We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Deathslinger add-ons pass

LatexT Member Posts: 118

In light of the upcoming changes to his kit, I wanted to update the list of add-ons I made, once again asking for feedback and hoping they somehow make it into the actual game.


  • Comrade_Cheeze
    Comrade_Cheeze Member Posts: 8

    Some number changes could be in order but this will give Deathslinger's some choices in addons.

    Highly approve!

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 464


    Joke aside, great suggestions, would be good eating if we got this much variety, compared to what we currently have.

  • HolDuds
    HolDuds Member Posts: 13

    These are the best suggestions related to addons. Both old and current versions are very good. These addons are good for different playstyles, not just one specific one. Thank you Latext

    ROMVVVAN Member Posts: 1
    Most suggestions are great, good job, but I would tweak a few things. I can say for sure that it is better to remove addons that speed up the spear flight speed and also make it longer, since this all significantly breaks the timings and gameplay in general (especially the flight speed, you will have to relearn it separately, this makes no sense). 
    Hellshire iron is a very cool proposal, I thought about it too (About auto reloading)

  • BeniaminG_
    BeniaminG_ Member Posts: 4

    I personally highly approve of this aside a few addons that are badly designed in my opinion. First off the ammo belt is stupidly useless eaven in the situations that its supposed to help its not worth bringing Id suggest changing the 5% extra movement speed while aiming to 5% more movement speed while reloading and the Bayshore's cigar would introduce power creep making all Slingers basicly have one addon slot becaus of how nessesary the addon would be Id make the basekit reload 2.4 with the cigar acting similar to stbfl where the addon gains stacks when you perform something like hiting a long range shot or whatever and per token it decreases the reload speed up to 2.0 (current 2x reload) but every time you miss you lose a stack or so, I think that it'd make for a addons that would be good in the hands of good players would be really usefull and a cool design that isnt straight up a stat boost, but other than that all the addons are lookin good eaven the marshal's badge that isnt eaven that good is fine as a gimmick addon overall good stuff Id not complain at all beside those two addons if this went live.