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Earn 3 malicious emblems of iridiscent quality. Tome 2

Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
edited May 22 in Ask the Community

I have tried anything i can imagine working for this.

-Plague, chasing them off of fountains so they dont cleanse (forgot plague doesnt see the aura of unused fountains so that was a bust)

-Doctor on Gideon meatplant with constant shocking and interrupting, i made it to gold but thats the highest i got.

-Legion on various maps, trying to keeping them injured ALL the times, didnt give me iridiscent because of litteraly only 2 health states healed in a 20 minutes match. (With this strat i made it happening once though but thanks to "dedicated servers not responding" it didnt count. Thanks BHVR.)

I sacrificed and hooked people various times on TOP of all the things ive tried before. Bunch of 3k and 4k wins but obviously 2 heals are alredy too much. How am i supposed to stop people from healing at all? Has anyone ever managed to get this challenge done? Or do people just skip it?

Best Answer

  • moputopia
    moputopia Member Posts: 144
    Answer ✓

    I struggled with this one too, I believe what I initially didn't realise was Malicious gets the most points by getting hooks states on survivors. So for iridescent emblem you need to get all 12 hooks. This way it should be fine even if they heal.
