Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.


anyone else find it weird how this perk has been gutted for almost 2 years and hasnt received any changes? The initial 6.1 buff to thana was complained about because it was way too strong on killers like plague and legion. So the change they made to the perk did not address the problem and instead made thana ONLY viable on those 2 killers and no one else. Honestly, pre 6.1 Thanatophobia was strong and didnt need a change in my opinion.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    I just want the anti-heal component to return. 5% longer healing per survivor.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    It could be way better, I still run it on plague just so the threat of it forces cleanses. That+both apples lets me actually use my power against good survivors lol.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Thats the thing though. Thana was fine before 6.1.0, and was a slowdown that didn't get value out of holding 3 gens or camping, but required the killer to chase and spread injuries to actually get value. I could understand if 20% (pre 6.1 thana) would be too much with the 90 second generators. But all that would need to be done is a simple percent decrease, not gutting the perk into what it is now

  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 420

    One change I would make! Basic attacks would do a 5% penalty while special attacks would do a 2% penalty. this way it would help the m1 killers more while the others would be decent perhaps?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 23

    It should just return to its last form, its current state is trash. The people saying it was in every game back then is just objectively untrue, it wasn’t even used enough to be “meta”. It was about as popular during its strongest period as penti is used now, seen, but not popular. It wasn’t OP during that time even on plague and legion, it’s best user.

  • DerpedByDave
    DerpedByDave Member Posts: 53

    Im going to be the unpopular opinion here but I think Thana is an ok perk it dose what it needs to do, it prevents survivors from staying injured to rush gens and forces them to heal. Imo it's not about the %values but making survivors behave in a certain way, it's up to you to pick the right killer, perks & playstyle to synergize with it.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    It’s still good on Plague, but it’s bad on everyone else.

    Imo reduce the maximum penalty but make 2-3 injures worth a bit more. I’m fine with it being bad for 1 survivor injured because that means if you’re just tunneling 1 person it gets little to no value.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    As soon as you realize the truth, you'll be much happier.

    If anything exists, that makes it so survivors can't counter it, by just holding m1 on a gen, it will get reworked or nerfed. Thana wasn't THAT good, because it was easy to counter by just healing a ton. But healing, is not holding m1 on a gen, thus it is "unfun".

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,206

    Everyone and their mother was running it during those two weeks. I'm not sure what the exact use rate was, but you'd see it like every other game in my experience.

    It was really good. Exceptionally good on killers that could injure easily. It made the games a slog and that's why it was reworked.

    As for the OP, yeah, Thana feels kind of underwhelming outside of Plague or Legion right now. They could bridge the gap by making the base injured penalty 3% at Tier 3, and +8% for all Survivors being injured. It'd still be 20% max but would do a little more for having less than 4 Survivors injured.

    That said, Thana is decent, even now. There's a super long list of perks I'd rather see buffed over Thana at the moment.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Its only playable (not good) if you play Plague or maybe Legion on a small map. Even then it can be countered.

    Its horrible perk that only does something small when you have everyone injured for longer period of time which almost never happends.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Either rework it or bring its value back to 4% and remove the 12% bonus penalty.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    It should be 3%slower for each injured surivor and then an extra 9%for the final survor

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437
    edited May 23

    That keeps it being useless.

    It should be strong, but give a downside. For example:

    For each injured survivor, all action speeds (except for healing) are reduced by 6%. This would be a 6%/12%/18%/24%. However, injured survivors are now able to heal themselves at a 50% speed, survivors healing on OTHER survivors is increased by 50%. Both effects are halved on survivors who are broken.

    Basically, you make it a great perk for delaying the game, but the downside is survivors can easily heal themselves up at a decent rate, or heal each other very quickly if they are nearby.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 23

    That seems really bad tbh. Why does a perk that already requires you to play well to get the injures in the first place require additional downsides? This perk would kill your map pressure. You’d be effectively negating whatever extra slow down Thana would be giving you by saving them the time in heals defeating the entire point of the perk. The counter is already healing, it doesn’t need more.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437
    edited May 23

    You are looking at it at face value. The point of Thana is to slow the game down right? But, to make thana good, means you make the survivor's time miserable, because everything is so slow so they have to go find a teammate to heal themselves constantly. But, if you make it so survivors now have a choice, they can continue to eat the thana, or they can heal themselves, or a teammate, it gives a choice.

    Lets look at the math of that one for example. So you get injured right? Repairs are now 6% slower, so that means a gen takes 5.4 seconds longer. Not much time by itself, so maybe you think, i'll just ignore it, i won't heal myself and just keep working the gen. But now another survivor gets injured, so now the gen is taking 11 seconds longer. Now you start thinking, "well, i'm injured, which makes my next chase riskier, maybe i'll just spend the extra time to heal myself or find a teammate to heal me" so now, you heal yourself, which makes you safer for your next chase, and removes the penalty on the gen. But, while you are healing yourself, what is happening? That's right, you aren't working on the gen. The penalty itself did not delay the game much, but it delayed it ENOUGH to encourage you to spend your time doing something else.

    Its like the pig traps. If you are a good pig player, you do not tunnel the people with the traps, you trap someone, and then you mostly ignore them, yeah maybe sometimes you run into them running to a box, or you catch them at a box, so you maybe down them and then continue your other chase, but you aren't actively tunneling the person with the trap. Because the person with the trap is already NOT working on gens, so you should instead focus your time on people who ARE working on gens. 1 Person trying to remove a trap, 1 person in a chase, 1 person on a hook, and 1 person going for the save are NO survivors on gens. You aren't going to use the traps to try to get kills, you are using them to make survivors do something ELSE other than the gens.

    Similarly here, the point is to make thana JUST strong enough, that it makes the survivor think "maybe i SHOULD heal myself". So they spend the time getting off the gen and heal themselves. Right now, the numbers are too weak because you need all survivors injured, but if you buff thana, it becomes miserable because survivors then have to run around finding someone to heal them, or to just power through really slow gens. So the point is to give them a CHOICE, keyword CHOICE. "Do i power through this gen 6% slower and run the risk of being less safe in my next chase? Or do i take the chance here to waste a little extra time, but heal myself so i'm playing a bit safer. Do i have time to do that? What are my other teammates doing?"

    It creates meaningful gameplay choices that survivors can make where they can choose to ignore it completely, or choose to go ham and keep themselves fully healed at all times, or somewhere in between.

    This is actually why Thana is good on plague for example. Not because thana is actually that much slowdown, but because it encourages survivors to cleanse at the alters. Which, in turn, will speed up their repair speeds, but, it means that now they have to deal with plague potentially having their power. It creates a meaningful interesting choice, where the survivor can choose to power through it, or choose to be safer since powering through it is already being penalized, ultimately slowing the game down either way. If they ignore it it, it will slow the game down, a little bit but its much less safe. But, if they want to be safe, now the game is slowed down a lot more.

    Now, maybe 6% is a little too low, perhaps it needs to be 7% to make it more worth it, but the general idea is there.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 23

    First about Pig I fundamentally disagree. You do not ignore people with traps. You juggle pressure gens and boxes to make the people with traps out position themselves as they get desperate since you’re an m1 and you can’t play normal chase dynamics. If someone is just using her traps as passive slow down I don’t think they understand how to play Pig at a high level.

    What you’re describing for the survivors isn’t a choice, it’s a win/win scenario for them. 2 or less people injured ignoring healing is an insignificant slow down to matter. Now we start to reach numbers that matter at 3+ so they decide to heal? Now they get super fast healing and save time there. Either way you either get bad gen speed reduction or poor map pressure because they’re healing extra fast. Lose/lose for Thana, either way the perk is bad in this iteration. “Wasting time healing” is not good for the killer when it’s happening ridiculously faster than normal. “Wasting time healing” is a valid statement in the OLD version of Thana, not the one you’re proposing. I’d even go as far as saying this version would hurt you more than help. IE I’d rather run zero perks than I would just run this version of Thana.

    What IS a choice is old Thana. Do I taken the gen reduction or spend the time healing.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123

    I think this is a good idea, I always liked the idea of letting Survivors decide between two alternatives with their respective downsides, similar to how a Survivor grabbing Pinhead's box puts themselves in a 50/50 of either being Oblivious and hit by random chains or solve the box and risk Pinhead starting a teleport chase.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 875

    Just make it so it gives 4% for each injured survivor.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Pretty much every decent slowdown will be oppressive in a 3v1. Thats not an issue exclusive to thana, and there were and still are perks that become just completely obnoxious in a 3v1, especially more than thana.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Im talking about pre 6.1 thana. The initial 6.1 buff they did was very misguided and unnecessary

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I'd rather they nerf it's 4-stack effect but go back to it giving the same penalty for each additional stack. Currently even at 3 stacks it's just awful.

    The ONLY killer it can be usable on is Plague because it forces even one person to give you your power to play around it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 24

    5% flat per injured, that’s it. Rarely do you get all 4 injured consistently so most would just be getting 10-15% which isn’t that crazy but decent. Best case scenario of legion or plague would get 20% and that is good slow down but nothing too crazy or OP, just competitive with other meta slow downs. This keeps it decent on all killers but not OP in the best scenarios.

    Alternatively you could make it 4% instead but then I think it’s weak enough it should include healing again.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Ok I came up with an idea for this perk and want to see how others feel about it.

    • Any injured Survivor suffers from a 2% penalty to repairing, sabotaging, cleansing, and blessing speeds.
    • For each injured, dying, or hooked Survivor, all injured Survivors suffer an additional 3/3.5/4% penalty to repairing, sabotaging, cleansing, and blessing speeds, up to a maximum of an additional 12/14/16%.

    Basically, the penalty no longer applies to healthy survivors at all, so healing completely negates the penalty for that survivor and slightly reduces the penalty for the other survivors. However, the penalty amounts for injured survivors are mostly higher than they were before. To make it a bit less of an obvious choice for Plague and Legion (more because of Plague), the maximum penalty for 4 survivors injured has been slightly reduced (from 20% to 18%). Overall, you realistically need to have at least 2 survivors injured for it to have much benefit (I've intentionally kept it fairly weak for only 1 injured survivor), but as long as you have more than 1 injured survivor it should be overall stronger than it was before. Technically it is probably weaker with only 1 survivor injured, but the current 2% penalty for that really didn't do anything anyway.

    I've also added blessing to it since it already affects cleansing and it just makes sense, most perks that affect cleansing have been updated in this way already.

    If 1 survivor is injured (all of these assuming the perk is tier 3):

    • Survivor A: 6%
    • Survivor B: 0%
    • Survivor C: 0%
    • Survivor D: 0%

    If 2 survivors are injured:

    • Survivor A: 10%
    • Survivor B: 10%
    • Survivor C: 0%
    • Survivor D: 0%

    If 3 survivors are injured:

    • Survivor A: 14%
    • Survivor B: 14%
    • Survivor C: 14%
    • Survivor D: 0%

    If 4 survivors are injured:

    • Survivor A: 18%
    • Survivor B: 18%
    • Survivor C: 18%
    • Survivor D: 18%

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It got nerfed after dowsey made a video showing how he could use a certain build to achieve a slowdown that took nearly 3 mins to complete a gen, once that video dropped alot of people tried to copy it and you know how the devs are when stuff becomes popular.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    Also no, because people would bring thana with Gift of Pain (-16%) and possibly Plaything / Pentimento (-30%), making gens last a lot of time.

    Let's say thana gives -5% per surv and 3 survivors are injured.

    1 charge per second * 0.84 * 0.7 * 0.85 = 0.4998 charges per second

    90/0.4998 ~180 seconds per gen if you are unhooked with gift of pain and someone cleanses pentimento.

    I wonder why survivors would give up, also Deja Vu would be so OP in this case, it would speed up gens to just 160 seconds <3

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 479

    Thana/Dying Light combo is still decent on Plague/Legion but yeah it should be changed to be viable on other killers too.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    So much for perk variety… I agree that 6.1.0 Thana shouldn't return but the current version could just as well not exist. This is not how you achieve perk variety.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    Thana was nerfed because it was strong on two whole killers so they decided to make it strong on…no one

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386


    Why do you think it wouldn't happen, survivors don't cleanse Plaything in match or do you have problems hooking someone on Scourge Hook?

    Or are you assuming that killers won't bring strongest build and abuse one part of the game? In that case you'd be simply naive.

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 52

    or it should be reverted and buffed to 5% per survivor injured without healing penalty. Same values currently but getting better usage of it earlier on.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,670

    I distinctly remember this meta because of a huntress game with 6.1.0 thana and pentimento.

    She got one survivor out and I had to finish a gen by myself in almost 3 minutes with no way to heal while the other two were being chased and rescuing. She would systematically rekindle exactly one totem every time we broke penti to keep the gen debuff going.

    Just the fact that this was possible and seemed 'ok' to the dev team to touch live for even two weeks is enough that, again, this perk should stay dead.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Pentimento and plaything are problematic perks due to the difference in their strength depending on if the survivors are on comms or solo q. Thana isnt the issue, and Pentimento especially needs a rework

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Also how do you type this out and don't even consider the problem may have been Pentimento, the fact you were solo qing, the fact it was a 3v1, or even the fact that you were the only person on generators. Thana would've only accounted for a fraction of the slowdown in the match. You keep trying to insist that Thanatophobia is the problematic/unhealthy perk when you seem to be ignoring all the other factors.