What do you think about new chapter + Will you be buying day 1?

Title. The update Is just in few Hours.
Personaly, I Will Wait a bit. If Vecna survives first 2-3 hot fix patches, I Will be more confident about him.
No, I won’t be buying the new chapter. I have zero interest in it. It’s just way too silly for me to like it. I do hope those who are interested will enjoy it though. Hopefully those buffs will make him a lot more fun to play as. He was clunky on the PTB.
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I will, for Bardic Inspiration. I want to spread musical cheer.
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it’s an interesting perk, lol. I had some fun using that perk on the PTB, haha. Not going to buy the chapter for that perk but it’s definitely cool.
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I am getting it. I am so beyond hyped for Vecna. Even if he receives some small nerfs afterwards, which I doubt looking at the buffs he is receiving, I wouldn't really care much. I just absolutely love his design and gameplay.
He also looks like he's going to be a lot of fun to go against, which is always more than welcome.
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as a killer main no . Vecnas perks are god awfull and his playstyle is not for me . That being said i am excited for the new map and potential sales happening soon . Also 2v8 right around the corner 🥳
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I’m buying Vecna day one cause I love dnd but I hope they nerf his special items. Like teleporting is insane and you can’t stop it. I’d say have it charge for a few seconds before it teleports but I don’t really care that much cause it’s Vecna and he’s cool
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Wait what?! I didnt even know there legendary tier of magic items And Now I read about them on Wiki And they both sound insane lol.
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I plan to, Vecna was fun to play and aside from his Adept I dont have to use those perks. The Survivor perks though are all pretty fun, amd Im probably the only one most excited for Still Sight, especially paired with Open Handed. Just stand still for a bit and get to know where the Killer is
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I buy all dlc because I’m a completionist - perks, achievements, etc, however I am too sad about chaos shuffle going away to play today to be honest.
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Not right away no.
Vecna is chill and all but the cooldowns weren’t lowered enough. Or at the least tweaked so that the weaker spells have separate cooldowns based on strength. I’ll wait to preview it with whatever streamer decides to play him and in the meantime continue playing Unknown/Singularity.
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ikr. It gives the broken status now for 30 seconds when you use a Vecna item atleast now
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I always buy DLCs day 1. Have to have all tier 3 perks on my Survivors and Killers.
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Expect the same move on this killer like with many others - a set of nerfs in a month or two so killer drops to C- tier or worse and becomes absolutely addon dependent. Even with all the ''buffs'' he has received I'm sure most of the time he will be played as M1 killer because his abilities still can be countered by smart play. His perks were garbage in PTB and will still be garbage post release.
As for survivor - a meme survivor who people will go for because of Bardic Inspiration Perk. We already know about that. Not sure if it's a deal worth agreeing for and spending $.
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What killers have had that happen to them in the past? Really curious because I can't think of any, and I doubt Vecna will have this happen to him as well.
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I have zero interest in Vecna, Aestri there's a small chance I buy down the road if they ever buff her illusion perk although I was looking at the cosmetics and I have a feeling all the former jeryl players will be future aestri/baemar players.
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Chucky, Alien, Unknown.
All got conveniently ''fixed'' after a while and then ''rebalanced'' for fun experience. In reality they all became nerfed and now require specific set of addons in order to function at least on decent level.
Vecna is no different. If people begin to ''struggle'' against him for some reason this killer will get nerfed once again to the point where his pick rate will be very low. It's their marketing strategy that they have been following for few chapters already.
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What nerfs did Unknown receive?
Also, neither Chucky nor Alien were nerfed to C tier. Not even close. They are both still very strong killers. And don't require very certain addons at all. So if Vecna gets the Alien or Chucky treatement, I'll have no problem with that.
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Unknown probably didn't but Alien did. This new Chucky is also nerfed with scamper changes. These killers also require specific set of addons most of the time.
They are map dependent killers who are between B and C tier, pretty much a typical pub-stomper stars who can perform only against poorly organized survivors and beginner / chill soloQ players.
I see Vecna as a candy-wrapped M1 killer who at moment will dominate inexperienced players but will struggle massively against more competent ones, let alone swfs. He will receive ''hotfixes'' within a standard 1 - 2 months period which will put him into a so-called ''good'' spot. In reality it will be another case where killer purchased on release plays and feels absolutely different than what it does after some time.
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Not touching it. This update has been miserable so far, and these characters look utterly ridiculous. It's a circus.
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Vecna looks and sounds cool, but the survivors look horrible, so i'll probably buy the DLC since i want to own everything but i won't play any of them.
Meg finally got a new NICE outfit, instead of recolor and Nea lookalike so i got that and i'm happy.
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I thought the Unknown looked ridiculous. Each to there own I suppose.
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I probably will not buy the chapter. 8/9 lame perks, a killer who is not the Stranger Things Vecna, DnD is something I personally never liked and the worst part of it, the map, I have to endure.
We finally have the killer-unfriendliest map ever.
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I won't be buying it. And will probably avoid the game for a while (at least playing survivor) because I don't want to go against the new killer every single match. I know a lot of people love new content, but I'm the opposite - every new chapter pushes me a little closer to quitting for good. I'm a pretty casual player, so the game becomes more and more overwhelming for me with the release of every chapter, especially with killers that have complicated powers to learn how to use/counter.
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“They are map dependent killers who are between B and C tier,”
Just because you’re bad with those killers doesn’t mean they are bad.
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I will only buy if there is an attractive perk, if it is only for the killer himself, I will wait and see as it will be nerfed or bugged in a few weeks to a month anyway. This is especially true after the 2022 killer.
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What better time to learn than when everybody is playing the same thing?
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Yes of course. I’ve been so excited for it, especially the map. New chapters always feel like Christmas
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I think I will. His perks may be kinda dirt, but the QoL they gave him looks perfect and I was having a lot of fun with his power and voice lines. "ArCaNe SSSecretssssss" is seared into my mind. His variety also makes him a little less map dependant than a lot of other killers.
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I just got the new survivor with auric cells for this reason, put a deposit down in the meme-stonks and am now a billionaire! Slam some tunes after completing super fast basement stuf….glorious….
killer comes for you?
slam some tunes.people on gens?
slam some tunes.you get the drift ;)
dont know yet about vecna though
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Alien simply was made a bit fairer by being punished a bit more for missing an M2. That and it made flame turrets a bit more viable, but that's it. Alien is still a strong killer.
And the same goes for Chucky. He is arguably stronger now according to some.
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I was on the fence for awhile, but ultimately decided not to.
I'm not into playing killer and the perks are just so bad I can't even use them, so there's no reason to. I'm hoping, in the future, this company will focus on developing products (perks) with practical value instead of just relying on memes and brand names.
Still remaining hopeful they change and/or adjust the perks, particularly the survivor perks.
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Another wanna-be pro player I see here? No?
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A killer made fairer by being made weaker. Now how else is this called?
Oh yes, Chucky was also made ''fairer''.
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Yes, Alien was made a bit weaker. But he is still an A tier killer, surely not a C tier killer. Same goes for Chucky.
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Alien can be played at a high-level.
New Chucky, jury is out on that one, since he just released today.
Unknown is fine.
Vecna is brand-new, give it some time.
Killers being made more fair is not some massive offense to you. The Devs are not out to get you, nor are they out to get other Killer players.
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It's ok if you see him as A tier killer. Not gonna debate about this as it won't produce any results.
As for making a killer a bit weaker - that's a nerf. First it's one thing, then it's another. All that happens after the killer has been released and purchased by a decent amount of people. Apparently it's fine to release ''broken'' killers who are good at the moment and then ''repairing'' them to the point those killers perform differently. It's really a good healthy marketing practice, right?
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I got it and have been happy sobfar. Survivor perks are fun, I enjoy Still Sight. Vecna is fun to play and fits into my nornal build nicely. I also got both adepts, the map gen trophy, and escaping with the Hand of Vecna trophies
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Yes I figured already that purchasing a recently released content is stupid move since it will get ''improved'' beyond original recognition few weeks later. There was no need to state the obvious here.
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You mean to tell me, in a live service game, you expect things to never change?
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I expect some competence from devs to begin with. Here though, I suspect a marketing deceptive move where the presented content is intentionally provided in a state that most certainly won't represent the said content in a short period of time.
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I would by the dlc , but you can't on xbox
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Then don't conflate balance issues with moral issues.
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No morals are involved here.
I simply state that it is continuous coincidence that recent releases receive changes that if they were introduced prior to the release would likely make many people reconsider purchasing the content. I don't see this practice going anywhere yet. It's only a matter of time before ''something broken'' will be found in Vecna and it will get ''corrected'' in quick manner. Few such corrections and Vecna on release will feel like different killer than Vecna after few months.
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An A-tier killer that nobody plays.
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There's, what, 36 Killers now?
Even if every Killer had an even pickrate, that'd be like under 3% per Killer.
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So you bought something that you knew was overpowered and unfair, at the very least KNEW it was gonna get changed, and are now upset about it.
I mean, c'mon.
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First of all if content is sold in overpowered and unfair state ( just like recent series of chapters seem to be ) then it's already a red flag. This is akin to buying a car that seem to be good and functional on the moment of the purchase ( as seller states it is, right? ) but then suddenly you receive a notification from a seller that certain aspects of your car that you've found attractive, interesting or convenient shouldn't be inside your car in the first place so you must now part with them.
Is buyer responsible for buying something he or she likes at the moment of the purchase? A chapter and it's content presented upon sale should retain their aspects unless they are broken or not functioning at all. With this game, stuff gets sold in one shape ( be it overpowered or cool / fun ) and then gets changed numerous times, often to a state that likely wouldn't even be bough by initial buyer in the first place.
As for this chapter - even with the low regional price that it currently does have for me, I won't purchase it. I just heard that something appeared to be ''unintended'' and will be fixed asap and that's pretty much a Day 1. This is how it usually begins, but it always ends with killer being not fun to play as.
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Reported for gaslighting. You may move on now.
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Not many play Alien, but he is still a strong killer for sure.