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Most over-rated killer(s) (From both survivor and killer mains)


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,780

    Hmmm... not many spring to mind...

    I keep seeing strange calls every now and again to nerf Xenomorph and Nemesis, when both have some pretty hefty weaknesses and drawbacks to work around... and as someone who tends to see competant survivors face them, they almost always have a rough time 😐

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I might draw some hate for this one but Wesker, I just know it's gonna be a easy game when I already hear the terror radius from a mile away. He has no real anti loop and his power is easy to dodge or force him to vault when he doesn't want to, also his dash being straight he can't always traverse the map fast it's situational.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I would say Executioner, I see him put in A tier a lot when they feel top of B to me.

    Being able to hit through walls is good for sure but that's really all he has it's impractical in tight loops and I'm not sure what the point of cages and torment is. Like sure you get around some survivor perks that they may or may not be using but you're literally forced to be a tunnel bot for that to be relevant at all.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,224

    Current pre nerf Chucky is Hella massively overrated. Spirit is slightly overrated.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Honestly I can't think of any that are overrated per se. Maybe Pyramid Head but that's less on him and more on the add-ons. With some tweaks, he's got massive potential. Even with that said, he's still pretty strong.

    The only ones I have concrete opinions on are ones I think are more underrated, but that wasn't the question lol.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 522

    This is a tricky question for me cause I truly believe any killer can be insane in the right hands especially with certain maps or add-ons, which is how it should be. I guess if you mean overrated as in overpowered I would say none, I think all killers are in a good spot, some could use some tweaks certain addons or base kit stuff but bothing crazy (aside from nurse she's def op). If you mean overrated as in idk why they're so popular I would say probably Clown.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2024

    I'd say Executioner and Xeno.

    I would've also put Unknown but it seems like more people are coming around to seeing they're not actually that great.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,302

    wesker or chucky before the upcoming nerf. They both good but not oppressive in anyway in my opinion.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,446

    I mean that is not overrated. that is just saying that the killer has high skill-cieling to perform well.

    Pinhead. Rated too highly. The other killer that i think is overrated is Oni. The outplay level of the survivor is high.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    I disagree. I wouldn't realistically say she's A because nearly no one can play her at A. It being because of her skill ceiling is irrelevant if they can't reach it. The emphasis is more on the amount able to achieve it, IE nurse or blight are high skill ceilings that most don't play well on average but there is still actually a decent enough portion able to that's it's worth using that skill ceiling as an accurate measure of tier. So in other words the percentage of Huntresses that can play her at A are so low it's nearly rounded to a 0 to me.

    I agree on Pinhead and Oni being overrated as well.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,321

    Nurse especially on bigger maps

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,446

    I think blight is overrated but that is just my opinion.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    Hag and Spirit

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    I dont really think any Killer is overrated. Some are underrated, but not really overrated. Some might not achieve the results they are capable of if the player is not good enough, but this is not the problem of the Killer, that is the problem of the player.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,938
    edited May 2024

    I think Nurse is overrated. I get the impression on the forums that people seem to think that anyone can become gods with nurse if they just put enough time into her. I don't really think so, i've probably put 100hrs into her at this point but she's still my worst performing killer. She doesn't suit me, i do better with other killers.

    That's why i don't feel like she needs a nerf at this point because i do think she is difficult to play and should be rewarding

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    Thats honestly a "you"-thing, which boils down to my post - it is up to the player in this case. Nurse is not overrated, she is considered the strongest Killer in the game without any question. And this even by players who dont play her that often or dont play her well.

    Her difficulty is also really exaggerated. She has a steep learning curve, but it does not take that much to do well with her. With 100 hours you should easily play her good enough to win almost every game in public matches. (No offense here, she does not suit you, so you will do worse with her. That has every player.)

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,938

    This is what i mean. I think people think she is easier than she is. And yes people that don't play her themselves are going to think that. Because it's the popular narrative and she is difficult to play against.

    "you should easily play her good enough to win almost every game in public matches." well, that isn't happening, that's why i think she's overrated.

    Plus if people could easily win every match with this killer then her kill rate would be a lot higher. Her kill rate is similar in high mmr too, based on officially released stats, so the new player thing doesn't work there.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    I dont know, I can only rely on my own experience with Nurse. And this is that you feel like the dumbest person on the planet while learning her, but once you got used to her Blinks, she is not hard to play. And with the FoV-Slider she is even better, because those who learned her with Shadowborn (like I did) have an additional Perk Slot now.

    But I also dont know why her Killrate is not ultra-high in high MMR. Because you really should win most of your games with her quite easily, just because she is so strong.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,065
    edited May 2024

    I'd say Pyramid Head would be up there. He obviously has his strengths, but I'm finding it so difficult to get consistent value out of his power and I can't help but feel he's not that strong for the average player. His power has no map traversal or built in slowdown. Though it can hit through walls, it's still fairly short range. His strength seems to rely mostly on playing especially ruthlessly and I'm just not willing to play that way. Also his add-ons are mostly bad.

    If he's A tier or above, he's far below every other high tier Killer. Personally, I'd put him in right in the middle of the B tier.

  • Riou2024
    Riou2024 Member Posts: 15

    Artist and Oni. They're not bad, but I don't think they're all that either as some people claim.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I think Artist.

    I always see people complain about her anti-loop and how she can 'put you in a lose/lose', which she can do but I feel is very specific, but you can easily just go to the next loop most of the time when you hear her charging, her birds don't do damage if they need to go through a wall of any kind, and the damage is still a limited range. All she does is punish being too greedy with loops.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946

    If a killer is so hard to play that almost no one performs well with them, then that's a problem with the killer.

    Look at Singularity for example. Supposedly Singularity is a pretty strong killer but really how many people can play on that level? I certainly can't. At some point I'll make a mistake and my entire pressure, that I built up over the last minutes, is gone in 30 seconds. Not to mention that even at top level this killer is still very addon and perk dependent. I'd say that qualifies as overrated. Put all that effort into a different killer and you'll likely perform better.

    Some people also think that Freddy is pretty decent, which he is not. No other killer has that many restrictions on a power that isn't even that good to begin with. You're punished for hooking, there are multiple inbuilt counter mechanics and a mechanic to prevent him from capitalising on reckless survivors, killing a survivor is detrimental for your power too, your power can be side stepped even when it should work, his addons are mostly terrible (why is the Paintbrush even an addon to begin with?). You could make all of his best addons base kit without any downsides and he would still be pathetic. Plus, he has no potential to snowball.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    The point is being overrated.

    I have not seen anyone saying that Freddy is super strong or anything, therefore he is not overrated. Singularity is hard to play, but also really strong. Therefore, not overrated. You cannot really deny that Singularity is strong.

    Singularity does not justify the effort for what he provides, there I would agree. But this would not make him overrated. Probably underrated instead because some people might think he is weak, which he is not.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946

    Singularity does not justify the effort for what he provides, there I would agree. But this would not make him overrated.

    Agree to disagree. SIngularity is not as good as most of us think because in order for this killer to work you need to be incredibly on point. But at that point, why not pick a different killer? If you play that good, it's not the killer but your own skills that create positive results and you could just as well pick a different killer and get the same or better results.

    Also, just from looking at the actual numbers you notice an issue immediately. Even if you manage to slipstream all 4 survivors, the overclock duration still runs out well before you get into range for a hit, which means, that the survivor does not need to vault or drop a pallet for that entire duration, rendering overclock useless without the right addons or perks. A dysfunctional base kit is never good and should always be looked at.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    Look, the point is, you simply dont really look at overrated or underrated. I look at it in a vacuum. I just simply look if the Killer is overrated or underrated. Nothing more. And if someone is not doing as well as they potentially could do with the Killer, this does not make the Killer overrated (or in any form weaker).

    E.g. I suck with Singularity. I am really, really bad with him. But this does not make the Killer bad. And while it is true that it also depends on the player, you can be sure that we have people on the Forums who would call themselves very good with Singularity, but probably worse with other Killers.

    And when it comes to own skills… Those can only bring you to a certain point. You can be the best DBD-Killer player in the world, yet when you play Trapper, you will hit a wall way sooner than you would with another Killer who is simply stronger.

    And when we look at a Killer which is without any doubt very strong, we can see the same. Would you say Blight is overrated? Probably not, he is one of the strongest Killer. Everyone would say that. When I play Blight, I am not really good with him, I would perform better in a Billy or probably even a much weaker Killer like Wraith. But this does not mean that Blight is overrated, it just means that the player (in this case me) is the reason why Blight does not perform as good as he potentially would be able to.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    People who don't play Nurse just don't understand and think she's this unstoppable DbD god

    Load into Eyrie or Yamoaka with Lethal on .

    All the survivors are on the other side of the map.

    Float gently across the map and the survivors have done 2 gens, or use two or three double blinks to get across so the survivors know you're a nurse and have about a week to prepare for your arrival.

    Since they removed range addons she excels at short range chases when you have clear Los and basically nothing else.