Jason Voorhees is in MultiVersus....

Guess licensing him is back on the menu O_O
I saw the trailer just now and was surprised to see him there. Fingers crossed he can come to DBD soon!
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If what matthieu cote said in his interviews is true. Now that his license is free. I assume bhvr is already in talks to get him. They always wanted him. He is the icon along side the rest.
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Didn't expect this!
I saw no one posted it here but recently something called "Jason Universe" launched which aims to bring back f13 basically.
Hopefully we get Jason in DBD soon.
I actually hope it's not the march licensed chapter next year though because it only has a killer. If they do a Friday the 13th chapter, it should really have Camp Crystal Lake and Tommy Jarvis as a survivor. Though, im sure if there was a jason only chapter it would be a huge hit anyways.0 -
If Bhvr get the jason license now, then he will be only available next year
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BHVR would be dropping the ball big time if they didn't do a full chapter for Jason in my view.
But with what happened to Stranger Things and FF 13's already complicated licensing history, I can understand if they'll want a legally water tight agreement in place before adding him, regardless of what might happen in the future.
Still, with this news there's good reason to be optimistic that he'll finally be added to DBD one of these days.
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I bet he'll be the anniversary release for Year 9. Imagine a Camp Crystal Lake mapppppppp I need this collab. Jason also has a fair amount of potential for a power, and Tommy Jarvis would a great surv.
We'd have almost almost the full pantheon of big horror icons aside from a few names. Jason is arguably the biggest name on the list, it'd be crazy to see him finally make his way over.
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Friday the 13th shouldn't come to Dbd. They don't deserve this license.
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Didn't this game already come out?
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What are you even doing on this forum?
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It had an open beta that got decent coverage before petering off, I believe this the proper launch.
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anyone know if Camp Crystal Lake - and the whole other stuff from the first movie (Mommy) would be available as well? Or is it still strictly split and if we get Jason with a map it would be Camp Not-Crystal Lake
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Oh damn Trapper is gonna lose his job
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It's possible, Victor Miller and Horror Inc are working together now for the Jason Universe and the upcoming show. We need Camp Crystal Lake and getting Pamela Voorhees as well would be cool. She probably will be a Legendary skin for someone like Legion. Roy Burns could be a Legendary skin for Jason and Tommy Jarvis will likely be the survivor and other characters like Alice Hardy, Ginny Field, Chris Higgins, Trish Jarvis and all the other final girls could be Legendaries. I hope Jason at least gets his Part 2 skin, I always preferred him as a human rather than a zombie like in Part 6.
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SO what will he do? Just m1 without a power as he doesn't have anything. Just Trapper without the bear traps.
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There's always his shift/teleport. Maybe he'd be able to teleport to a random survivor or something like the 80s slasher he is
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I'd imagine he'd have a rage mechanic, maybe the ability to swap weapons with different properties and hotboxes, his tendency to disappear and reappear at the most opportune moment, his stealthy way of navigating through each cast individually before they even realize it.
He does also use bear traps btw, not that it really matters. There's things he can do. I'd almost bet on him being designed as a killer that starts as an ambush Ghostface like killer and slowly progresses into a more enraged, pallet muncher like Nemesis as the match progresses. It represents his tendency to pick people off quietly whilst also eventually unveiling his inner rage and headon rampage. I'd get hyped for that.
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Many licensed killers got something that doesn’t originate directly from their source material btw (eg Pyramid Head), many are lacking some/many things (Freddy, Xenomorph), some got something very fitting that’s also not directly from source (Stalking for Myers, Ghostface)
Jason has… how many movies to draw something from? And possibly other material like Friday The 13th The Game..
The devs will find something that’s distinct enough to other killers and fit Jason - and there will of course be people finding something to ######### about it as well (not only balance wise - which is a whole other topic)
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I predict next anniversary will be Jason. We need a Camp Crystal Lake map.
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behavior made chucky work. We gotta give them the credit they deserve! They can make anybody work when the team is focus.
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Jason rage mechanic would be sick how would he build it up? And what would he get from it? I would imagine getting hits, chasing destroying walls and pallets would fill it and when its full its permanent he becomes an unmovable tank gets full immunity to stuns pallet stuns break the pallet increased action and break speeds no instadown/instakill like myers does keeps it fair and Jason fog teleports would be epic
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Do we know for certain that Victor Miller is involved in this?
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Gosh how amazing would that be if he came to the game.
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Pamela being a skin would be interesting, but I’d rather her be a voice over when playing Jason.
Having her say things like “make them pay for that, Jason” when stunned and cheering him on for getting a hook would be very fitting and more immersive.
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Yikes… Trying to contain my inner Jason fanboy got really hard after reading that sentence….
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idk. but people from bhvr have confirmed that they always had ideas for Jason.
I would give him his teleport (that totally isn't a teleport, "he just ran fast enough off screen guys"). but you just teleport behind a random survivor at a certain distance. no real control besides when to use it, maybe it has a range of effect and it isn't map wide so you can have some control.
some sort of strenght based power. like, create a condition that if met he can instadown survivors. maybe he needs to chase for some time… eat a pallet? idk.
maybe have his mom be like a radar to find survivors, like if a survivor is near she tells you to kill them and killer instinct shows up for a bit on the closest survivor.
not against him having the ability to throw his weapon. which he then would need to collect from the ground or it would just return after some time.
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I would be happy if he came to DBD as nothing more than a skin for Trapper, F13 is might favorite slasher
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I would give him his teleport (that totally isn't a teleport, "he just ran fast enough off screen guys"). but you just teleport behind a random survivor at a certain distance. no real control besides when to use it, maybe it has a range of effect and it isn't map wide so you can have some control.
everyone got it all wrong, Jason isn’t gonna be a legendary skin for Trapper but for Hag!
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didn't mean it like that, but I see the vision!
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you just don’t see him setting up the traps in the movies. imagines Jason drawing voodoo symbols on the ground
(I guess Nurse teleport or Spirits phasing would be more fitting and iirc also similar to what they did in his game)
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I didn't mean he sets up traps. he just teleports. imagine the pinhead teleport to a box being opened.
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He has so many weapons. He can find and switch them during the trial.
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I can’t tell if you like the idea or hate it haha
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About 2 and a half minutes in I realized this whole post could have been a jebait and that we need to start bringing back Rick Astley.
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He tends to grab people before killing them could be a grappler or I made an old idea of a rage mechanic where the more gens stuns blinds that occurs the faster he builds rage to basically have spritfury for like a minute as well as other buffs
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Hahaha... it was a "Take me, I'm yours" level idea xD
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When he hold a survivor, he can throw it on another one or use it like a weapon
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Back in my more fledgling forum poster months I did come up with something kinda similar myself…
Grabs and using the environment was basically the focus. With a more seasoned mind, this suggestion needs a LOT of refinement, but I still kinda like the spirit of it.And I still think that slamming a pallet on a survivor is the most Jason thing that could exist in DBD… that and slamming their head in a locker :D