What Is The Point Of Shattered Hope In 2024?

I understand WHY this perk exists, but at the same time, Im questioning why this perk is even still in the game.
I could run Shattered Hope for over 100 matches in normal DBD and get literally no value from it. In fact, the only time I ever got ANY value from this perk was during Chaos Shuffle… the gamemode where people CANNOT control what perks they even get.
So why exactly is this perk bad?
Well, wasting 1 of your 4 perks to counter a 1 perk that 1 Survivor brings inherently bad, even when Boons were in their prime, I never saw ANYONE run this perk since the costs outweigh the benefits massively. It's the same reason why Lightborn is such a bad perk. But in 2024, nobody runs Boons, meaning Shattered Hope's ONLY niche is something that NOBODY uses.
It was bhvr's poor attempt to add counterplay to coh so they didn't need to nerf it.
Now it's just outdated because coh got the nerfed it needed and is no longer an issue to need such a hard counter.
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It also doesnt help that Boons are an entirely underutilized mechanic. After the first wave of Boon perks, it took us a long time before we actually got another, BHVR seemingly forgot about the mechanic as a whole until Alan Wake came around.
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I do think it would be better if killers could see survivor perks then youd know when to get value from it but ya its sorta useless since boonsquads are sorta dying out every since they reworked circle of healing people almost all stopped bringing them. They still have their place to some extent but ya its risky to bring when you dont exactly know if a boon is being brought now if its a Mikaela then it almost definately will be a boon included
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Teamwork Perks:
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Give it a year or two and I reckon Invocations will fade into obscurity and nobody will care about them at all, since the only spot that is consistent across all maps is the basement, I really dont know how they can diversify Invocations without making them all feel the same.
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dont disrespect lightborn like that.
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Lightborn is a bad perk and I will 100% die on this hill.
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is it because you tried to blind someone before running up that hill of yours and then discovered DUNH DUNH DUNH they had lightborn?
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No, it's because I can just stare at a wall to prevent a blind. It accomplishes the exact same thing without wasting a perk slot.
Flashbangs/Firecrackers are too niche and I hardly see them in my matches, nor do they ever warrant bringing Lightborn.
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I ran it occassionally back when CoH was so powerful and common. It wasn't great, but I found it could be useful.
Right now, yeah its pretty pointless. I guess if the slugging meta becomes as big as some killers believe, which might lead to an exponential meta, it could regain some value? But that's a lot of unlikely if scenarios.
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Did you just talk smack about my precious Lightborn?
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Honestly, if they nerf distortion shadow step will become a pretty good perk but right now it doesn't have a place.
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Yes. And Ill gladly do it again.
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