What Licenses would you consider "Healthy" for the Game?

With the upcoming release of Vecna, that's soon to be followed by an as of yet unknown licensed survivor, that will then be upped by Castlevania being included (and don't forget the solo licensed killer in March).
What do you think is best for the game? Are licenses actually more worth it over regular chapters? Should only the ones considered "big" be focused on? Do you think more new players from a certain fanbase could be detrimental to the playing experience? Personally, this year looks worrying, but potentially very exciting if it's executed on well.
I'm fine with the split we have now for licensed vs original.
I think that it would be unrealistic to expect BHVR to go after licenses that they don't expect to make a return on investment.
There are definitely certain licenses that should not be added.
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I still say my dream chapter is:
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What do you think of BHVR's current focus on licences that aren't entirely horror? I'd personally prefer we get some more core properties before expanding into the weirder stuff, although I do appreciate the current collaborations.
I think that Video Game horror especially could use some more reps, which is another reason why Castlevania is cool (aside from the fact it just rocks). Dead Space, Amnesia, Slender (he kinda counts), FNAF would all be pretty sweet in my eyes.
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I don't think Creepypasta's are really horror in the same way that movies are.
FNAF needs to stay out of this game, respectfully. We don't need that community in addition to our own.
I'm fine with horror adjacent titles, like Stranger Things or DND; but I think that's as far as we should go.
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I think a Creepypasta would be fine now that Unknown is based primarily off them. Especially since stuff like Wesker and Lich already challenge what exactly makes a DBD killer a DBD killer. Slender or Marble Hornets would make for a fantastic inclusion imo.
Respectfully disagree about Five Nights. I don't think most people realize that the majority of FNAF drama is basically just Twitter weirdos, which you can say about basically any fandom, especially stuff like Stranger Things, which is already in the game.
The kids who are into FNAF for the theories don't even tend to play the games themselves, so the chances they'll ever get into DBD, a non canon collab, is minimal. That just leaves the only ones from the fandom being the people who care mostly about the gameplay and aesthetic, which I can say from experience don't really cause trouble, at least not anymore than the DBD community. As someone who's been apart of both communities since they started, I don't think there's much of a risk with the inclusion.
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I think we could get a werewolf, that could trace blood and gets faster near injured survivors.
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Considering the absolute incursion we got here when there was even the slightest sliver of a chance that FNAF could get in, I'm gonna disagree.
It was hell for a solid month here. It got so bad that the subreddit started banning any and all mention of FNAF. Maybe it's not you, but it seems to be the VAST majority of fans.
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at this point, I would rather see less characters added (especially less original characters) and more focus on other game content and game health.
I am very much okay with licenses added that fit into the ‚Hall of Fame of Horror‘ - which imo includes horror adjacent stuff like Vecna, Stranger Things - and original characters that fill a niche (Unknown and Sable were interesting additions) but some characters just feel like fillers and we could have gone without them (looking at SM and the Lyra siblings…)
So I guess I am okay with the setup for this year being more license focused and hope the original characters are distinct enough!4 -
True, it's been an issue in the past, but I think nowadays I see less and less pushback, moreso just jokes about the sometimes frankly silly fan theories people make for Springtrap. FNAF was banned on the reddit awhile back, but wasn't that explicitly not signed off on by anyone actually employed by BHVR and then rolled back with a swift apology wherein it was found that a select few mods would consistently rudely hop into arguments and escalate them? I feel like there was a lot going on there that wasn't really tied to the community at large but I understand, there's been a lot of Drama in the community over the years, same as DBD.
I honestly think that if the collaboration did happen, a whole bunch of people would call it the death of the game and then it'd come out and nothing would really change. Bare in mind that FNAF has evolved as much if not more than DBD has over the years and that there are a lot more adults in the community than before. I went from playing it when it came out when I was 8, and this year I'll be voting in my countries next election.
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You asked in your OP if certain fans could be detrimental to the game, and I honestly feel like FNAF falls into that category. I read that majority of FNAF players are mostly between the ages of 12 and 17. Not that it doesn't have adult fans, because of course it does, lots of adults grew up on FNAF and that's cool. But I really don't wanna be playing with 12 year olds. Or more 12 year olds at any rate, because the way some people behave in this game I'm convinced they're no older than that anyway. My kids have been massive FNAF fans for a few years now (they're 9 and 7) and so it's kind of hard for me to see FNAF as anything but a kids game. They have the legos, plushies, and books, and all the marketing is towards kids.
But yeah, I do think there's plenty of horror video games that could crossover into the game easily. I don't mind the occasional non horror chapter though, as long as it's fun. And this upcoming chapter actually looks like a heap of fun.
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Very true, I won't deny that FNAF still has a lot of child players and fans, but after DnD, which tends to target much the same audience, I honestly don't think it'd be an issue if the devs aimed this specific collab at the more mature audience of fans.
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It was banned on the reddit for about a year until it calmed down.
I know that I don't really matter, but I'd leave both the Forums and game if it got added.
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Jason should be a priority now that he is useable again.
That sounds more like an issue with the DBD community than FNAF honestly.
The Reddit ban wasn’t even because of the community, it was because the topics kept turning political.5 -
Because the discussion is inherently political.
When you have someone that donates to causes directly against basic human rights, the political discussion is inevitable.
Post edited by Pulsar on1 -
Ones i would like to see:
- Dracula (is technically public domain)
- Wolfman (or just a general werewolf)
- Jekyll and Hyde (another public domain)
- Anything lovecraftian (i know we have stuff like dredge but those are just inspired by, i mean something in the lovecraftian realm)
- Urban legends like mothman, bigfoot etc.
- X-Files (probably a survivor only chapter)
- Half-Life (would never happen, but would be cool)
- Some kind of alien (not like Alien, Alien, but like, a classic gray alien)
- The Shining
- Supernatural
If they wanted to dive into the anime world, there's also plenty to choose from:
- Death note (might be tough to do as a killer power)
- Monster (if they only ever did one anime, this is the one to do, its the most realistic, gritty one i've seen)
- Akira
And of course my all time request that i know would NEVER happen because most people wouldn't like the aesthetic of it in DBD, its basically "cute anime characters in a slice of life that go crazy and torture and kill everyone"
you could do a legion style killer, or a bunch of different skins but the same killer power:
For those unfamiliar with it. The gist is that the characters are caught in a time loop (but are unaware) and each arc starts out with a couple episodes of things being eerie but normal, until someone loses their mind and goes on a murder spree or some crazy thing happens. There' s a bunch of lore why its all happening, but it would be massive spoilers to explain anything other than that, and even that spoils like the first arc a bit.
WARNING, even though this is an anime it is actually quite gruesome and violent, the youtuber even had to censor it to not get it taken off youtube:
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I would have said The Evil Within
but microsoft closed the studio for no reason
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Dead space is pretty solid. The remake is not that old and the Ishimura would make a really atmospheric map.
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noooo 😭
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lies of p. A puppet as a killer and maybe someone like gippeto or the main character as a survivor would be cool
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a lot of them. most licenses are perfectly fine to add. and it just comes down to preference.
some might have weird fandoms, but that is every fandom. things will calm down eventually. so just don't do these in a row.
and a few better never be touched. non negotiable.
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Didn't make it's money back unfortunately, even with how good Hi-Fi was.
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I would love if they added fnaf. Would start playing killer if springtrap was added
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Both licenses and original content have their places. Licenses are good for getting more people to at least try the game, while original content is good for both the devs, since they get to show their creativity, and the established community, because we get to be a little more focused on the pluses and minuses as compared to the "holy cow, it's that character" kinda thing.
That said, I would cry joyfully if Terrifier or Jason got added to the game, though one is much more likely than the other.
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I understand the reasons for the company not doing lesser-known licenses as financial it may not make as much sense, but I'd like them to take a couple of steps into smaller license territories. "The Magnus Archives" is such an example that offers so much, but not sure how big or beneficial it would be to the main game.
In general, it feels like they have a good balance. Now DBD has cemented it's position as a horror Hall-of-Fame, there will be more licenses wanting to become involved and the demand will ever increase, so I can see the choice maybe having an impact on DBD original chapters in future, perhaps?
I hope the original chapters will still flourish though. The team's Killer designs have been excellent, and The Unknown/ Sable Chapter especially had a flawless marketing campaign (so much so, I think it was more desired than a few of the licenses! I don't recall the hype being the same for Alien, Chucky and Alan Wake). I'd love for them to make some more iconics.
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Yes!!! My friends say that if Jason comes to dbd they will play again and god do I need that. Also Jason is very cool. I wasn't 100% sure if he was useable again so thanks for confirming that.
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I think it'd be easier to name licenses that would be unhealthy tbh.
Jeepers Creepers is a solid No.
Real life killers are also a No.
FNAF would be very divisive due to the political stuff as well as how the community is viewed.
Slenderman might cause issues due to IRL incidents done in their name.
Something not even slightly horror related might fall under unhealthy depending on how you view the game.
Most other things are probably fine and would be considered healthy or at the very least neutral.
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Art would be a sick killer, although I wonder what sorta weird power they'd give him. Maybe just a tommygun?
Jason is a must have now that he's back on the table. He's basically the face of the horror pantheon and is one of the last to join it.
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I would love to see Friday the 13th, It, and the Shining.
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Their current balance between Licensed and Original content is fine. Licensed content is more important for the games health though, it brings in new and old players.
I love the direction they’re taking with the Bard and Nick Cage. We need more chill characters with fun perks like the guitar 🎸 and plot twist. I hope they give us a Scary Movie Chapter and give me Brenda Meeks and Cindy Campbell.
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Yep he’s available again!!! They announced he’s back again recently and he’s even being added to Multiversus so it’s only a matter of time until we get him here!
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Honestly at this point…. they would benefit most by not giving us anything new but working on what they already have
Coming up with a cycle would be a bit hard but that's just my felling on it
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I did some thinking and I really feel like Jason could come in for Year 9, which I'm more than ok to wait. It's either that or March, but March is only a Killer, and we at least need Camp Crystal Lake too.
In terms of Art, I thought of an idea of him being a snowball killer, eventually being able to get a gun, but I feel like it's really dumb. Still would be fun though lol
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i would also add anything related to still used religions is also a No and this means all religions not only the big three.
btw i will be forever sad that jeepers is a tainted ip. i loved the first movie
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God, I'd LOVE to see Phantasm in DBD. There's so much to take from it. It has an unmatchable vibe.
I know it's regarded as more of a cult classic, but honestly it's a great piece of classic horror. It was released literally a year after Halloween was. Way ahead of its time.
The chase music would probably be amazing too, the soundtrack of that movie is phenomenal.
If anyone here hasn't watched Phantasm yet, go watch it.
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Imagine getting chased and you hear the Tall Man say "You play a good game boy, but the game is finished and now you die". Stinks Angus Scrimm passed, would've been great to hear his voice, RIP Angus Scrimm
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I agree, it'd be a bit of a bummer to finally get Jason after all these years and it's just a solo killer. He's definitely an inclusion that would benefit from the full chapter treatment. A Camp Crystal Lake Map would be beautiful, and imagine all the secrets they could include. Finding his Shack in the woods would be sweet.
Art is the exact kind of Killer who'd get a weird snowball centric power, he'd fit like a glove in the game imo.
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That'd be an amazing line for the mori.
Angus Scrimm did an amazing job as the Tall Man, it sucks that he's gone indeed.
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I think that I'd maybe like more original chapters than we're getting this year, but overall we get a good ratio of license to original.
I'm a lot more strict with my take on WHAT licenses we get. I don't think this DnD chapter belongs whatsoever, I don't think Wesker should be here either, and I don't exactly trust Dracula to be a good, horrific interpretation of a vampire. They just aren't horror characters, Vecna is spooky at best. These three really seem to conflate Intimidating and Scary, which is wrong—and let's be real, Wesker only got in because he snuck in behind Nemesis.
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To both of those… THAT'S WHAT IM SAYING. They'd literally both be so sick and while there's other licenses I'd love to see, them two are my top picks, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks they'd both be awesome lol
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"still used religions' is such a funny sentence… XD
pretty sure that eliminates all of them… people still worship zeus and bastet and probably any other god you might think it's no longer worshipped.
personally don't think it's a good enough reason to not use them. as long as you are respectful and aren't putting giratina in the game just because, it should be free game.
like… I'm up for some version of satan as a killer. just saying.
so you never played a horror campaign? you should, it's cool.
was never a fan of wesker either, specially because we already had nemesis. at least I like his camp
depends on which dracula. the thing with castlevania is that they go from camp comedy to serious all the time. there are more scary incarnations of him. but the monster who gave their humanity away and keeps coming back to life to try and destroy humanity is absolutely a horror character.
also, a series that produces such dumb but awesome lines such as these
should be everywhere.
Wesker only got in because he snuck in behind Nemesis.
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I still think Alucard or Dio would've been better vampire reps just do to their power level. Castelvania Dracula is actually insane.
I think they could've gotten Dio right, but there's not really a good way to translate this into DBD.
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Phantasm has been my most wanted chapter for a long time now.
Between Phantasm, Pumpkinhead, Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon Adaptation) & Wishmaster, there are quite a handful of top tier cult classics to choose from.
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It's not that Vecna was impossible to make work, they just didn't try to make him work. He isn't scary or even trying to be, but if he tried he would have been great! If they went for lich over wizard he could have worked. But he's a wizard first, lich… Not at all. He has nothing to do with the things that make liches what they are, he has no necromancy in his kit—Flight of the Damned does not count because it is just an AoE, it could have been burning hands for all I care and it would be no different. Vecna just doesn't lean into what would make him work as a horror character. And the bards are not even vaguely suggesting horror, we really should have gotten a ranger or a rogue.
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Jason has been BHVR's Moby Dick for the last 8 years or so, anything less than a full chapter wouldn't do an IP that is as anticipated and requested like Friday The 13th justice, especially since next anniversary is on June 13th, which is Jason's birthday.
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My thoughts exactly.
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My friend told me about Multiversus about an hour ago and I was thinking in my head, How the hell does someone of Jason's get into Multiversus (not that I have anything against the game) before DBD which is the hall of horror in the videogames industry. Truely a mystery.
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I hear this all the time and it just isn't practical. There's so many people on payroll at BHVR who's specific job it is to brainstorm and realize new content, what are they all going to do during this 3 month period?
Furthermore, how does BHVR, a company who relies on DBD for almost all their income and growth, going to justify this to their investors? How will they justify it to the players who do want new content? There's 60 million people playing the game, how many will walk out when you announce there won't be a full chapter for another 6 months?
Yes, BHVR needs to hire more bug fixers and presumably better fund efforts to improve game health. No, they probably cannot afford to go an entire chapter with no revenue, and as such an Operation Health would be a bad idea.
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castlevania Dracula is more common knowledge than Dio or Alucard. there was never a chance it was anything but him or an original interpretation of Dracula. even the Béla Lugosi version would be more for the look than the actual character.
but Dio or Alucard would have been awesome additions. Dio has ice powers, laser eyes that are actually blood, camp as all hell… just amazing.
and yeah… no idea how to translate Alucard into dbd. even ignoring that his main form of attack are 2 rifle-sized pistols that quite literaly blow people up
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Depends on what part of the population you poll.
Like, my dad would probably know Castelvania Dracula; but JoJo and Hellsing are both immensely popular in their own rights with JoJo being immensely influential (and ongoing) and Hellsing certainly being more niche.
Also, yes, Al does just use his guns most of the times. That's why I thought Dio would be a bit better. He's certainly sassy and has enough personality. He's ######### evil enough and he has a wide array of powers.
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just the general population.
and I am this convinced mostly because of the netflix series. that spread far and wide. if it was just the games it would be more even.
I love castlevania since I played dracula X on the snes, but I know it wasn't that well known beyond maybe a "that one with the whip guy?"
jojo is mostly popular in anime circles, don't think it spread much beyond it. besides memes, memes are universal.
which is also a place where castlevania is popular.
kinda wish dio was a killer. I can already imagine him posing on the survivors as he moris them.