him. And making his collision better makes it literal impossible to navigate through door ways or tight space while rushing. I spend 2-4 tokens just try to get through a door tbh.
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He's still pretty fun, if I could ask the devs to make one change to his basekit it would be to increase the maximum look angle by 15 or 20 degrees.
Other than that fixes to poor collision like sticky objects that have collision much larger than their model and back bumping are the only things that need fixes.
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A killer's anti-loop power can be measured by how many loops their power can get a hit, and how many loops their power can't get a hit.
Blight's speed addons (before the nerfs), and his ability to object slide (before the nerfs), and his newer iri addons (before the new nerfs), greatly increased the number of loops he can get a hit at. Without these things, there are just so many more loops he's stuck being an M1 killer.
To oversimply things. Blight's M2 power at a loop is a math puzzle, where Blight tries to traverse the loop faster than the survivor. But with all these nerfs, there are many more loops where Blight can't M2 traverse faster than the survivor (and this is true even if Blight plays 100% perfectly).
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His collision being more consistent feels nice, but its definitely something I and a lot of others will need to get use to.
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my bump logic is way better now but hes way more boring than ever. I find myself only enjoying him when I use double iri since its just so fast and easy to control. I find myself playing more huntress and wesker nowadays.
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You obligated to run speed addons now if you want to have anti-loop.
He less fun in chase, but not too much weaker than before, if you are good with bump logic. He is less fun to go against for me now as well, because in some loops he just need to play as m1 killer now without hugtech, and i loved to go against hugtechs.
New collision ruin more than help in some matches, because you get stuck literally on everything, like old Billy or current Bubba. Doorways now your worst enemy.
I loved Blight so much for addon variety, but this is also gone. Stone and Soul Chemical become boring and weak addons, which no one asked to change. Adren pretty much worse than nothing, thanks to BHVR listened to cry babies and instantly gave it back turn penalty without even looking at real matches. Now Iri addons will become worse than green ones and will have downside anyway.
So i still trying to enjoy him, but he was butchered a lot at least for me.0 -
Blights balanced now, so of course he's the weakest killer in the game now literally unplayable.
His collision feels more consistent which is cool
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He's still blight and if they actually fix his bugs and make collision a little better I have no complaints. His basekit is abysmal though you need crow or speed in some way to actually play a lot of tiles.
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The nerfs only leave him the most brain dead play style left, Brute force pallet breaking.
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I never really used hug tech before, so he feels fine to me now. In a much healthier spot once they finally bring sanity to his add ons. Bump logic was always the best playstyle against good players anyway. The only real criticism I have is that the collision can be a bit too sticky now in doorways and tighter areas.
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Still one of the strongest killers in the game, just doesn’t have a free exploit to cheat around loops anymore.
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In a balanced game, he's strong. Currently, he's weak. The strength difference between him and Nurse is the same difference between him and, say, Wraith. He can circumvent dumb tiles in ideal conditions, whereas there are basically no ideal conditions for M1 chasers. Nurse can circumvent all tiles under any condition, but Blight still has to deal with windows, pallets, and especially dead angles (the survivor gets to a place where Blight can't turn hard enough/travel far enough in his current rush token to hit them). That's his main counterplay. People don't understand that, like many killers, he's way stronger on PC than console, because PC mouse flicks break his intended turn rate, and allowed his various hug techs to exist.
While they simultaneously removed those techs, without addressing the flicking, they also killed his best add-ons. Rat and Crow were alright on there own, and together they were borderline skilless (I've almost never said this about something that killer has), but I don't think they should have taken a hit to the speed AND have the 3-rush cap. It should have been either/or. Alchemist's Ring simply rewarded you for doing well with your power; survivors had more than enough time to find safety after the rush hit because of their sprint burst. And just like his pinks add-ons, which didn't need to be changed, it's a pink/purple add-on. Like, aren't those supposed to be strong? Adrenaline Vial was the most overblown thing, again because of people negating its downside on PC. It went unused for years despite its numerous benefits, because of the turn rate reduction it gave you (you're basically rushing in straight lines), and then once the turn rate penalty was lessened, all of a sudden people cried about an "incredibly broken add-on." So now it's worse than its original form, because it's back to straight lines for less benefit. Play Blight at high MMR, and you'll be getting draws all the time, or worse.
I honestly want to know how many people complaining about Blight are just running in straight lines, or don't use windows against him. Yes, he's "strong cuz fast", but that's not enough on its own to make a good killer. Again, compare what he has to deal with (pallets/windows/dead angles) to Nurse (beats out anything with enough guesswork). He still suffers from the same weaknesses as countless killers, yet because he's fast he's "OP." I disagree. I think he and Nurse's strength should be standard, and other killers need to be raised to their level. This is the way I think because the game is so imbalanced.
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