Chucky no longer vault through windows in hidey ho

I don't understand why you got rid of Chucky the ability to vault windows in hidey ho
No one thought that was an issue unlike the the pallet scamper which did needed a change
Such an unnecessary nerf and what it does is make him rather unfun due to the limitations he's gotten
survivor sided game not surprised anything that’s “unfair” or “op” against them gets butchered
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I'm tired of balance changes that happen 6-12 months or even longer unprompted under the guise that it was a bug fix without prior word that it was a bug.
I don't care what anyone says - it clearly wasn't a bug. You just can't leave a "bug" in the game for almost half a year or in some cases years and then change it without any communication and claim it's a bug so you have an excuse.
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I'm disappointed they got rid of it. It helped him a little bit in chase especially in shack. But now all the pressure is on slice and dice. I suppose this is what they wanted.
I found Superior Anatomy to be a pretty good replacement though.4 -
How to ruin a Fun And strong Killer 101.
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Chucky is definitely a lot blander of a killer now. All he does now is run at you fast every 15 seconds. Fun?
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I was very happy about the announcment that they will remove the palett scamper (very cheesy and bad ability for easy hits and a bad lose-lose-situation for survivors) and give him a shorter cooldown in return. However, I didn't notice they also remove the Window Scamper. Nobody was ever complaining about the fast vaults on this killer - it was fine and neither too strong or unhealthy. This is a really bad chance and I hope they will undo this because this is not fair and nerfs Chucky too much.
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Ok, this might actually push it to being an overall nerf rather than an overall buff like it was on the PTB.
I don’t think the 1.4s window scamper without slice and dice was really a problem and it could probably be brought back (but I would keep it at 1.4s and not give it the buff to 1.3). And if anything scamper during slice and dice could probably be sped up a little more than it already was and/or give him a bit better turning after scamper during slice and dice.
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it is a bug because they changed rules for hide oh which is that you cannot vault without using slice & dice. you have to cancel hide-oh then vault. The real issue is that slice&dice scamper is ineffective until something is changed.
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You can still do a regular window vault during hidey-ho now. But it’s not silent anymore and it takes the regular 1.7s.
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I have been playing Vecna for the entire day but i did read patch notes. I misunderstood patch notes then. Does that mean that his green yard stick add-on no longer gives aura reading for window vaulting? in any case, Chucky's change idea is good but his execution is poor. the number balancing for S&D and Scamper needs number tuning.
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Not Peanits but from what I can say it's intentional. At the end (in misc) of todays patch notes they say that Chucky was able to scamper vault windows and this was not intended. They wanted to remove the scamper thing completely.
The funny part: In the announcement of the PTB and Chucky changes they said "Chucky can only Scamper while performing Slice and Dice" but only talking about the issue with the Scamper under palett and then do M1 for free hit. So due to this and the fact in the PTB Window Scamper was there many players thought (myself included) they only remove the Scamper Palett. So in my opinion this is was very misleading and ad communication on BHVR's part.
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I can confirm the Yardstick addon only works if scampering a window or pallet during slice and dice. Vaulting a window in hidey-ho without using slice and dice does not trigger the aura reveal anymore.
Rat Poison is probably better in most cases.
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It's really sad that the power Chucky demonstrated in his reveal trailer has been removed from the game.
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This was the only way to do double vault mindgames with Chucky because it wouldn't make a vault noise, so skill ceiling and strength are lowered with this change. Extremely unnecessary. Scamper Pallet needed to go because it broke the way loops are designed, Scamper Vault was basically just a quiet, slightly faster vault. There's no real reason to remove that aspect of his kit.
Is he just supposed to be Slice and Dice the killer now? How boring.
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His gameplay now is also pretty boring with Slice and Dice being the focus.
Being 110 makes a lot of tiles painful, imo - it's easy to force a pallet break in a lot of situations.
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This was an unfair removal from Chucky's power. Pallets I can understand, even if i dont agree with changing scamper at all. But removing the window scamper was simply uncalled for
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They've really taken away the fun factor for chucky, now he can do one thing and one thing only.
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Anyone learn their lesson about buying licensed DLC day 1? No? It'll happen again. :)
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Right, that's why Vecna's literal everything was buffed from the PtB.
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What are you on about
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For now.
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Balancing by sledgehammer.
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Ill bet 10$ mage hand will be back to being mediocre at best in less than six months.
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I mean, to be fair, the bug wasn't present for 6-12 months. It was one PTB.
They intended to remove Scamper outside of S&D with this update alone. It being present on that specific PTB was a bug. Anything before that, Window Scampers were intended.
Whether Window Scampers being gone is a good thing is a different discussion, but this was not BHVR claiming Window Scampers as a whole were a bug, it was an intentional balance decision.
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Sure, but that's because Mage Hand is currently overtuned. It'd be like if I put money on the Twins PtB awhile ago and said the same thing. Sure, sometimes BHVR nerfs killers after awhile, should I plan on showing up those times with a tinfoil hat, string, and a pin-up board too?
If we're actually looking at the line of logic for each of these changes and trying to draw similarities to them, then I'd say the devs correcting a 'bug' they told nobody about despite how it affects gameplay actually is actually more similar to them correcting Plague getting knocked out of Red Vomit by all stuns, although that was obviously out for years and the Chucky vault was only in the latest PtB.
So, am I going to look into that for some grand master villain scheme about how BHVR rigs balance each chapter too? If you read into anything hard enough, you can predict anything.
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Yeah well given the recent plague changes where they claimed BOTH not losing your power to any stun was a bug and losing your power to every stun was a bug you can never really be sure.
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Its because they removed the flicking a while back.
They should bring back the flick while keeping scamper nerfed, it creates good counterplay and skill-based play for both sides.
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huh? Did they undone the Plague nerf that she loses her power when stunted by Head On, Blastmind, DS ect.?
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i regret buying Chucky i will abstain from purchasing licensed in the future
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Likewise. As interested as I am in Castlevania, I have no faith in BHVR at this point.
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dam i haven't played him yet but if this is true the rip lol. Chucky literally can't do anything in power but move foward. Very bad killer now jesus . Just play blight or nurse i guess thats what they want us to do.