Anyone else having an easy time against blight?

I'm in no way saying he's weak or needs buffs, it's just a comparison I'm making.
The difference between the new Blight and the old one (Hug tech + op addons) is abysmal. You can really see how much Hug tech and his OP addons kept him in second place as the strongest killer for a long time.
With these changes he definitely left 2nd place with Billy surpassing him and it's okay for him to be third strongest because I think now Blight is in a more acceptable state and no more changes are needed.
I think some base kit speed like 4 or 5 percent while completely removing all speed except maybe the iri addon would be fine, because without speed he's honestly decently easy to play against in experience.
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Am I wrong to say that title is a subtle flex
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It'll be a bit like the initial Nurse and Spirit nerfs for a while. The players who relied on his over-tuned add ons will struggle for a bit until their MMR settles.
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The thing is that hug-tech was never intended, and an exploit. Good Blights abused that exploit and made matches unbearable, now that he got fixed, he became much more fair to verse, and in fact one of my favorite killers to verse.
An easy time? Well not exactly, I've versed some great Blights even after the nerf, people can't just be carried by hug-tech anymore, which is a positive in my opinion, and requires more skill on their end. Along with there being more counterplay considering that he was, and still is a very good killer.
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Sorry to say this to you, but you are going against bad blights who don't know how to use bump logic
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the bump logic is how it was supposed to be played since release and now that the hug-tech has been removed people are starting to be terrible at playing him? he was always strong for people who knew how he should be played from the beginning.
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Weird, I was reliably informed that bump logic was in every way superior to hug tech and I would rue the day BHVR took the "only for fun" exploit away…
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NoPe he still strong as $hit.
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He is laughably bad now compared to how he was. They did a very good job at gutting him. He's still good of course but I would say he is more like mid to low A tier now.
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Hell no. With Iri addons its even worse than before, feels cheap to get hit from him when he runs duo IRI.
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that is not how it works. The killer player is not struggling because of lack skill. The killer player is struggling because the power-level of the character went way down.
The survivors having an easier time has 0 to do with them playing better. It has everything with killer having worse/limited skill expression compare to before.
What i don't understand is why his iri add-on are getting nerfed. Nurse has 3 blink add-on which is near guaranteed hit every 9 seconds but Chucky who has an 18 second has to get his scamper deleted? Spirit has had mother daughter ring+Dried blossom for extremely long time but Blight's iri add-on get halved. the double standards never cease to impressive me.
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That's....exactly how it works. If 50 Blights had the same MMR prior to the nerfs, and half are now struggling because they only played Alc Ring, they weren't as good as the other Blights who have the same win rate as before.
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Easy time? No. Easier time than he was before? Yes.
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No but I'm having an easy time as Blight for sure… LOL
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Unless those blights magically can't get a 3k for like 30+ games in a row they're not tanking their mmr enough to get below soft cap.
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nerfs and buffs affect top-players more so then new or middle level players. This is because top-level player uses every tool that the killer has at their disposal while a worse player will not use the tools effectively provided by the killer. A mediocre blight will not use hug tech. they don't even know what it is or how to utilize the mechanic. The top players struggling with blight is indicative of the killer being worse. The mediocre blights likely did not experience much of win-rate change because they weren't playing killer properly.
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I just can't help myself laughing when I see one of the poor bastards trying to clearly go around a loop they would be able to by using the BUG and find it's not possible anymore.
Today I was doing a gen while watching a Jake loop a Blight. In the second loop he disconnected. XD3 -
Blights are still very strong.. Or might be that every single blight i go against is double iri blight. In good hands even the nerfed version is strong iris or not.
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Actually watches any amazing comp blight or the 2k winstreak guy
Sees them hug tech once every two games
People act like him bump logic didn't get nerfed as well. They took the (stickyness) of collision too far and now it's actually detrimental, blights still good ofc but the glue is absurd. Imagine your curve on billy and collide because you decided to turn 3 degrees past 0 while doing so, does that sound fun? Does that sound better? No it's not fluid and it sucks.
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Cause so many people were getting carried by a tech that required you to learn how to play the killer at fairly high level and learn how DBD's collision worked in fairly deep detail.
It's not like hug tech was exactly simple to do, but the benefits to learning it made an already strong killer that much stronger. Just saying maybe the narrative of folks being "carried" by stuff like that is a little overblown.
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Came here to say exactly that. Feels good bumping on stuff and not sliding out of nowhere.