So.... no changes in PTB? EDIT: Wrong!

UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,988
edited May 30 in General Discussions

Not that I'm complaining... if you've cooked, you've cooked...

However I've kept checking in and see no updates or revisions and given 03/06 is the release date, and I expected something to get altered...

Off top of my head: -

  • Vecna power cooldown on spells lowered (since all are relatively weak but together they become reasonable). Scott Jund made a great feedback video on this.
  • Bubba acceleration to top speed being fixed, especially with chilli's. Also score events for Chainsaw Sprinting would be nice, to reward you for trying.
  • Commodius Toolbox getting a weaker sabo effect that other toolbox variants since its the best repair toolbox.
  • Alex's toolbox being made a little stronger at repairing (not keep it complete useless at repairs) in case you never get a chance you sabo.

There is other stuff I could think of that I don't think needs changing but I wouldn't be surprised to pop up...

However the fact nothing popped up for changes... I can only assume they're gonna be modified for release day or not at all?

Post edited by UndeddJester on


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,235

    We'll probably get something before the week ends.

    That or Monday.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think most people are expecting some significant buffs to Vecna since most people thought he was quite weak. Ideally some perk buffs as well since they were all very underwhelming and won’t be used in their current state.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Nah no way there's no changes, we usually get these the Friday or Monday before release it'll come you just gotta wait a couple more days.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,712

    I didn't even realize until yesterday that the release was Monday and not Tuesday.

    But yeah usually those dev update posts come late in the week before release, so maybe tomorrow or Friday.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,577

    They'll likely drop come Friday.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,286

    i am expecting very little changes for Vecna as some player said his tool were sufficiently good.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 665
    edited May 29

    I think we'll see something tomorrow or the day after. There's not much they need to change tbh, I think what you listed was pretty spot on, although I'd reduce his slowdown on pretty much all abilities and make Flight of the Damned have its Iri effect.

    They definitely need to adjust the infinites on the new map too, but I imagine that'll be their first priority.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 618

    We should get the PTB changes on Friday because the Update goes live on Monday and BHVR always let us know which changes will come live. So no worries.

    In addition, even though when some things goes live that would need some changes, these changes can come later because it's typical for BHVR to do post-live-changes two - three weeks later after the live release when needed.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    As others have said, we will probably get a dev update on friday. Or maybe on thursday with a lot of luck. But I would expect friday. And I do believe Vecna will see at least some buffs before his release, as he was rather weak on ptb.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,592

    If Vecna doesn't get any buffs, he'll die off faster than any other killer. Will be fun playing against him for the first week and that'll be the last we see of him.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    everyone on the forums and reddit

    every perk was trash expect survivor gets a new bm perk. Vecna slowed at every power use ball was to slow Fly is slow and short distance Skeletons crouching should not be a thing and Mage hand holding and lifting does nothing

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Then this will be the worst chapter in dbd history cause Vecna is very weak First F Tier Killer nobody will buy this chapter

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 165

    Kind of a tricky killer to balance, having so many different abilities. Most of the time BHVR only has to balance one anti loop power and one slowdown or map traversal power on new killers.

    Vecna has like, 3 anti loops, detection and map traversal?

    His abilities will probably stay relatively weak compared to other killers with the compensation being the abundance of options in a chase.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 536

    The Developer Update usually come in on Friday before the release-week, so I suggest well see it tomorrow.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,231

    I really don't understand the toolbox changes, and why Commodious is STILL the best toolbox instead of a purple one.

  • Tzimiscelord
    Tzimiscelord Member Posts: 146

    What does PTB means?

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,963

    Wouldn't call him f tier.

    People where also very disappointed with Sadako when she came out until some dedicated people found out about her strengths.

    Give it some time.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,988

    A little patience would have gone a long way xD

    Not sure why this update doesn't appear at the top of the game info page though, it's at the bottom for some reason 🤔

    No Bubba improvements is sadge… no toolbox changes is also sadge…

    All stuff regarding the new chapter on face value looks nice. Fly looks like it'll be quite scary O.o

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Survivors getting on-demand 40-yard killer aura revealing, with infinite duration, just happened with Still sight + open handed.

    And Alex toolbox + sabo speed addons is still a free sabo for survivors, because they can sabo a hook and move away before the killer can recover from hitting them.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,235

    Yards? C'mon DBD has used the metric system forever.

    I don't think Still Sight will be that good even with Open Handed. You have to be standing completely still for 4 seconds (you can't be doing an action either). It's 2 perk slots for a pretty clunky way to see Auras.

    It being techincally infinite doesn't really matter when you have to be as useful as a tree on the map to get value out of it.

    I personally think they should bump it down to 3 seconds. 4 seconds is too long and 3 seconds keeps it from being free wallhacks mid-chase.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    When a survivor is trying to hide, it’s not really a burden for them to stand still. Also, SWFs can use voice comms to relay the killer’s location to their teammates

  • Szakally
    Szakally Member Posts: 62
    edited May 30

    They nerfed Bardic inspiration what a joke.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 618

    I said it in the PTB Feedback but I think Still Sight could become a problematic perk for the metagame in the way that players will play even more passive with other perks like Distortion and now they buff it. I'm not against infoperks - in fact I like them - but seeing the killer aura for free (4 second is nothing compared to other killeraura Perks like the one from Vitorio or Troubleshooter) feels not good, especially for setup killers like Trapper and Hag.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    The perk needs a cooldown if it's going to reveal killer auras. If a killer is trying to find a hiding survivor, and the survivor uses the aura revealing to move from hiding spot to hiding spot, and stand still at each hiding spot…. that's fair and balanced? The survivor doesn't even need open handed if they are just using it to excessively hide, so yeah, the distortion survivors just got a major buff.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    So many people posted their PTB Feedback about Leatherface and he needs small adjustments and BHVR of course just ingored it. Fine… At least he is getting Buff…

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 618

    Year, I agree a cooldown or a requirement would make the perk more healthy (basically like every other perk that reveals killer aura has). It kinda reminds me of old UW (easy to use and relatively free) but UW brought action to the match by finding survivors and start chases but this perks will prevent chases and will make matches unhealthy boring. It will be troublesome for killers when the survivor sees the aura of them for free to hide. SWF can abuse the perk for more free information but SoloQ, in return, will suffer as this perk in SoloQ is like Distortion the user will hide and play in a more selfish way.

    I really hope the developers will change the perk.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Bardic Inspiration might be alright now but it has that problem of being one of the perks of you never actually know how much it's doing.

    Still Sight it going to be VERY problematic in SWFs that buff was a mistake.

    No changes to the illusion perk is a shame, it has a lot of potential but is a complete meme atm.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,988

    Still Sight - Oh wow, I originally thought this perk was just chest and totems, and I was thinking "This might be good with Overzealous and Inner Healing". I didn't notice the Killer aura as well! Curse my lack of access to the PTB 😱😱😱😱

    That's busted… perfect knowledge of exactly where the killer is coming from is insanely powerful for pre-running, and with Open Handed this murders characters like tier 2 Myers or Pig, and probably Doctor as well with static blast… also pretty much any killer who can't rush in or be perfectly undetectable without slow down.

    This totally removes the point of the TR… it's a stealth players dream… Getting this effect on gens, while healing, doing totems, all extendable by open handed is pretty bonkers… and makes playing for gates broken too…

    I feel like the condition should be standing still without performing any consicuous actions should be part of the trigger for this. In fact I'd go so far as to say performing a conspicuous action should disable this perk for 20s or something…

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,286
    edited May 30

    not a nerf. 60→90 second duration is significant. it means you'll get buff for entire gen if you are near it.


    funny. they buffed every single spell and he is likely still going to be mediocre after 10+ buff changes. I think flight of the damned is still probably his worst spell. the crouching aspect will make that spell mediocre/bad for high-level. Maybe they buffed his iri add-on to not have -3 skeleton drawback then it could be ok. the patch notes does say: [CHANGE] Balance adjustments for an assortment of Add-Ons. I suppose how good he is will be based off what changed here.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I thought Still Sight doesn't activate when working on a gen. At least that's what I read. I think it only works when you actually stand still without doing anything else.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Worst PTB that eliminated the advantages of the Good Guy, made Wesker just awful, and weakened killer perks across the board that were used because there was nothing else to use, and the reason for the buff in the toolbox was because the survivor didn't know how to use it, which should be communicated to users in tutorials and on the equipment screen.The reason for the toolbox buff is that survivors don't know how to use it, which is a mysterious reason without any effort. I don't think users who don't read descriptions or look up effects will read them even if they are enhanced.

    The only thing I appreciate is the QOL boost for Cannibal, but Death Slinger needs to be a little more user friendly and fun like Huntress and Artist.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To me the Vecna buffs look amazing, I really doubt he'll just be mid after all those buffs.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521
    edited May 30

    This is correct having played with it, you need to actually be doing nothing for it to activate not just be immobile.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,988

    Thanks for that clarification. That would be ridiculous otherwise… as I thought aboit it, I had to be wrong, cause there is no way everyone skips past the bustedness of that effect. 😅😅😅

  • Szakally
    Szakally Member Posts: 62

    For me it's a nerf bc I can't play music every 60 seconds anymore :c
    I wanted to buy this dlc just for this perk, but I probably won't buy it now.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,286

    he has map mobility. His fly in ptb was by far his strongest skill. Now that cooldown are 38 seconds from 50 and that fly lasts longer and has less recovery, he might be able to do some hit & run type gameplay with it. They also for some reason nerfed the weakest survivor item vs him which was fly item that gave aura. so item that supposedly does something vs fly == does nothing and the ability is buffed.

    I imagine killer will use that fly recovery add-on+vorpal blade