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Remove dc penalties

ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

pretty simple just remove them, they don’t do anything and people dc all the time so it doesn’t matter. Games infinitely worse with them on.



  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    They are circumvented? Don't want to play? Die. All you did is ruining other people's games trust me the desperate need to "punish" the first hook deather ultimate result is ruining the people who's stays time simple as. Ask your self if you didn't get a penalty would you start leaving? If the answer is no then trust me this isn't going to be any more of a problem then it currently is just now your not effected your welcome

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    this is false, dc’s have seemingly risen again recently and people are even dcing in droves on the chaos game mode. The game has a lot of frustrating elements, generally broken things and legitimately bad map, perk and killer designs that make complete sense why players can often be frustrated. The system just flat out doesn’t work and has several loopholes so it’s ultimately pointless. There would be little to no effect if it was removed

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    nothing is being ruined, there is no insensitive or nothing lost when a match ends. Sure you can play for wins but they mean nothing other than bloodpoints which are mostly pointless. It’s a flawed system that only really impacts people for a multitude of the wrong reasons.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    I’ve had 24 survivors dc on me tonight alone on the chaos randomiser. It clearly doesn’t work from my experience. And when I do get hit with a penalty it’ll 9/10 be because of my internet if anything which is not its intended purpose.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    Well It’s unfortunately true and bhvr haven’t helped by removing pip removal so there is even more insensitive to just dip from games now. The game for the majority is fine but there is tons of constant changes and content that is generally just unfun or badly designed, broken. Those are issues that should be addressed not telling players to piss off of they don’t like it. You have to remember maps like eyerie exists and skull merchant etc so much unfun or unfair game design you tolerate to get to the good stuff

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    I mean the recently had to nerf bots lol since they were too good. So DC is some times a blessing lol. But I'm in favor of removing the penalty the game is fun but has a bunch of problems ranging from tech issues to to much player freedom to waste and ruin people's games.

    Reasons honestly not important as each man can make his own and I'll respect that decision. But no one should want a player who doesn't want to be there on their team simple as that a stacking punishment is going to keep that person there to worsen your experience you can't stop that disagreement with it doesn't change it punishing early death won't fix it as they will just accidentally explode gens or get caught quickly. And while people love to talk about how sand bagging is against the rules good luck proving you just were not in the wrong place at the wrong time if the person has atleast 2 brain cells to rub together.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    the only motivation for playing the game is fun and if the game isn’t fun in areas people will dc it’s that’s simple. There is nothing to work towards and the small stuff that is, is all paywalled so the main majority of players will play for fun. And when the games got copious amount of issues from bad map design, bad killer design, bad perk design, broken jank and bhvr’s seemingly lack of what knowing what to do with the game is showing. The dc penalty does nothing, there are loopholes and you can’t force someone who legitimately wants to leave to stay. Considering nothing is lost now when a match ends with the removal of pip removal it serves no purpose but to make the experience worse on top of the other factors

  • Eriyn
    Eriyn Member Posts: 35

    keep penalties but introduce a surrender button for both sides. thank you.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    sure that’s at least a possible solution unlike everyone who tells you to just not play lol

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    How if it’s already happening currently? People dc often over anything and you legitimately can’t stop people from doing so. I’d understand if there was a ranked mode or something but it’s an extremely casual game, if ur not having fun you dip

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    I’ve just today had a match where three of the four survivors dc’ed to the sound of victor at the start of the match lol. People still dc for dumb reasons all the time. I played when they did remove the penalties one time and it was fine honestly, saw very little difference

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    Counterpoint how about the game gets changed and fixed so it is fun? Or maybe add stuff to work towards or provide incentives for actually playing that aren’t paywalled? The game can be fun that’s why a lot of us tolerate it’s glaring list of issues

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    it happens with or without them so that means little. There is no way to stop players who adamantly don’t want to play the devs even state this themselves in the patch notes addressing face camping changes. Locking players in a match they don’t want to be in is not a good substitute and they’ll still find ways to make the match worse or to get out early. DBD is more of a party game especially consider the popularity of the new mode where seemingly most don’t like or are sick of the meta and competitive nature some are trying to take the game.

    If you want to keep people playing you need to add incentive not add more reasons to leave or just not be allowed to play.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    sure the games not going to be 100% to mine or anyone’s liking and I’m not asking nor wanting it to be. But considering to can take months for them to fix minor or major issues of balance or broken game features and assists, you'd be waiting potentially years lol

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2024

    "it happens with or without them so that means little."

    That is factually a false statement. I'm not sure how long you've been around but we had a time where they tested bringing them down to see what would happen. It was chaos. The DC rate skyrocketed. So no, it does not happen with or without them. It does indeed have a substantial impact on DC rates by having a DC penalty.

    "There is no way to stop players who adamantly don’t want to play"

    If they adamantly don't want to play then they shouldn't be queuing up in the first place. People will stop DC'ing if each DC makes them waste hours of their day in queue.

    "Locking players in a match they don’t want to be in is not a good
    substitute and they’ll still find ways to make the match worse or to get
    out early"

    The point is to limit those ways to get out of the match early to things that waste substantial amount of their time to discourage it. Again, if trying to get out early makes them waste hours of their time they will stop.

    "DBD is more of a party game especially consider the popularity of the
    new mode where seemingly most don’t like or are sick of the meta and
    competitive nature some are trying to take the game."

    DBD isn't the temporary chaos shuffle game mode. It's the actual normal game. So referencing chaos mode as proof of it being a party game does not make sense. The normal DBD game is more of a competitive game than a party game.

    "If you want to keep people playing you need to add incentive not add more reasons to leave or just not be allowed to play."

    You are never going to make everyone happy. If they want to keep people playing they need to address the entitled people that are ruining the games for the rest the player base.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    I played during the time they did remove the dc penalties and it was much better experience if anything. Not to mention I saw very little change compared to how it normally was or is now honestly. Obviously everyone has different experiences but I’m not gonna cry cause I lost out on 20k extra bp and simply queue again as nothing is lost when a match ends that matters.

    It’s just a fact you can’t know or will queue for a match that’s going to be miserable. DBD is full of unfair and broken stuff which is out of player control. You can’t expect people to not play entirely cause a small portion of the game is a problem as the game would die out. You legitimately can’t stop people from leaving a match or ruining it in a multitude of ways and this isn’t just a DBD issue.

    The only real solution that’s plausible would be a surrender button otherwise with how DBD is you can still find easy loopholes to get out early. The dc penalty can easily be passed so it’s currently serving little purpose but to annoy us with inconsistent WiFi

    I pointed to chaos as it’s incredibly popular and reflects on the base game. People myself included generally do not want to go back to the boring meta and sweat fest the game can be. Running the same five builds just to do anything isn’t fun and the game modes breathed fresh air into the game. It’s an asymmetrical game so by nature it’s never going to be balanced enough for anything competitive without a stupid amount of restrictions.

    It’s not even about making people happy it’s about making them want to stay, that there time is being valued to the point where sitting through the miserable stuff is also rewarded, to work towards something. With someone with thousands of hours bloodpoints are no longer an incentive and rift/archive is paywalled. People currently only have no major incentive to stay other than fun if they aren’t having fun they’ll just leave you can’t stop that apparent from addressing the actual issue of why are these players leaving and unsatisfied

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,359

    I think every player should be able to DC when a single DC happens

    Like for example, a survivor DC, then their teammates and the killer can DC as well without penalty and without losing items, add-ons and offerings

    However shared BP offering is no longer used

    I think it could be fair

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    ok and my point still stands this doesn’t change anything. Fun is subjective and when you’ve designed ur game to only cater towards fun, if fun isn’t being had people will leave. There is no incentive for people to not leave for the many reasons you’ve listed and surely many more. There is nothing to earn or work towards so I’ll play the game for fun, if it isn’t fun you either tolerate it or dip its that simple. What ur suggesting would only apply to a game that actually had some form of incentive like a ranked mode but this is an asymmetrical party game.

  • boogerboy123
    boogerboy123 Member Posts: 119

    sure if you want to play with 2+ bots every single match.

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  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    Better idea: Instead of removing DC penalties, remove SWF from the game.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    It does work though. The devs have experimented with turning the dc penalties off and it has always been horrible. People disconnect at the slightest inconvenience.

    Killer gets an early hook? Dc. I was found first? Dc. It's XYZ killer? Dc. It's not XYZ killer? Dc. A perk I don't like? Dc. A map I don't like? Dc. An offering I don't like? Dc. My team mate messed up a flashlight save? Dc. I got outplayed? Dc. There is an insanely strong set up on the map? Dc. There is no insanely strong set up? Dc. Someone brought an item or addon I don't like? Dc…

    I could go on but you get the idea. No matter what it is, someone will take that as a reason to disconnect. If anything, the disconnect penalties should be turned up to disincentivise people from rage quitting even more. It's way too convenient for people to just immediately leave any game that doesn't play out in exactly the way they want it to. It doesn't even matter, if they're winning or not. Someone will always find a reason to disconnect.

    Good luck with that. Make any number of changes you want and the game will still be the most miserable thing imaginable for the people that don't actually want to play the game, which are the same people that disconnect regularly. The game has issues, yes. But you can endure them without disconnecting. Not every game is going to be the most amazing experience you can imagine. That doesn't mean you should dc.

    Name just one multiplayer game that is always fun and that never has frustrating moments. You won't find one. If you can't take a bad game, then don't queue up. You know that this can happen and you know that you disconnecting is going to ruin the game for 4 other players. There are a bunch of single player games readily available, that you can play and it doesn't matter if you rage quit in any of them.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The history of this game and how people tend to interact with are in direct opposition with this line of thinking.

    Before the game had DC penalties the rate of DCing was so high that at times it functionally broke matchmaking times. Anytime after the addition of the penalty where the devs have needed to turn it off for bit there were huge spikes in DCs. Believe it or not people are more inclined to at least attempt to play things out when the threat of escalating penalty is in play. Literally the community of this game proves that when given benefit of the doubt they will turn around and abuse it.

    It's why you get an overly strict chat filter and dc penalties because folks simply can't be trusted to not be the worst version of themselves when playing dbd.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    nothing is ruined, there’d have to be some form of incentive for the matches that could be interpreted and ruined to begin with. Unless ur that crazy for bloodpoints it’s just a simple case of queuing next with nothing of value lost.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    sure if you want queue times to be half an hour long lol

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    it doesn’t work and has loopholes. People still dc often

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    yeah but you know what is not fun? loosing. thats just a fact and i know there are people who claim they dont care if they win or if they loose as long as its fun but that is not the majority of the poeple.

    what i discribet will 100% happen without dc penality and we have already seen this. every time the penality was off in the past people just left the game for whatever reason they liked.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    and the players will be acting this way based on the state of the game. If the game is generally broken or has a lot of unfun elements that aren’t fun to go against that cause dcing en masse then that’s the issue. Sure you’ll never be able to fully stop rage quitters or petty people but buy fixing the issues and giving incentive to the games matches you’ll provide a healthy and natural reason for people to stay. The removal of pip removal has only done more damage as people don’t have to worry about there rank now when dcing, giving them more incentive to dc to bad or unfun matches.

    as for chat I’ve never been a fan of restrictions of any kind, you don’t have to use it and there is a report function if you get overly butthurt but I’m all for people saying what they want.

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    people leave for any reason with the penalty, it has loopholes and the games generally problematic in places enough to warrant doing so. I’d understand if anything was lost in a match that matters via dcing but nothing is. It’s just a simple case of moving on and queueing again. I’m never personally annoyed from a dc it’s just more funny honestly and I don’t mind at all

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,479

    Remove DC penalty or Remove hook suicide, pick one, don't be so weird by having both

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    they couldn’t remove hook suicide as it would require them to change completely how hooks work and knowing bhvr probably break them for a few weeks lol.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,479

    eh, it's not hard or even complicated, just remove self unhook and skillchecks, done, no one gets hurt and game balance will not change in slightest

    There is nothing special in doing this, pretty sure BHVR will break everything anyway though

    ZE8ERDEE Member Posts: 58

    so you want them to remove the perks like deliverance and slippery meat? To remove the luck modifiers as they are primarily used for unhooking? If you can’t unhook yourself do you just have to sit on a hook for five minutes while you bleed out? lol. The features fine as is you just simply can’t control what the players are going to do with it