Why do Survivors crawl to corners of the map when slugged?

So there's this thing i don't understand.
Nobody likes being slugged for 5 minutes. It's a waste of time, you don't have fun, you lose anyway, etc etc.
So why survivors hate it so much when it's done to them, but when they can do it to "screw over" the killer they immediately go for it?
Say there's two survivors right next to each other, you down both, as you pick one the other one crawls to the croner of the map. Your choices are
- Pick up, have them wiggle off, turn match around or escape through hatch
- Let them bleed out for 5 minutes and win
Any killer is obviously gonna slug, why lose because the survivor crawls to the corner of the match? You just alt tab and go do something else. But the slugged survivor, who willingly crawled to the corner of the map to DENY you of hooking them and have the match end fast has a meltdown over having their time wasted… Why?
I get lots of survivors do it to "spite" the killer, like "haha you can't get hook points", but… the killer won anyway. All those people are doing is waste their own time on a loss, while the killer, sure, loses a few minutes, but the killer still won.
It's ok to do so if it gives you a slim chance of survival. Anyone who refuses to onhooked by the killer as a disgrace should not even play the game. BM are based on the mind, not the act.
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Survivors love to waste time despite getting mad at killers who waste time.
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crawling to the corner increases the odds of wiggling free from the killer's grasp as they're less likely to make it to a hook. However usually killer's will let you bleed out rather than attempt to carry you to a hook in this situation.
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I believe it's a you waste my time, I'll waste yours thing (at least some of the time)
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It's very simple, if a Killer wants to waste my time by slugging for the 4K, I'll be more than happy to waste theirs. There's also a slim chance to wriggle off and hope for a hatch escape. They usually go off to look for it when it spawns to slam it shut anyway.
I hate it when Killers slug for a 4K. I consider it disrespectful.
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I do it for 2 reason.
One) Sometimes to punish the mentality of slugging for a 4k after the killer had a pi** easy game.
Two) In many games hatch equals bleeding out at the end, it's both a draw towards the individual survivor.
And i won't do it, even will crawl under the next available hook if i had a GG. That's subjective ofc.
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Honest answer? You should have hooked me when you had the chance.
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I can crawl around and at least have "something" to do. Or I can watch the silhouette of the other survivor, running, crouching, or whatever situation they are in, while doing absolutely nothing. Being slugged for long periods of time does suck. But being slugged for long periods, while doing nothing, sucks even more.
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I think bleeding out is still a bit less satisfying then hooking all of us.
If the killer played lika an a..hole i will rather bleed out than give him the hook if i can.
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If a bleedout happens, a killer's rating will drop from Merciless Killer to Relentless killer. The killer is the one who loses on a bleedout. It's always better to try for the hook than let a bleedout happen.
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For the wiggle bloodpoints!
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Killers get less points (and potentially lose challenges) if Survivors bleedout as opposed to being sacrificed.
Many Survivors will attempt this out of spite. I've seen people purposefully use Plot-Twist to bleedout stealthily just to deny hook stages.
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Be grateful dcing doesn't remove the player anymore.
That was the real power move and it used to be so satisfying watching other dc to prevent 4k slugging and watch the last person get the hatch as a result.
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I've never understood this myself. Best case scenario, you crawl to the hatch. But once the hatch is closed, wouldn't you want to save yourself time and just crawl to somewhere the killer can find you so you can save time and get to the next match? It's not like you earn bonus bloodpoints for bleeding out. Imho, it is just a salty move. I can't win so I'm going to waste my own time to waste your time. They should just make is so if there is only one survivor in the dying state and the hatch is closed, the bleedout timer goes 4x faster or the killer can see the survivors aura.
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If killer does not know where you are you have bigger odds at crawling into a hatch. By the time the killer have tried to find you , you can crawl search for the hatch. A slim chance but still a chance. Also waste killers time in revenge for slugging. Also bigger chance to wiggle out. 3 in 1.