No buffs to solo Q = no reasons to continue playing this game

Kilode Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Look at the latest patch notes and see how much they have done for the new chapter, instead of using the resources into improving the base game, they would rather use it on a new chapter that nobody has asked for. Solo players have asked numerous times for simple additions that would incredibly improve the game, yet where are they?

We have killers hard tunneling survivors out, specifically higher prestige players that they are still not doing anything about with players being targeted for their prestiges. people don't know how to counter these strageties becaus there is no COMMUNICATION! Killers using anon mode proceeding to slug every survivor which keeps happening from the beginning of the match at 5 generators, bleeding us out for 4 minutes and BMing us on the floor then sometimes would hook in the last second.Why are killers allowed to waste our time???Really first match of the day and this happens, instantly closed the game straight afterwards.We got Killers camping on top of bodies making the save impossible, nothing being done about that. Killers placing slugged bodies next to players on hooks to prevent the anti camp meter from increasing. We got so many broken addons that hard carries killers, but survivors have trashy items that havent been updated in years.

I was really hoping they would try and improve the game for survivors, but honestly sick and tired of waiting, I've been waiting for over a year now. They do not care about the player base at all. My MMR has dropped so low to the point I am g etting teammates with less than 1 hour, yet I have over 1K hours. It's funny how I am put with new teammates butthe killers we get are people with over 8K hours destroying new players. Many killers are artificially lowering their MMR to trash on newr players so I do not believe there are new people playing this game at all as a normal person would quit within an hour. Since chaos shuffle is gone which was the only reason I was playing, won't touch this game even with a 10ft pole. Cannot even use my main build because still bite the bullet hasnt been fixed and it has been months, so yeah zero incentives to play this game at all.

Curious if there are solo Q survivors here still playing the game and how are they managing because at the moment, this is the worst online game I've ever played.


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    'Killers placing slugged bodies next to players on hooks to prevent the anti camp meter from increasing.'
    Wasn't aware of that. 'Smart' trick.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,678

    Yeah, I still do. The Sunk Cost Fallacy (Google it if you don't know what it is) and the addictive nature are my reasons. I am playing much less atm but for reasons unrelated to the game.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    I stopped playing a while ago but I am giving it another go due to the Liche as I am a huge fan of dnd. A lot of my survivor squad friends no longer play so I have been forced to play solo que and it for sure is torture. There are a few things BHVR could do to help with the Solo Que Experience.

    1: Allow Survivors the ability to see each others perk selection in the lobby so that we could see exactly what their focus generally would be. I know though that this could get a lot of flack especially for people who are trying to do adepts but it still would be helpful if i knew exactly what their going for and I could then focus on a gen build or a survival build in case I needed too. This could be added to the anonymous mode though to hide your selection for those that wanted to do that.

    2: Other games have this ability to re-que with players that you were just playing with so if you actually liked the squad and felt they were helpful you could initiate a vote to stay grouped up and that would for sure make solo feel less isolated.

    3: Playing killer right now tho is still pretty rough when going up against a full on squad. I do think that a built in help system for perks on both the killer and survivor side would help a lot of the time. Sometimes you don't always think about the perk selection you should use and use what everyone else is using. If we had like a built in recommendation list of perks especially when you have 9 pages of perks to sort through it would help us quickly figure out what we wanted to focus on and try out.

    I could maybe make a lot more of these ideas but those were the top 3 I've been thinking about that would help out this game

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    I'm a solo survivor, been playing for about 3.5 years now. I do think it's in a rough spot, and it honestly feels like the devs go back and forth between appeasing swfs and killers and we kind of get left behind. But I don't think we need buffs, just some sort of love and quality of life improvements.

    I think the best place to start would be SBMM because I do think that is the crux of the problem. 9 out of 10 times I feel like it's my team mates who have ruined the game for me with ridiculously bad decision making. I don't want perfect team mates because that's impossible and I make mistakes too. But it honestly never felt this bad a couple years ago.

    I do still enjoy the game obviously or else I'd have left by now. But it sucks feeling overlooked.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Always better to take a break, play with friends, play killer or just play another game if you're not having fun.

    If you continue and you just ######### on hook you just make it worse for the remaining solos + giving really bad data/stats.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    How about rather than buffing solo queue, SWFs get nerfed instead.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    It's no secret that BHVR like the 'lost and confused' vibe that survivors get when in solo queue and can't coordinate. Even if this philosophy is completely incompatible with balancing the game overall and for SWF as well. However from what I've seen they always value 'feel and looks' more important then engaging gameplay.

    There's a reason it took them ages to merely put in simple icons that tell players what they are doing. I mean these only do so much anyway because i can't count the number of times where one survivor is in a chase, I'm hanging on a hook and two are wandering around the map at a snails pace. You can run? The killer is chasing someone else.

    However this also comes back down to the game not showing skill levels and/or how skill levels are even calculated. Which again is a deliberate decision. The game is exactly the way BHVR wants it much like an artist who can't stand anyone messing with their 'grand masterpiece' even if it's full of flaws. There's so many ways to improve solo queue and the game as a whole starting with splitting competitive and casual and having different rules for both but nah let's just ignore those dumb critics who are in our artwork and sit and admire our 'masterpiece'.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    That would just drop the killrates and lead to killer nerfs

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    Killers get nerfed no matter what: See also the unnecessary Pop, PainRes, Deadlock and Grim Embrace nerfs which BHVR gave extremely poor reasons to justify it.

  • Gaminboi2864
    Gaminboi2864 Member Posts: 27

    Give Survivors voice chat in game and make Generators take 120 seconds to finish. Easy solution. If solo-que Survivors can communicate as easily as a SWF, that means the game can finally be balanced around proper coordinated team. So SWFs aren't OP and solo-que isn't underpowered.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 131

    It's unfortunate, but the counter to tunneling is really just to get better at chase and have good teammates as well. Maybe the killer can kill you, but if you make your chases last when you're being hard tunneled, your teammates should get out.

  • BurnedTerrormisu
    BurnedTerrormisu Member Posts: 301

    well, and not be stuck in one of the huge dead zones that newer maps have.