What can a killer do against a 4man Swf?

Survivors in a party having conversations like the killer is on me finish the gens. ‘’The killer chased me off my gen go finish it’’. He’s going to killer shack watch out. He’s going to main. He left me he’s going back to your gen. I’m going to go for the safe you two stay on gens. He’s on me I can’t go for the save one if you two have to go for it and the other stay on the gen. We all are injured let’s reset. He’s tunneling it’s ok I have DS don’t worry about me. Take a hit for me I’m right near you? I’m under a pallet is anyone near?
It really depends on the swf, but usually the best you can do is try your best to apply constant pressure. If you're losing the game hard I would say pull out all the stops and do whatever you got to in order to win, if you need to proxy to get a few downs towards the end of the game there' no shame it.
Gen pressure is also pretty important, and sometimes they might even 3 gen themselves if you get lucky. Just prepare for the fact it's going to be a harder game and try not to take it too harshly.7 -
Point 1:
What can a survivor do against Blight & Nurse? They have to be a good player.
Work both ways.
Point 2:
I can mostly beat 4 players SWF (litterally their escape rate is ~43%). Unless I play against a team that combined of Ayrun, Hens, JRM…then I would lose, but thats because its a mismatched MMR to match me as an average killer against great team.
I would, never, claim myself as High MMR killer so when I lose to High MMR teams I want Devs to balance so I can 4K Ayrun/Hens. It would be equally stupid as I want Devs to balance so that I can make 5 Gens chase against Otz.
Point 3:
Nurse is fine, because God Nurse is really rare to play against. Same to God teams, they're rare to go against.
Accept losing and move on to the next match.
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Learn from your mistakes, 4 man swf groups still have a less than 50% escape rate.
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DO NOT play a killer that has to hold W. you're just gonna get juggled around. pick hillbilly blight spirit or nurse. for your mental health and for a better gameplay experience.
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Switch targets until you find the weakest link. Get them on the hook and from that point onward let their altruism do the work.
4 people swf are notoriously altruistic and start making mistakes when one of them is in danger.
Of course they can coordinate much better than other group compositions but it's the only thing you can do in the moment.
And in case of a bully squad, stop giving them attention. Half-heartedly chase them, take your time breaking pallets or walls, do hit and run tactics, don't fully commit to a chase into for example head on ambushes, experiment/practice with your killers power and so on.
Don't hard engage them and they will lose interest.
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Still win against them at least 52% of the time.
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Play well, do what they do (which is smart macro gameplay) and hope for the best. You can beat a SWF even with this kind of coordination. It's just one big advantage they have but it doesn't decide the game on its own. If they don't do well in chase, then all the coordination in the world is not going to help them.
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Only according to BHVR, the most trustworthy source in the universe, who only published the stats a couple of times in 8 years, in a form of some pictures, instead of supplying all game stats live 24/7, like other devs do. In my experience, SWFs have 50% escape rate only when I play strong killers and sweat the hell out of it, including hardcore tunneling, and still all the gens are usually done. Those 2 kills are taken with tooth and nail and I have to take a rest after every such game. In other cases one kill is the most one could hope for against a 4man who don't just goof around, but mostly it's 4 escapes for M1 killers. Most other killer players have a similar experience, so the real praxis somehow does not match with BHVR's "stats" for some reason.
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Only in DBD have I ever seen people genuinely complaining about other people playing the game with their friends instead of by theirself.
I'm sure it happens elsewhere, just only seen it here.
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I've gone against streamer SWFs doing clock call outs a few times and do still fine (one of them I was on Myers so don't tell me m1 killers can't do well). If you want to know what to do it's just be good in chase, no amount of efficiency can counter short chase times. Also SWFs may be more efficient but they also tend to be more altruistic which can be taken advantage of. If you just expect the flashlight every time you can't be surprised by one and get a few free hits.
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I have seen more complaints about strangers in Soloq than SWF tbh.
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Definitely more posts about lousy solo teammates than any other surv complaints.
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You rely on them making lots of mistakes. Thankfully most of them do. Unfortunately though if you hypothetically both play perfectly, you lose badly. To make up for how crazy of an advantage a 4 man swf is you have to be a significantly better player than them. Now you could try and compensate for their advantage with tunneling/camping, that's what most people do. The game isn't balanced for a SWF match.
To me personally though tunneling/camping/swf artificially gives people a lot of wins they wouldn't have got otherwise as it removes a lot of skill from the match and artificially increases their win rates. This is why I don't tunnel or camp. If I ever swf I don't bring items or map offerings and I run meme builds. I at least acknowledge that it's an unfair advantage and it wasn't a "fair" match for the killer.
Unfortunately the higher mmr you go the more and more swf lobbies you get, full meta stacked, map offerings and multiple styptics/syringes/BNP's. Not rare at all.
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Killers in general don't need to be nerfed, except for Nurse of course, and maybe HIllbilly and Blight a bit. But other than that, killers aren't op. OP strategies like tunneling and camping should be nerfed however.
Against a good swf team you can definitely still run into issues though, they are beateable, but not easily beateable.
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That is really not true. You don't have to rely on survivors making mistakes, not anymore. There are enough strong killers that don't rely on survivors mistakes, and maps have also become much more balanced to the point where you do not have to just rely on survivors mistakes. Killers nowadays have enough outplay potential.
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Hard disagree. There are a few killers that do not rely on survivor mistakes, but like 95% of them do, to varying degrees. Maps have been getting much better, but better, is not good, they're still mostly bad. The majority of maps are still survivor sided to varying degrees, even if it's much better than it used to be.
If both sides play perfectly you lose on most killers. That's how you know they rely on survivor mistakes. Thankfully survivors tend to make lots of mistakes because it's 4 people, but it doesn't detract from the point. I'm not removing killer skill from the equation though. High killer skill sets up for more mistakes to happen, you're just still reliant on whether they fall for it or not.
Compare this to like a god tier Nurse. If the god tier Nurse and survivors both play perfectly the Nurse is probably winning. That's why she's an example of an exception where the survivors rely on her making mistakes.
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Yeah no can't agree with that. In my opinion, the majority of maps are now balanced. Coldwin maps are all fair, one is even killer sided, most Macmillan and Autoheaven maps are also very balanced. Indoor maps are mostly balanced or even killer sided, and some of the newer maps like Borgo are also very balanced.
In my opinion, A tier killers are the perfect killers balance wise. If both teams play perfectly, survivors surely still have the upper hand, but it's definitely not as black and white in my opinion. A tier killers can keep up if you ask me, especially if they choose to tunnel and camp. They have enough chase power to not only rely on survivors mistakes.
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We're just gonna have to agree to disagree on maps, that's fine.
I do think it should lean towards being reliant on survivor mistakes since they're more likely to make mistakes as it's 4 different people. I just think the degree to how reliant most killers are is too much. I think A tier killers are probably a good balance level to where it still leans towards the survivors but not too much. By that point though, the vast majority of the killer roster are below A tier. IE if that's the case, most are too reliant on survivor mistakes, per my main point. If hypothetically almost all killers were around A tier level right now, I'd be fine with the current state.
My opinions here are also mostly assuming some variation of swf, not full solo queue, as the majority of my matches are not solo queue.
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I honestly think communication is the issue. People playing with friends is fine. It's the callouts and the coordination that make the difference. Certain perks and strats are not as strong with communication.
If anyone says that communication is not an advantage they are deluding themselves. When the game was first launched there was no SWF. I don't think communication was intended.
Either way, I still play the game. I check profiles when I can, not to dodge but to have an idea. If I see its a swf I will still play, but I know certain perks and builds will be lessened.
This game is too random to think you can win all the time. Just go in do what you can and win or lose just do it with dignity.
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It can be an advantage, but it's not as impactful as players think it is in the average public match. Average comms aren't going to break a killer who is making the correct plays and executing at a decent level. Genuinely impactful comms take way more time and practice than most players are willing to put in.
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Open the doors yourself and akf in a corner, it's how all my games against a 4 stack go
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You have to opportunity to face one group of decent survivors and not those poor bots in SoloQ for once, use this chance to learn from your mistakes and to deal with average loopers.
And don't forget that you still have a 52% chance of winning the game.0 -
You need to acquire solid game sense. (You haven't said how many hours you have in the game.)
After that, tunneling is usually a good way to slow them down, if you are fast enough.
I seldom tunnel but I slug a lot. It tends to slow them down. I regularly get two close downs before I hook.
On hard games, getting a bleed-out isn't rare.
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there’s no complaining about my argument here in expressing what can I do against a swf all I’m looking for is a advice
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Play a strong killer like Nurse, HillyBilly, Pinhead and Blight. Find the weak link and eliminate them.
They won’t hold back, neither should you. Don’t feel bad if you have to tunnel, slug and camp.
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Well SWF is generally going to be stronger than soloq. It's still the same game in most respects, just harder.
Some minor things you can try:
I like to respect/not respect pallets against different players. This will usually get me some free hits because one player will say I'm playing in a certain way and another contradicts it.
SWFs generally play to protect each other. Look for the person coming to protect when you are in chase.
Most SWFs are friends and usually a combination of skill levels. If someone is trying to bait chase, don't give into it.
The SWF will probably have a gameplan. This generally makes them harder to play overall, but it does give you something to anticipate. Are they going for saves, rushing gens, body blocking? Try to anticipate what they are doing based off their overall playstyle.
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But it's not fair my 2500 wins in a row as Blight were ended by a swf. Swf is a problem!
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then why have all these other killer?
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so you can play them. my response was for OP's troubles against swf.
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Try your best? It's what all of us have to do in matches against difficult opponents
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I agree that it should lean a bit more towards being reliant on survivors making mistakes.
But it seems we also disagree on what killers are A tier. I consider a fair amount of killers to be A tier. Or at least high B tier, which in my opinion can also still keep up with very good survivor teams, they just have a slightly harder time doing so.
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I would put roughly less than 10% of the roster A tier or above. I would not say high B tier killers can keep up with good survivor teams at all. B tier in DBD is very weak and relies on a lot of survivor mistakes to win even if they're playing perfectly.
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My point exactly regarding information, if a swf can do clock callouts they have a lot of information. However they got downed fast by a myers, a myers lmao .Showing even with a lot of information being bad at the game will make a team lose. Literally zero excuse to not loop a myers until the fnaf chapter is out if he doesnt have tombstone.
Information cannot correct skill, you can know everything that happening but if you are unable to act accordingly you will still lose.
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The ones that act as the team’s constant surveillance on you “they’re coming in your direction go hide away from the gen. They’re looking near the right main building” etc lol You literally breathe against this type of SWF and they’ll have it recorded of you breathing.