Should hooks break on death?

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No, it’s outdated. At best it creates a minor inconvenience for the killer, at worst it creates hook deadzones that lead to bleedouts and a huge waste of time for both sides.
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Nope, it does not really serve a purpose and leads to situations were you objectively cannot hook someone because no hook is in range, therefore creating deadzones, it can be because the killer didn't pay attention when hooking but it can also be forced by survivors when they decide to die edge map, knowing there is only one hook in range.
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Game mechanics that encourage players to go afk and play on their phones are horrible mechanics
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nah. does not do anything good really. it basically only matters when survivors create a deadzone and now they bleed out on the ground.
fun for everyone right?
remove that, buff jeff's perk
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I say they shouldn't for two reasons
- Sabotage would be more important and could have better uses. Good sabo squads already can abuse certain hook placements, so it reasons that a hook being spent on a death that will otherwise become a deadzone can still be sabo'd and incentivize trying to run something like that. It also makes buffing sabo more reasonable.
- Better reason to revisit hook spawn logic. It's always bugged me sometimes up to 4 hooks will spawn within 10-15 meters of each other but then corners will have 1 solitary hook, if a hook spawns there at all.
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Hooks in general are an outdated mechanic and should be reworked completely.
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Interesting to hear. Please tell me how!
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Yes. One less survivor is far worse for survivors than one broken hook after a sacrifice for killer.
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I view this exactly the same as survs 3-genning themselves. Hooks are a resource that killers need to keep in mind. But I also think several maps need their hook spawns tweaked.
With the upcoming changes to sabo, maybe a generic killer perk may be helpful, I'll call it Mechanic for now. It would reinforce hooks in the killer's terror radius or something on a down, say for like 10 seconds, making them take twice as long to sabo. Something like that.
Y'all mess around with this idea, some really creative folks around the forum. And it needs a better name. 😂🤣
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It's been a core mechanic for so long, but….
Maybe just Scourge Hooks need to break upon death. The way I see it, having a broken hook usually just ends in a bleedout through no fault of anyone's. The Survivor can't be expected to offer themselves up anymore than the Killer can be expected to simply let them go.
So no, regular hooks shouldn't break.
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No. This should've been a removed feature years ago. It does nothing but creates dead zones and forces slugging that no one likes.
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it shouldn’t break on death because it creates dead zones that killers can’t do anything about but let the survivor stay on the ground invincible to any kind of detrimental abusing perks they could possibly bring that compensates for it.
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Yes, but they need to add fixed hook locations, especially at corners.
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No, survivors who die on hooks corpses should stay on the hook. That way the hook can’t be used and the game would actually have a little bit of horror to it again. It wood be very cool to be the last survivor running past the hooked corpses while desperately trying to find hatch.
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I like this idea. Maybe the current hook sacrifice animation can be used at the end of the trail once all the survs are dead or escaped, all shown at the same time.
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That’s what I suggested to them in the feedback and suggestions tab but they never said anything. So who knows.
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It's thematic and makes Sabo plays more viable. Given that a survivor needs to already be dead for this to kick into effect, I think it's fine.
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I've always wanted this. Can add a bit of killer flavor as well: like Nemesis makes the dead survivor a zombie that can reach out to other survivors as they run by.
Similar to how you can hear dead survivors crying near their death hooks playing against the doctor.
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I have yet to hear a compelling argument for why they should break. Most of it is just asking killers to keep track of and to do the most ridiculous and tedious stuff, which would never be expected of the survivor side.
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That's punishing the killer for doing their objective, and encourages bleeding everyone out.
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Encourages bleeding 'everyone' out? I mean, if they're all hanging around that one hook and there's somehow literally no other hook to in the area, that's an issue with map design more than it is the hook being lost, and I'm not seeing any gens being done, so sure, slug away.
As for it punishing the killer for doing their objective, a survivor is dead, so this is still a net gain regardless of how many hooks are left.
Survivors are punished for doing objectives when they open gates too early, as it starts a two minute timer to kill them.
Killers are punished for killing survivors with mori's, as it locks them in an animation for a set amount of time.
Survivors are punished for doing gens, because it reduces the killers patrol area and lets them find teammates easier.
Killers are punished for hooking survivors, because all survivors are immediately alerted that a killer is occupied and their location is revealed when the survivor is hooked.
Killers are punished for sacrificing survivors on third stage hook, because the hook breaks and they can't use it again.
Sometimes doing your objective comes with downsides you need to deal with. If I mentioned how everything a killer did to advance their objective can somehow come back to bite them, this post would be even longer. You're complaining about a design aspect present in almost all processes related to completing objectives.
Post edited by ArkInk on2 -
And we still got a anti 3-gen mechanic and an anti hook grab mechanic.
Time for hooks to stay if you sacrificed a survivor on them. And while we are at it we should make a mechanik so its easyer to spot the last 2 survivors if all they do is hiding while we still have 4 gens left.1 -
No. All it does is to enable awful gameplay.
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Just like 3 gens could be forced by killers this can be forced by a survivor if he runs in always to the same corner where he cannot get hooked and has to be slugged, so it is no really a Ressource you can manage often times...
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i think not at all, it could create a deadzone, and on top of that, influence the survivor being slugged because they were to far away from another hook
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Hooks breaking on death makes little impact on the world and when it does it can disadvantage both the killer and the survivor. The killer could create a region where there are no hooks and the next available hooks are far away enough for the survivor to escape the killers grasp easier. while this disadvantages the killer, it also could promote slugging which ultimately creates a boring experience for the survivor.
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Doesn’t bother me really.
Side note: @Pulsar , Michael Myers??? No Billy pfp???
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Consider it a Throwback that nobody will recognize.
I had a Myers PFP for a long time.
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- Hooks should break it's a resource that should be managed.
- A broken hook should have a tiny zone around it that allows a survivor to recover from down state to avoid bleed out by killer failing in point one.
Honestly hooking is out dated in my opinion the cage system honestly seems way better as it prevents tunneling and camping. I think I similar solution of a unhooked survivor being able to run into a locker and randomly teleport out another during unhook endurance would solve a similar issue with less perk reworking.
But as for hooks being replaced by cages I think that would make a lot of killers less angry when it comes to losing you target from body blocking flash lights pallet stuns. While I think removing all of those and perks related to it is a huge undertaking the game would be in a way healthier state if survivors didn't need to be carried
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Keeping track of things that are otherwise obscure is literally like half of survivor gameplay.
This is like making sure you're using resources appropriately and not creating dead zones with no resources, or not 3 genning yourself.
If the shoe was on the other foot, and we're specifically taking about continuing to use a resource once you've finished your objective there: then what would people say about being able to work a generator again after completing that same gen? That sounds pretty ridiculous to me, and still creates a dead zone you have to keep track of.
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I think if Pig uses stealth that 2 hooks should break for each sacrifice and her aura shown at all times. Thank you in advance for agreeing 👍
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What did my sister Piggly Wiggly do to y'all now? 🤣😂🐽🐷
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Yes. If I have to deal with dead zones when I play as survivor, I can handle dead zones when I play as killer.
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Are you familiar with the organ known as the heart? It is not an insignificant organ and having a heart attack can be deadly in real life. The Pig jump scares me too much with that growl. All I ask is her stealth to be removed, I can't with her, I just can't...
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It would be a fine mechanic if some maps didn't have complete deadzones with a singular hook. They should at least cut the time they're broken in half.
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I think yes. The deadzones are unfortunate but that means that all the survivors are going down in the same place or that the killer is only hooking in the same place which both aren't great.
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No until they fix hook placements on certain maps. Having to slug a survivor and losing points because it is not possible to hook them is not good game design.
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You must absolutely adore a JumpScare Myers who drags y'all into Lery's then.....
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I do play as him
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I say yes
It makes you as a killer be mindfull of where you should hook someone that I think is kinda cool and there's almost always another hook right next to each other to, if this is a consent problem then just start bringing iron grasp (which you should bring always cause it's great)
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No. Any info the survivor didn't see is still told to them. Where someone was hooked, how many hooks til death, recovery on the ground progress, gen progress, healing, etc. Killers can't even get individual hook counters, because it's unequally asked of them that they just need to memorize hooks.
Gens are not hooks. You don't get to 'mess up' as survivor to where instead of being down to a 3-gen, 1 gen gets perma disabled and it's now a 2-gen because, what, you did the gens in the wrong places?
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it shouldn't remove the hook, but it should change a scourge hook to a regular hook.