Do you think hillbilly is easier on console or PC?

Batraidyn Member Posts: 105

I was just wondering bc on PC you have limited mouse space but on console you use joysticks so I was wondering if it would make a difference. And Billy players have any input?


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Pc is easier but only because it's impossible for console to match the sensitivity level which allows a pc player a little more of an edge on curves with the chainsaw, though I will say hardware doesn't matter you could have the best pc in the world and be terrible with billy.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    I wouldn't say he's necessarily easier on PC but he has more potential because mouse movement can be much more accurate and responsive and allow for stronger curves (greater angles). On console however, you are quite consistent because controller sensitivity doesn't change but mouse movements do. This is why many Hillbilly players (myself included) tie turning to Q&E to make this more consistent.

    This however only allows for a specific type of curves and is not usable on round tiles (it's impossible to time the key inputs to achieve the same results). If you use both Q&E and mouse for curves that is a bit more that you need to learn, so you could argue that it makes him harder.

    Limited space for mouse movement is not really a big factor here because curving is based on the increased sensitivity that he gets for the first second of a chainsaw sprint. It might get in the way when playing DriftKing Billy but again you can use Q&E and it's no issue.

    Overall, Hillbilly is easier on whatever you feel more comfortable with. For me that's mouse and keyboard. But I did try to play him with a controller and although it was very awkward, I got used to it pretty quickly and was able to hit most of the curves I'd hit with Q&E as well.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    ive played billy on xbox and pc for atleast 3 years. i think with new billy, (other than lo-pro flicks), a controller billy can be on par with a pc one. Personally, i prefer controller just because its what im used to, but for every other killer i use mnk. I find doing 180s and 360 curves are way easier and feel cleaner on sticks, but everyone is different.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2024

    Since they fixed the turn speed for console to work like the controller sensitivity setting on PC, he is muuuuch better on console.

    I do think a PC players mouse control is better, but he's certainly not bad at all on console now.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    No offense to anyone on console but pc controls are better, console let's you become better faster on survivor because it's easier to control the character and looking behind you while running is easier than pc where your w,a,s,d is movement instead of sliding a joystick, however in the long run pc allows you more control which is how you see alot of pc survivors moonwalking for really far distances at a fast pace while console moonwalks are a little slower and clunky, when it comes to killer there's no comparison if you're on console you're at a disadvantage and you haven't truly played killer the way it was meant to which could be alot of the problem some people have, the sensitivity and control is night and day on any First person view style game

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    I hate playing billy on M&K due to it being uncomfortable compared to controller. Playing billy on controller is functionally the same as M&k, infact I personally think 360ing is easier on controller due to the binary movement making it easier to hug loops easier giving you an edge to curve at most loops compared to m&k. I will argue till I’m blue in the face that playing survivor for eg is better on controller because you can hug loops easier. There’s alot more to controller then what people think.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    On survivor you're absolutely right but I think where you're used to controller it's harder for you to adapt on m&k just due to basic instinct, the sensitivity is the real difference your 100% on console is like 50% on pc, I've played on both and I think it's easier to get on par with most players due to the ease of controller but if you enter a tournament against serious pc players you'll notice the difference immediately with the advantage on sensitivity and the ability to curve in a way controller physically can't just due to the hardware limitations

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,405

    Killer, in general, is better with keyboard/mouse.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,084

    For sure. I actually like surv better with a controller, but there's no question in my mind that in just about every scenario killer is much better with M&K.

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105

    After playing some matches with Billy on controller and m&k I personally prefer controller because I could consistently sprint in circles around the entire map infinite times if I wanted to with double turn but with M&K I would literally instantly run into a wall if I even moved the mouse a really small amount bc how high the sensitivity was. I didn't try lowering the sensitivity but I just find controller more fun

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,026

    I dont think theres a single killer thats better to play on console than on PC. Billy is no exception

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,560
    edited June 2024

    From my experience, Controller is much better with tight turning if you know what you are doing, since K&M relies on swapping from Mouse to Q + E for consist turning which can feel clunky for a lot of people. Controller is also just much easier for Drifting.

    At the same time, K&M can do a lot of flicks and mindgaming that Controller cannot easily do, which means it can be better for getting downs, but requires more technical skill to pull off.

    Ultimately, it just depends on what you want to get out of Billy's power, if you want the high octane experience, K&M is better, if you want an easy to pick up and play experience, Controller is better.

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105

    Controller can be better in some situations. For example it's easier to snipe with Billy on controller but curving is better on pc

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    If you bind the left and right keys to Q&E it's significantly easier to do infinite circles around certain maps. It's also really good for curves on various terrain and walls, especially rocks. S curves are super easy also. I use Q&E for most of his movements apart from close tracking when a survivor is in my face in the open.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    When I used to play on console yeah. I didn't like it then, but that was pre billy buff. Haven't tried it on PC.