Giving up is making this game borderline unplayable

PreorderBonus Member Posts: 250
edited July 11 in General Discussions

I don't care which side you play more; survivors who give up screw the game for everyone involved. A perfectly winnable match can be completely turned when a single survivor gives up

Survivor didn't got the perks they wanted in Chaos Shuffle? They give up. Survivor had a bad first chase and got hooked? They give up. Survivor got found in a locker? Yep, they give up.

This game would be healthier if you didn't have the ability to try to self-unhook unless you were running Deliverance or Slippery Meat, and you should not get skill checks at all during the second hook phase.

Also, there's currently no penalty if a survivor AFKs as soon as they're hooked, or if they just throw the match and go directly to the killer to be killed. Yet, if killers AFK, they get the full DC penalty. Make it make sense, please.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I honestly want to just quit when it happens in my killer games, once one survivor does it it's like a domino effect because nobody wants to play anymore then we're all stuck with not alot of points and wasted add ons or offerings, meanwhile the guy who just ripped the big fart and left the room is already in a new match, repeating the cycle until they get a easy killer or preferable map, the game should time how long it takes to sacrifice yourself on hook and if you go from first hook state to dead too fast you should get a matchmaking ban just like you DC so that way they have to eat the penalty regardless.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    As a rule of thumb, two hooks before two gens = ez win for the killer.

  • mbombarda
    mbombarda Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 8

    Sure keep blaming others for your lack of skill.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Which is not something that happens in an average match.

    In order to recover from that, you'd need to be chased for at least a gen, if not more.

    That's a pretty massive ask in today's meta.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
  • Szakally
    Szakally Member Posts: 62
    edited May 20

    "It's faster to find a new game than to finish a lost match" ~ quote from some random guy. 

    Additionally, there are many things that BHVR can do to ensure that players continue to play a losing match. And this does not apply to 4%.
    They really don't need to change much to get rid of 80% of suicides. Just add:
    1) more BP or exp for survs. Now you can barely earn blood points.
    2) interactive maps. They could add event stuff permanently. Snowballs would be a great idea. Most players had fun snowballing with each other.
    3) banning one killer as a soloq survivor. Many games have this option, either for maps or characters.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,496

    First chase is very important but it's possible from recover with great 2nd or 3rd chase. Difference is even with average first chase 2 gens can pop. Debends on team effiency usually when I have good chase teammates waste time healing when they could popped gens. So then they only do one or two gens maybe. But 90s chase should not be required if it's 4vs1. In 3vs1 it is when only 2 can work on gens in best case scenario.

    I agree it does not have to be amazing chase to turn game around. Survivors often get at least 1-2 gen done even if killer is dominating. So then just keeping the killer busy 30-40s without getting hit can change the game if your teammates are efficient. It might not make it certain you win but it does give chance.

    I had that kind of chase agains't billy today unfortunately he gave up but we got in situation where it was 2 gens left and everyone still alive. We ended up losing but teammates did critical mistakes when it was 1 gen left and we did get them all done but just too late when it was 2vs1.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited May 20

    There's no comeback mechanic because this is a PvP not a PvE. You make your own comeback or die trying.

    Post edited by Mr_K on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I am not going to agree with this. It all depends on how efficient the survivor team is on gens, and how long chases last that come after the first chase. If the survivors and killer are equally skilled, there is definitely still a fair chance for survivors to make a come back.

    And no, in my experiecne, you don't always need gen long chases to make a comeback. Of course there are a lot of factors that have an effect on this, for example how many survivors are injured at the time of a chase. Also, as I said, if the killer is running a full slowdown build, things get harder, but not impossible. Not to mention the best slowdown perks are getting nerfed anyways in the next patch.

    In the majority of cases, this is right. A 3 vs 1 is hard to win with 2 or more gens up.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,029

    The dc's/suicides rates have spike after the pips changes. Went from seeing players quitting once every 5 games to once every 3 games.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean, some people here are definitely a bit pessimistic about survivors chances of winning. But I don't think it's just about killer having any advantage at all.

    And I also disagree that only the top 3 killers are viable, the game certainly has more viable killers than only 3.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 659
    edited May 20

    @PreorderBonus: 'A perfectly winnable match can be completely turned when a single survivor gives up'
    On another side: a already lost game can't be win when you are the only one to do some useful for your team (long chase or repairing gens).
    In soloQ, YOU KNOW when the match is lost. Playing it anyway, it is just a waste of time…
    BTW to give up on the hook isn't bannable so no one cares about the fun, the match or whatever else.

    Just as a reminder: if someone is trying to give up on the hook but a rescuer comes and he safe/unsafe unhooks him/her during the last stage, what do you expect from this 'already dead' mate to do not throw the game, DC or to surrender ?
    Pure logic.

    And for @danielmaster87 : calling these (bad) teammates 'garbage' for this behaviour doesn't honor you. If you starts to be angrier by the survivors, maybe it's time to have a break and to breathe so fresh air… or to play more soloQ and to show us your replays.
    Criticism is easy but art is difficult… I will be very curious to know if you never makes stupid mistakes with your 'garbage'' teammates…

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    basekit comeback mechanics in camping and tunneling.

    Which requires what? Catching someone! Not only that the other survivors would gave to fall into that trap. In a situation where you have to "catch up", camping out one survivor won't stop the remaining gens to be done and them running out the gate.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It has become self defeating. They point to a 60% kill rate but forget this issue has been going on for years. So they give up more now because there's no real penalty in doing so, thus raising the kill rate more.

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    I was playing Onryo on Eerie of Crows, and was about to hook a survivor, they failed to flashlight me, so a already injured P100 Leon goes to body block me, so I hit him, and he gets downed, and DC's instantly, without ever being hooked, not even the person I originally was carrying DC'ed, another time I was playing Wesker on Autohaven, and a Sable walked down to basement, without any hooks, and got downed, knowing she was a Sable I walked out of basement and hooked her, and she DC'ed instantly, why?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    So a bad start is a lot more devastating for survivors than for killers.

    Disagree, since the more progress survivors make before they start to weaken, the harder the killer has to snowball to catch up. if a game is 2 hooks on separate survivors with only one gen left, the killer has most likely been hurt a lot by the early game. You're not wrong in stating the importance of the early game for survivors, but its arguably as important for killers as well.

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