Newsletter Rewards?

How do I obtain the Newsletter Rewards? It tells me with each email ive put in that i am subscribed to the Newsletter but I still havent seen any confirmation in my Email(s) and nothing in game. Am I doing something wrong?
The latest reward (the Alchemy Lab Banner) releases June 3rd, presumably around the same time the chapter drops.
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Yes, but how do I obtain that reward? The Newsletter subscription
says it has subscribed me but I never have any reward in my DBD Account OR any confirmation in my email
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I’m wondering this as well. I have yet to receive any of the supposed email rewards. Nothing.
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Have you checked your spam, ads, etc? Mine are always going to my spam.
Also, when did you sign up? As in, should you have gotten other emails? They come with codes you can enter in the in-game store, they don't just appear in your inventory.
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Same here. I don’t want to miss out on the rewards.
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not sure if this helps, but I did notice a DBD email I was sent after searching "dead by daylight" in the search bar. the previous reward of a 250k bp code was at the very bottom of an email all about the new chapter. really wish they would send out some sort of confirmation email telling you that you've signed up correctly, and where to find it 😅.
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Any one get a code yet? I have not. And I know I'm signed up. It's been a while now
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I just got a code now… In only one of the three emails I'm subscribed to the newsletter with. Really glad I decided to make a third one when they announced this, because it's the only one that worked.
Fix your stuff, BHVR. Please.1 -
I haven't received an email yet either.
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I have 2 emails also, and no email, code on either
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I have just received a code, but it does not work in the game. Is this a bug?
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I received the BP email a few weeks back, but have yet to receive the alchemy lab one.
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Two emails subscribed here. Didn't receive the 250k bp's in May, didn't receive the Alchemy banner this month. I receive emails informing me of the live streams / anniversary events though. I'm not sure how it's possible to mess up sending out automated emails so badly.
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I didnt get my email either. Was really excited for the banner. Im honestly disappointed.
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So only the emails that do not reward you as a player/customer? You seem to only get emails that would benefit them you say? Sounds normal for companies this day and age.
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Pretty much. Anything which advertises events, DLC etc, I seem to get. I got the email telling me I'd receive 250k bp's on May 13th, but not the actual email containing the code, which was sent out on May 16th (not too fussed about this, 250k isn't much). I'd like this banner though!
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I sent Support a message a few days ago and have back and forth'd a few replies with the support person, and I'm honestly kind of disappointed in how hard it's proving to be able to obtain a free banner... I thought I'd just message Support once and they'd be like 'oh sorry, here you go' but they really don't seem to want to give it to me lol it's not my fault I didn't get the email
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Oh god I haven't got an email yet but if that's how they are gonna handle things I won't bother. Your email system is totally bugged but lets interrogate the person who didn't get an email due to a bug
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Don't get me wrong, they've been perfectly professional, but yeah it's been a bit more of a time investment than I feel it's needed to be for both myself and the Support person. If I wasn't so keen on collecting banners I'd just give up lol I'm still waiting on their reply to my last email so hopefully that's it
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I hope you get it! A lot of people on the sub reddit are saying they contacted them and they were pretty much told by support that they couldn't do anything about it