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What killer destroys SWFs?

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 61

I cannot play trapper who I main when there is literally survivors telling other survivors where my trap is so what's the point lmao and using the exploit that lets them pass traps that haven't been dismantled which bhvr isn't patching so yeah trapper is disabled against swf. Looking for a killer that destroys SWFs.

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  • Member Posts: 1,373

    NNurse But you gotta be good and put time nit muchplayers can do when your great at her she is the definition of getting understanding the surivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Destroys? If we talk about really good coordinated SWF, probably none. Have a chance against? Nurse, Billy, Blight. Maybe Artist, Oni and Wesker, if you truly insane on them. Anyway, you should waste a big amount of time to learn all of them. Only killer which literally destroys SWF was PTB (last one) Twins, and it was such a pleasure to switch places for a while.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Nurse, Blight, HillyBilly and maybe Twins.

    They won’t give you easy wins though, you’ll need to master their powers and abilities and you will need to learn how to end loops fast and not fall for survivors strategies.

    No killer will let you destroy a very good swf but the ones mentioned will give you a good chance.

    An alternative would be to just camp with Bubba. Even if you don’t get 4ks, you’re sure to annoy them. Bring Franklins too, many hate losing their item

  • Member Posts: 192

    Literally all of them if you bring NOED and camp. Really I'm not joking, as long as you can get one person on hook you can probably get at least a three kill.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    You mean holding the trap? My man this is not an exploit... It's in the game for years now, so we can assume it is an intended mechanic...

  • Member Posts: 333

    here's the easiest way to shock and discombobulate most swfs

    trickster on dead dawg → hook survivor in the 3 gen in the back open area → camp → main event every time they go for unhook

    mind the anti-camp meter

  • Member Posts: 828

    If you mean that one survivor can go over a trap while another one ist disarming it, this is international, the Devs added it back in in the 2.2.0 Patch.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    just because it's in the game for a long time, doesn't mean it's intended

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    At some point it is either intended or the devs work reeeeeeally slow... And considering it has been in the game for more than half a decade i would assume so...

    If you don't want to have a certain mechanic in the game you either fix it immediately or at least tell your players that it is not intended... Doing neither of those two makes it so the players can have trust in the mechanic being intended...

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Unless the swf are comp players, Nurse can still destroy even very good swf survivors, as long as you are good with her.

    But there are enough other killers that can easily keep up even with good swf survivors.

  • Member Posts: 239

    If you are talking about a common SwF, therefore of medium level, except the bottom ones basically any killer.
    If you are talking about an high level SwF (3% of cases), only a Nurse, Blight, Spirit and maybe an Hillbilly (everyone main).

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Surely Nurse shouldn't be comp level to do this. Like every 100h player can just jump on Nurse and destroy any swf. You don't play against amazingly good swf every game, but every pub Nurse is pub stomper. Sure. No biases at all.

  • Member Posts: 828
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    which is a different thing. I'm questioning the logic of "it's in the game a long time, therefore it's intended" not the fact of it being intended.

    somethings just take way too long to fix.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Any killer that allows you to end chases fast or shut down loops can beat most SWFs. Some killers like Billy that have insane map traversal also have huge snowball potential. SWF normally play very altruistic which is usually why they lose when facing certain killers that can turn a one man down into a 3-4 man slug at any point of the game.

    At the moment I'm really enjoying playing Billy. He's very unique from other killers and a lot of fun once you start getting the hang of curving and whizzing around the map at 100mph.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    It is actually intended

    Trap buffering was a bug all the way back in 2016-2017 and was patched out. When Trapper got his mini rework back in 2018 they reintroduced and explained in a dev stream that it encouraged teamwork and that it could get Survivors out of almost unwinnable situations, such as certain basements.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    This doesnt work as long as survivors have an iq over 40, as if the totem is not next to the hook they can just get rid of noed and if they dont any decent team will just get thr 3 man escape.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I think 3% is way too much ^^ Even 1% is probably too much for that assumption... You could most likely play anyone out of the top 15 of killers and still have good chances.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    In which case you need to acknowledge it not being intended because otherwise you create trust in it being intended... That is basically a general concept.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Play Trapper smart.

    If chases and general placement isn't going well you need to switch up your strategy.

    Don't try and lock down specific areas rather place a few random traps near good hook locations. Not just around loops but on paths where survivors often run. You'll find you catch multiple survivors in pathing traps over looping ones.

    Always keep one trap handy, pretend to drop it to make a survivor leave a strong loop, use this to herd and box survivors into weaker areas.

    Focus on getting hooks in the basement and lock it down. SWF's are often overly altruistic and fall for this very hard, getting caught up in rescuing over completing gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Nurse. It will take a few games or brown addons but she's really the strongest killer in the game, which makes her the best tool against SWFs. After about 5 games you have a pretty good idea where you blink and that's if you start at 0. Even then you can also use the Plaid Flannel to dumb her down to "connect the dots". If you mess up the first blink you still have a second and there's also the Heavy Panting addon to make her more forgiving.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Before you move up to a hard killer I'd get better acquainted with a intermediate killer, if you jump straight to nurse you're gonna have a miserable time against survivors who have years of experience against more skilled nurse players, your best bet is to work your skill level up with killers like demo, oni, pinhead, Wesker, onryo, unknown etc... they're not OP but in order to be good enough to consistently compete against good survivors your basic chase skills and knowledge has to be there, once you feel like you can at least compete with using those type killers I'd move up to Blight, Nurse, or The Hillbilly at that point because now you have some skill and knowledge to go with it and instead of having a miserable time you'll have a easier time and enjoy yourself while learning the killer, most of the advanced killers have very punishing downsides for not performing well

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Depends on what you're looking for,really. There are many types of SWF with various strategies. What's good for bully squads who hold you hostage may not be good for gen rush swf or for super altruistic fun meme SWFs etc. Etc.

    I am partial to The Knight, though. Having a 2v4 can be helpful when you're on point with your guards. Guards help shut down pesky Background Players, and the guards can help maintain pressure.

    For a general tip, sometimes you just need to bide your time and wait for an opening. Some days you'll eat literally 6 flashbangs but you just got to step back, breathe and analyze a win condition, which could be something like spotting a single hook in the dead corner of a map or a basement. When I ate 6 flashbangs, I wanted to be frustrated but I realized "gens have slowed down and they surely have to be out of flashbangs by what's their play now?"

    Another random tip is that I like to spread misinformation; if I know a team is communicating, sometimes you can misdirect your intentions to throw off their comms. What I do sometimes is "tunnel" whoever has the most hooks, but it's actually a fake designed to encourage the other survivors to take unsafe actions.

    A death hook survivor is great, but the only thing better than that sometimes is having 2 survivors on death hook. Nothing wrong with hedging your bets once in a while, because survivor teams are self aware of their weak points. No point trying to draw blood from a stone sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Any Killer, provided you are genuinely good with them.

    The odds of you running into a honest-to-God unbeatable team is astronomically low.

  • Member Posts: 376

    Nurse is pretty good for dealing with high-tier SWF's.
    Practice her a lot, and you will stand a good chance against those kinds of teams

  • Member Posts: 328

    Put in hours as Nurse, Blight, and spirit. Become what they fear.

  • Member Posts: 4,634
  • Member Posts: 192

    Yeah I'm kinda assuming that the killer tunneled someone by this point. If you went all game and can't even manage three hooks against someone then you are just in the wrong MMR and should be drastically lower.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I said that you have to be good with Nurse. Not sure what you are getting at. But if the Nurse player is good, it doesn't really matter how good the survivors are. Nurse can wreck any kind of team. The exception being comp level survivor players maybe.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Run Devour Hope, find its totem, pick the 3 gens around it, and start setting up for late game, and pray to the entity.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited May 2024

    Target one person from said swf and make sure they are slugged as much as possible.

    Most swf are used to chase >down >hook patterns and don't expect the Killer to get a player out of the game via Bleedout and not hooks. Since the bleedout bar only shows when a Survivor is downed, sometimes even the Survivor who is repeatedly slugged doesn't realize they're close to bleeding out until it's too late let alone their teammates.

    Anti tunnel perks that are meta picks now only activate after being unhooked making them useless in this scenario, Ftp + BU is getting nerfed in a few weeks as well. Now is a pretty good time to play with an alternate playstyle. There might be the occasional squad with anti slug perks but there aren't many of these squads

  • Member Posts: 111

    No such thing as a SWF destroying killer. SWFs destroy killers, altruism destroys SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Nurse and stack 4 gen defence I'd say

  • Member Posts: 3,745


    And some other killers if you get lucky. You see in tournaments that even a top SWF can have a bad start and lose.

    Basement Trapper can still screw even very good teams.

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