A killer main plays survivor for a month+ and here's some thoughts.

TotesRider Member Posts: 21

So full stop. I am a killer main. I just like the gameplay more, it feel more rewarding than survivor imo. But because I personally ######### hate the 'Us vs Them' mentality this game generates I decided to give myself a challenge. While I'll still play killer, I want to play more survivor matches to try and get a feel of what survivor mains go through. Know thy enemy know thyself. Michael Jordan said that. Probably.

However I only had a few survivors prestige 1 so during the bloodmoon event I got a bunch more atleast prestige 1. So once I felt I had a good number of survivor perks unlocked for everyone it's time to hunker down. But through my several matches (Around 50+ if I had to guesstimate) here's what i've observed and learned and hopefully this can help build a bridge for survivor and killer mains.

  1. I honestly recommend giving the other side a try. I know we tend to get stuck in our ways but I honestly recommend killer mains giving survivor a shot from to time and ESPECIALLY recommend survivors to atleast try some killer matches here and there. What I did to help me was I gave myself a 'Play 4 Survivor games and you can have a killer game or two after'.
  2. Flashlight blinds are annoying af as killer and still are but i've learned it's actually quite hard to get a flashlight save. So now I can put some respect whenever a survivor gets a successful flash save on me.
  3. Most survivor perks are trash. This was a sentiment i've heard for awhile and… yeah no I gotta agree with this. Similar to how many killers feel like only a small handful of perks are actually usable, it seems to be the same case for survivors. I think it also comes down to how when it comes to killer perks you can atleast synergize with the killer's power but that seems way more limited when playing survivors.
  4. Solo Q is ######### ROUGH. I thought y'all were exaggerating on this but GOOD LORD you guys were right.
  5. Yes tunneling does suck, however as a killer main, there are times where it's the best option… just not at 5 gens gang.
  6. Seeing alot of Nea mains try to be Noob3's second coming has solidified how much I hate that ######### character even more xD.
  7. I get excited when I see lesser played killers, especially when it's killers I main myself. For example, I ######### love Unknown. He's my sweet baby boy. But I was surprised by how few Unknowns I went against. I think during this little month long experiment I think I faced maybe 2 Unknowns.
  8. I got reported because by a teammate because I didn't use gen rush perks. So… that was fun.
  9. I still wish survivors had some kind of other goal than just generators.
  10. I've gotten some good ideas on killer builds. Seriously, play some survivor matches and you'll be surprised when you see a killer you play use a build you never even thought of.
  11. I also got reported because I didn't bring a flash light when everyone else brought a flashlight (Seriously BHVR needs to do something about these false reports)
  12. Successfully looping a killer for two or three gens is surprisingly pretty fun (and a bit harder than it looks)
  13. I never understood the attachment some people have for survivors because imo they are basically all just cosmetic but… Gabriel is my sweet boy and he needs more cosmetics.

Probably some more thoughts but these are my thoughts so far as a killer main giving survivor a try.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,174

    11. I also got reported because I didnt bring a flash light when everyone else brought a flashlight (Seriously BHVR needs to do something about these false reports)

    BHVR already filters out false reports. If someone has a history of heavily reporting with basically no evidence or for reasons that do not break the game's TOS, their reports will be automatically filtered from the rest.

    Basically Serial Reporters have their reports mean nothing since they are effectively sent to the Shadow Realm.

    Also the reason why reports in general take awhile for any action to be taken it a lot of manual reviewing happens. Very rarely does BHVR give out automated bans (outside of DC penalties).

  • TotesRider
    TotesRider Member Posts: 21

    Ah okay i didn't know that. I watched a video about some dude who would report people for the dumbest things and always wondered what happens with those reports.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    Point 12 is important. Most killers have some sort of anti-loop power, and you need some good RNG. There's a lot that has to go right or a lot the killer has to do wrong for a 2 or 3 gen run. You might get a Coldwind where half the map is a harvester and two T/L walls. Tough to get a ton of value out of that.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783
    edited June 2

    I also play both sides a lot, starting as killer and now have a 40/60 split with killer at 60% in my overall 2100 hours. I'll go through your list with my own experience.

    1. I also recommend this. There's horrible toxicity between the survivor and killer mains, and if they played both roles they'd understand more about the problems each side faces. I especially urge players to try every killer they can, and every survivor perk combo they can think of to fill different roles to really see the issues.
    2. This is also true, to a degree. Flashlights themselves are tricky to pull off, but add in Background Player and flashbangs and you'll be more consistent.
    3. Very true, and I'd also add a lot of killer perks are also kind of on the weaker side. I think survivors have it worse though, because they have more perks on average with more survivor releases than killers. We also have to remember with 4 survivors, having 1 good perk can stack to having 4 good perks and compound any issues. See Buckle Up+For The People, pre-nerfed Made For This, and the old versions of the Decisive Strike/Unbreakable/Borrowed Time/Dead Hard groups.
    4. Absolutely true. I've had good games, don't get me wrong and I'm escaping in SoloQ enough for me to not be too upset, but I'm finding my problems lie with the other survivors more than what the killer brings. I make mistakes, sure, but other survivors can straight up mess up you giving them a bodyblock of all things. I had a match today where I was taking a hit for someone and they Plot Twisted in the middle of chase. Best part? Killer kept going for me despite me not having a flashlight or Buckle Up+For The People. Even worse, I see survivors not touching gens or not getting unhooks at all, sometimes just… Standing around doing nothing.
    5. Agreed. I also say this for slugging. Both have their places and I can understand when it happens to me. It's just bad when it's at 5 gens.
    6. I can't bring myself to hate a specific survivor because they're all just skins with different scream pitching and pain noises. It's mainly just people who latched onto that content creator mindset I guess?
    7. I absolutely love going against Sadako players so I can relate. I love seeing their builds and what works for them that I don't normally do on mine. I also love seeing other survivors knowing nothing about counterplay. Really validates what I see as killer.
    8. I've been reported for unhooking. SoloQ.
    9. Agreed. Something to help with gen speeds, but something survivors will naturally do and not throw the match for.
    10. Know what feels even better? Seeing killers who RUN your build. I saw a Deathslinger run my gen trap build (Unforseen, Trail of Torment, Call of Brine, Surge) and it was whiplash feeling that being used against me, on the same killer I run that build on no less.
    11. Won't touch on that because that was answered above already.
    12. I was the same, but Vittorio is the one original survivor I like running. Otherwise, Yoichi is still my highest prestige because funny yellow coat.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,903

    I'd say most of those I feel the same about other than flashlights. Ever since the buffer it feels impossible to miss a flashlight save if you're in position unless you are just that bad at them.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I think most of us already play both sides ? people are not lying both sides are annoying to play with valid complaints, maybe i have Dbd burnout but this game is infuriating.. only swfs have fun in this, solo surv and killer is rage inducing

  • TotesRider
    TotesRider Member Posts: 21
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,766

    Appreciate you doing this little experiment and giving your observations to us. I too wish many players didn't just play one role only. Besides it making you better at both roles, it also increases empathy for the other side during trials, something we need more of imo.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 248

    After playing Chaos Shuffle, I can for certain say that it was a very refreshing game mode, to play on both sides, and how surprising it was to gain value from perks you never really think about using, on either side.

    I can totally agree with your list. I play mostly survivor, but I do switch it up from time to time. (somewhere around a 70/30 split)

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    i've always been a both sides player so never experienced that sort of an enlightenment but playing both sides help a lot with sympathizing with others, appreciating their skill but especially learning mind games and how to run tiles against/as certain killers.

    also sorry not sorry but the most biased nonsense feedback comes from "hardcore" one side players. screw long game hours, both sides players' opinions even with minimal gaming hours mean more to me.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited June 3

    I haven't played for a couple of years, so maybe it's different now. And I've mained both survivor and killer. I don't play in higher tiers, I average between 15-5 if that's still how ranks are determined.

    • SoloQ survivor was the most enjoyable for me, it gave me the challenge survivors are supposed to face while making escape completely possible. Having to rely on perks like self healing was great, because I could help my team if they needed it and help myself if they wouldn't.
    • Killer - at least when I played still - was incredibly weak for the average player. I'm not the best or worst killer, I'd say above average personally. But my issue is that with balance at the time, tunneling was a necessity rather than a strategy you "could" use. And dealing with 2-4 man groups on voice chat is a nightmare, since it was just a troll fest.

    I've said it before, but balancing a 4v1 game is incredibly difficult. And props to BHVR for surviving as long as they have. There's pros and cons to both survivor and killer. When I stopped playing it was because I felt something lacking from the core gameplay loop as well as the singular objective survivors and kills both have. It feels like there needs to be something more for both, that changes how we all play the game.