What kinda loop is this?

I don't know why maps are reworked into this.
Very weak tile, in front of nothing, at the edge of the map.
How I can chain tiles or outplay the killer here?
"I don't know why survivors give up >:(" yeah, maybe let's see the state of reworked maps?
Yeah, no idea what they think with some loops. Not every Loop needs to be safe, but this is basically unplayable. Even if you stun the Killer you will not reach anything.
And it just gets worse, this is a screenshot of the new map. Also at the edge of the map and even shorter on both sides:
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Paging @solarjin1
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it is for getting stuns and using "Smash hit" perk. you don't need to use every single tile. survivor can select any tile they want to play or don't want to play.
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@vBlossom_ : As someone said previously about this map ('Springwood map is brutaly hard to win'), about the map devs and their rework:
It's not the first time they've made a horrible choice but kept it because 'they've put effort into it.'
And nobody will be fool enough to play this 'tile' bc nothing is around and it is just a non-sense. This Lampkin Lane in this current state must be avoided as much as possible…7 -
Ah yes, let's remove stronger tiles, make map smaller and on top of that make some tiles optional because you can use some niche perk.
I wonder why people give up
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Especially considering it’s on the edge of the map, I agree that tile should be a little safer.
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Yeah I took this shot from the same map. Right next to the deadzone with nothing else available, just this. This map is actually smaller than it really is when you count all the unusable space.
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the stronger tiles still exist. tiles were always optional. the weaker tile is just an option. It is like saying "Hill are useless", just remove all hills.
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This is going to sound outrageous but stay with me. Certain loops favour survivors heavily, certain loops favour killer heavily and certain loops are very neutral!
I would hazard a guess to say this loop is a last second choice to buy a little extra time before going down or using it to go down on pallet so a teammate can use background player to sprint all the way across the map and save you.
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i can only assume them pallets exist to die underneath for background player play.…OF COURSE IF YOUR TOP TIER SURVIVOR IT BECOME A GOD PALLET SOMEHOW
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This is an interesting perspective, as in most of my experience the killer can dictate which loops/tiles you use depending on where they’re coming from. This is how dead zones are created and utilized. The survivor can’t pick and choose any loop or tile they have to go to whatever is nearest to them in the opposite direction of the killer. I do this when I play killer. Zoning is very effective.
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They started adding pallets like this with the Autohaven rework as a way to fix the edges of maps being dead zones. They aren’t meant to be strong and exist just as a back up if you are in the area.
However unlike this one, the ones in Autohaven usually have another tile nearby that you can try to reach if you play the filler correctly or you can reach this filler from the other tile to extend the chase slightly.
This one however can spawn quite far from anything so there is no point in ever going there. Not to say it is useless though as you could technically get a pallet save or a Smash Hit/Power Struggle play from it, but overall it’s a really bad pallet and there should be something else to encourage you to actually use it. Even just making the walls slightly longer would make it safer. It’s way too unsafe to be the only loop in a corner of the map.2 -
when u get one of these loops at the end of the street with nothing else it can be a little frustrating
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i have opposite perceptive. a survivor that understands terror radius can perceive the killers location well in advance. This is often known as pre-running where a killer is looking for a chase but survivor is not giving any easy follow-up chase.
in term of pallet breaking…. pallet break still takes an eternity so when the survivor is chaining-loops, they mostly free to choose any loop they want to use. You don't have to use this corner loop.
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Nah, thats copium. They can remove Tiles like this completely, having Tiles which are only useable with one terrible Perk might just not exist. Saves them the Headache from thinking how weak they can make a tile.
For the Castlevania-Map I expect a Pallet just laying on the ground.
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They really messed up on these loops. The weird thing is that they had pages and pages of feedback all telling them, that this was ridiculous and they just went for it anyway. After they just removed the weak pallets on Ormond because they didn't offer any interesting gameplay (though they replaced them with nothing smh).
Even with Smash Hit this results in a hit. The killer is the one that decides which way the survivor has to run around a loop and if you back them against the wall, then Smash Hit doesn't really help them either because they cannot make that much distance. This is a pretty zoned out loop to begin with.
That would be so funny, I'd send myself there every game just to bask in the glory of this pallet.
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smash hit is 4 second of sprint burst and 2 second stun. there is also 99% sprint burst and Lithe. Maybe you can use dead hard on this pallet but i feel like you'll get hit during animation lock.
i like pallets like this where you need to outplay the opponent. Hawkins 2nd floor pallet or temple pallet are probably much harder to outplay the killer.
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Smash Hit is only 4 seconds because part of it is already lost when dropping the Pallet.
Furthermore, you dont really outplay the Killer here. Even if the Survivor gets the Stun (Killer can just respect the Pallet and even if the Survivor does not drop it, they will not have any distance so it will be a hit), they need to have Smash Hit to make distance.
I dont mind unsafe Pallets. If they are fair. And fair means that both sides can play them and outplay each other. This is not the case here.
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you can outplay killer. the outplay is very specific.
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I'm really disappointed with the direction of maps starting with the autohaven/Macmillan changes.
Those two realms + cold wind could have stayed the exact same outside of the changes to gas heaven and cold wind filler tiles being a tad too strong.
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If the Outplay requires to use a specific Perk, it is not outplaying. It is just equipping a bad Perk in hope you get use of it.
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The edge of the map should NEVER be a strong loop.
Killer chases you ? You go to strong loops. Strong loops are in the middle of the map. It allows the killer to keep pressure on gens
What happens most of the time : survivors will drag you to the opposite sides, at the edge of the map in order to earn more time on gens.
You simply cant put strong loops there, if survivors go there, they have to go down quickly because killer needs to :
- Hit you
- Grab you
- Hook you
- Walk back to the gens
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Killer chases you ? You go to strong loops.
@me looking for these strong loops on reworked maps:
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Yeah cos new haddonfield doesnt have strong loops
Oh wait, it still has the house of pain, the main building with the 2 hours long chase, the 2 other buildings with realy strong windows
So yeah, if you compare it to the old hadonfield, its way less, but dont tell me there arent strong loops there
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They seem completely lost when it comes to map balance. They nerfed the buildings and filler tiles on Haddonfield, so the buildings are essentially giant deadzones now with terrible fillers in between. And they also shrunk the map, so it's a small map that's also somehow full of dead zones.
The dead zones have become really problematic on Coldwind too. I've been getting many instances of Coldwind maps where half the map is an L/T wall, a complete deadzone, a harvester, a deadzone, and another L/T wall. That's impossible to lose on as killer.
But I also got a Coldwind spawn with a completely safe hay bale filler pallet that spawned next to shack window, which is also a problem. I know the devs love RNG, but it creates so many more problems than it solves. The maps need static balancing.
Post edited by edgarpoop on3 -
Imagine getting stunned at this tile.
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reminds me of this clip (7:05)
cracks me up every time
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Yeah, with two differences:
- The Pallet in my picture is even worse.
- It is intentional while I am pretty sure that the Pallet in the video was a Bug…