Add Voicechat

opxtreme Member Posts: 69
edited May 2024 in Polls

Solo queue is extremely frustrating when your supposed top MMR teammates don't know what they're doing and your killer of course knows it all. There needs to be a better method of communication between teammates, this is becoming borderline impossible to win without perk reliancy (another debate). Please add voicechat features to the lobby and in game, mobile has it so theres no excuse for core not to.

Edit: since I didn't say so when i initially posted this, just like mobiles it would be optional. Or better yet have vc only lobbys and optional lobbys.

Add Voicechat 38 votes

Yes add VC
cornbreadeateraeonskulNathyP11Iron_CutlassChikyArchol123opxtremesolidestcross63bebetterSleepyHGmoore23RoyvalmellomayShizanGodlikePaladinCopyriteMania 16 votes
No (Speak Your Mind)
Gibberishad19970SenaxuRobotfangirl67AggressiveFTWBasementDwellerQwQwdbdplayerabc123StarrseedOrangeBearCorvusCorax86RaconteurminatorAstelcaligraphSoGoYharwickmoputopiatagameaewiJim_Tonic 22 votes
Post edited by opxtreme on


  • eFiora
    eFiora Member Posts: 2
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    I recently recorded myself playing for the first time & played as I normally would. When I watched it back, I realized that I was yapping to myself the whole time, making random noises, & singing to the Entity to send me skill checks while I was doing gens. I'd feel so bad for any teammates if proximity chat was real, hahaha

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787
    Yes add VC

    Still don’t know why it isn’t an option tbh. Proxy chat for killer pls BHVR

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2024
    Yes add VC

    Well it would be optional ofc. I mainly want it to tell my teammates things though, they do too much stupid shi and it sells the bag. Not that they're gonna listen to one person but still it helps to give more info. Also id mean proxy chat, i mean universal audio heard by all players. Proxy chat would be cool though

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    you wont fix SoloQ with VC.

    This is a very common misjudgement, the main reason why SWF is so broken against killer is voice chat, but the main reason why SoloQ can feel so helpless is not because of missing voice chat. You have very diffrent people with diffrent targets for each match.

    Some want to only chase and never do gens, some want to play stealthy, some play for hatch, some play for challenges. You wont ever find common ground and thats why many soloQ lobbys fail, because SWF coordinate each other not only through vc but through their main target.

    Also i can live without random people screaming at me because x willy nilly reasons just fine.

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    Yes add VC

    They should make a challengeless gamemode then, encourage people to actually play the game the way it was intended instead of going down in 10 seconds, or doing useless stuff. Thats why i feel we need it as an option, to put them back in line.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    I don't need to lose my ears because someone decides it will be funny to scream into the mic.

    Another thing, half of the players won't use it anyway.

  • dbdplayerabc123
    dbdplayerabc123 Member Posts: 70
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    Just add the ping system that dbd mobile has

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    Yes add VC

    Keep in mind this would be an optional feature to enable, not forced

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    Yes add VC

    What ping system? Quick chat is terrible and dbdm also has voice chat

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    Yes add VC

    Optional for a reason

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    Don't use open mic but push to talk then... If that's your only concern xD

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    There is this awesome function called mute... Also 50 % of people using a feature sounds great... How many people use higher fov? Also what percentage of potential usage does a feature need for you to deem it worthy to implement?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    There is this awesome magic spell called "mute button" have you heard of it?

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited May 2024
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    The community is bad enough with only text chat, nobody needs the player-base to gain access to voice chat. I think sometimes people forget that this, despite how many charming people may post here, is still one of the most toxic communities in gaming. It'd be a system that confers minimal advantage in the setting it's implemented (solo-queue), makes things harder for Behaviour to moderate, and can't really be balanced around because it's not mandatory.

    In all likelihood, I could see it having a high use-rate in the first two or three days, then it would drop down to below 15% in most regions and never recover. It would be toxic children screaming at toxic children while everyone else nopes out and permanently mutes voice chat. It wouldn't be worth the time, effort, or money to implement and manage.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    something something toxic + game wasnt made for it.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    Friday The 13th had voice chat. Do you know how it was used?

    90% of the time it was completely silent and the remaining 10% consisted of earrapes loud swearing etc.

    And as far as I know, that community was more chill than the one of DbD

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193
    Yes add VC

    I'm just saying yes because I know there are people who would use it, but I expect that would mostly be for memes.

    That said, I'd assume that either people would never use it, or the lobby would turn into a classic COD2 lobby.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    Idk if "we should add this feature so everyone can turn it off" is the own you think it is.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    The great things about having options is that it is up to you to use them... You can set the graphics how you want them, the key binds and so on... I doubt everyone would just turn it off, but we would see that. If you are free to disable it, and it therefore does not change your experience it is hard to argue against other people wanting it or wanting to use it... I mean it is fine if you don't want something, does not mean I should be prevented from using it because of that.

    Another example would be someone wanting mini games instead of skill checks when doing gens... It is hard to argue against it when you can just toggle between both in the options menu.

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2024
    Yes add VC

    Ty, these guys don't realize how much this feature would do to make the game better

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2024
    Yes add VC

    Its a 17+ game, and its an OPTIONAL feature, and it would have lobbies for people using it and people who optionally use it.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69
    Yes add VC

    On that topic, lets put end game chat on all platforms. I've wanted that for awhile

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    Except we know how pointless VC is because let's use overwatch as an example a game with VC that allows you to opt out.

    My understanding is everyone in bronze and silver has VC off then gold and plat it's a bit more common to have it on then diamond and above everyone turns it off again especially in EU where not everyone speaks English. Reasons for this is generally to avoid toxicity and general introvert behavior or in the EU case it's kinda pointless cuz people can't communicate anyway.

    So take DBD a community that in my experience is especially sensitive to toxicity and I think it's extremely likely 50%+ of players would turn it off effectively turning it off for the remainder making the entire thing pointless.

    People only actually want to be in VC with their friends and we already have discord for that.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    How do you assume that people in the EU don't speak the same language? Basically everyone younger than 50 speaks english in europe? I have played with dutch, belgian, italian, spanish, polish and other people and they all spoke english… At least in europe there really is not a language barrier, as basically everyone speaks english…

    I think turning it on or off is just a thing of personal preference, I don't think it has anything to do with rank… Like when I play dota with friends some of them use the voice chat for communication, I prefer to write in the text chat, but we all have it enabled, and dota can be assumed to be far more toxic than this games community, and still all the stuff people warn about has never happened to me or my friends, no screaming and ear blasting, as everyone knows they will just mute you 2 seconds later, so why even try… And players you once muted stay muted, it is a fairly simple concept but effective.

    Well we only ever know if they develop the feature and go for a test run, and then they can see how or if it gets used, I don't think it is too hard to implement considering every even horribly bad free to play shooter tends to have a voice chat… So the ressources spend should be not too much…

    "People only actually want to be in VC with their friends and we already have discord for that."

    Well kind of, but that's kind of twisting the purpose… The reason people want to be in a voice chat with their buddies is to talk while playing the game, not necessarily about the game, but just in general… However that's not the purpose of the voice chat… You're not sitting there starting communication… You make callouts, there will be games where there is just nothing to say and other where you make calls… Just like in dota for example… For example in dbd:
    he has perk x, hex perk over there, he is camping, I'm going for unhook, don't finish x gen or we will be 3 gen'ed , reset at x , just run I will take a hit, x pallet dropped, don't go there it is a deadzone and so on… It is not about having a chat or bonding with those randoms, but if you wanted you could which is great, but about being able to give necessary information to your team and I think it would work perfectly fine for it. You could surely try to get other stuff to not have to use voice chat, for example text chat, a ping system a chat wheel and what not… But the most usefull thing would always be voice chat, because you can use it without the need to stop playing, whereas all those other features at least to some degree take your attention and your hands away from the game. At best we get all of them, just like basically any other game out there has it anyway… I will never understand why it is such a big deal to have basic functions in this game…

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521
    No (Speak Your Mind)

    I had a Croatian friend that played overwatch and he told me he much preferred playing on NA servers because there was so little communication on EU servers due to language barriers.

    Even outside of EU on DBD I've run into many Mexican and South American players that speak no English post game. It's definitely not true all younger people know English.

    Also even ignoring the increased toxicity that would come with VC you inadvertently make DBD harder to balance than it already is. Because if you put all survivors on potential SWF level then you'd need to buff killer accordingly (Hexes for example would probably need to be reworked at that point because they'd be nearly unusable if one person knowing the location meant everyone did) but then they'd be too strong for teams that don't use the VC. I just think that even besides the toxicity DBD has never been balanced around VC so while adding the technology would be easy enough it would have a ton of unintended consequences.

    It's kind of alright now with discord as 4 mans are fairly rare and it's mostly two duos or a duo and two solos in a game but if it was technically a 4 man every single game I think it would cause far more problems than people realize.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    Yes add VC

    Obviously not all, but the vast majority in Europe does.

    I would say it would be easier to balance, because you don't have two groups of players anymore (swf and solo) so you can take that into account to begin with.

    I don't think they would be too strong, you could still just ping them or write in text chat, like I said, best case scenario is we get all 4 things.

    It would need to be rebalanced around it for sure, but I don't think that is an issue.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 909
    Yes add VC

    I'm conflicted.

    Yes for easier play.

    No because it is one of thr most toxic gaming comunities I've ever been on. Can't imagine the toxic people being toxic all day in voice chat

  • CopyriteMania
    CopyriteMania Member Posts: 2
    Yes add VC

    Proximity chat for killers would be fun imo. I want people to know that I'm there for a good time :)