Time to buff Iron Will again (The Lich DLC)

Mondhirsch Member Posts: 228
edited June 5 in Feedback and Suggestions

Basically no one plays Iron Will anymore since it got overnerfed (from -100 noises to only -75% noises AND not working while exhausted).

Still I gave it another chance lately.

But now with "Languid Touch" in the game when literally every crow makes you exhausted, it's the final nail in the coffin for Iron Will.

Maybe it's time to remove the Exhaustion-Restriction since no one understood why it's even needed in the first place.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,459

    Yeah it definitely got overnerfed. I think Off The Record is probably the superior choice for injured noise suppression now.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 307

    It was not overnerfed. You could make an argument for the exhausted part but that perk was wildly overpowered, an entire method of tracking survivors removed for free, literally free you do absolutely nothing to get it, do you think that removing scratch marks forever (while injured) just because you got hit is also balanced? Because it's the same thing, it's a tracking mechanic for killers and that perk just removed it for no cost and an unlimited duration.

    Now all that being said I think removing the exhausted portion of it could use discussion but if they do remove that I think it should get a set duration because it already makes you so quiet that if you don't already know the survivor has it you aren't listening that closely and will still lose track of them after they break line of sight. Also you gotta remember that there are a lot of perks to remove scratch marks as well, the potential synergy to removing 2-3 tracking mechanics from the killer is rather high so while at first glance you think the perk is weak a minor change has the potential to make it busted with specific perk combos (kind of like how buckle up became a stupid perk combo with FTP.)

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
    edited June 5

    can you honestly say it would be a problem though if they reverted one of the two nerfs? Killer tracking has gotten better over the years with the introduction of a lot of powerful aura reading perks. Buffing iron will alongside some other survivor stealth perks doesn’t sound like a bad idea, the survivor perk meta has been really stale for a while now.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,712

    IW is fine the way it is, It was not overnerfed.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 914

    I'd like to see it get buffed.

    The way I would like to buff it is make it 100% again, but keep the Exhausted part.

    That way it can be used on all characters and do something, while still having counterplay.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 153

    Current Iron Will's not even bad. It's quite slept on honestly. 75% is still enough of a noise reduction to be effective in chase and for stealth, the only real nerf it took is not being able to be used while Exhausted which definitely needs to stay. Such a vital and important method of tracking should not be eliminated for absolutely free. I don't think it needs to be buffed honestly, but I'd be down with it going back to 100% for the sake of making it feel more consistent across every survivor since I don't think "survivor noise equalization" is happening.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    100% was extremely broken and caused the killer to be forced to 50/50 whether to attempt mind game or predict a silent pre run upon LoS breakage. If they remove exhaustion I would even say nerf the sound by another 15-25%. Other than turning your headset up by 300% and trying to listen for the grunts through the audio carnage that is chasing as killer, 75% is essentially silent for majority of the survivor cast.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I would either remove the exhausted Nerf or keep it but buff the Perk to 85%.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    I do think it is overwhelming nerf quite abit when they change the meta perks back then. It was very frustrating to play agaisnt as killer, as I usually relie on survivors making noise, especially while injured for tracking.Not to mention, current Off The Record is clearly a superior perks that gives free BT endurance and 100% noise reduction for 80 seconds.

    I would give it back 100% and when you get injured, it is reduced to 90%, and when you get exhausted, it is 80%. It would be significant improvement, but it would not be busted free unlimited mute for the entire time, and it would most effective when you are healthy and not exhausted.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,044
    edited June 5

    No, it was overnerfed, you don’t see any iron wills in your lobby in this days

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,235

    They need to get rid of the Exhaustion condition on Iron Will, the speed penalty on Calm Spirit and the Cooldown on Saboteur if you don't complete a sabotage.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303

    I still use it, its fine as it is..

    people got scared by the numbers in the nerf, but its actually really strong still, i have often hid right next to the killer with it (after the nerf)

    Nah, sabo should not be "free" - its high risk - high reward, and its fun as hell for us, not as much for the killers.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,235

    It won't make it "free". It would just prevent the situations where you accidentally tap a hook and it goes on cooldown.

    I don't think you'd be able to get hit, pull of a Saboteur sabo and then get away for free. You'd still have to trade.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,030

    No thank you. Having no way to track survivors through walls was hell. Iron will, leave to next loop. Repeat. It was busted.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 160

    its still decent not every perk needs to be S+ tier, back before the nerfs literally every survivor used iron will because it was uncountrable and extremely strong against any killer

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,712

    I still see it plenty and still use it plenty myself. It’s still a good perk, it’s just not broken anymore.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    Iron Will has a pick rate of 3.24% or Top 31 most pick perks according to nightlight. Considering there's 140 survivor perks in the game and it's still seeing decent use, it's really not nearly as bad as some of you portray it has. You just have a be a bit smarter with how you play around Iron Will.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    the counterplay now is that most killers are currently run No Where to Hide and Friends Til The End which make the perk irrelevant, survivors would need to dedicate an 2nd perk slot for distortion if it were to have any impactful effect.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303

    Thats a strange comparrison…

    Both NWTH and FTTE have requirements, so its not 1-1 as you line it up.

    If the killer is kicking the gen, you should not sit next to them, especially if you are wounded, then you should be moving to saftey, - and if you are, then NWTH is irrelevant.

    Same goes for FTTE, you shuld not stick next to the hook someone is going on if you are wounded - and the transport of the guy thats going to be hooked should give you plenty of time to get away. - and if you are then by the time the guy gets hooked and FTTE kicks in, then Iron Will is irrelevant because of the distance you should have at this time.

  • YayC
    YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 105

    The perk isn't over nerfed at all. It's still insanely strong and I run it on all my builds. You can still crouch right next to killers and they won't hear you (and I play 14 second moan Rebecca) and in chase with the chase music there is no chance you are hearing an iron will survivor. It's perfectly fine right now and extremely strong.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 455

    I got it in chaos shuffle an found it useful if you chose certain survivors the killer won't hear you at all

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 956

    It was overnerfed, I think personally it can stay at 75% but simply remove the exhaustion part of it.

  • yukiday
    yukiday Member Posts: 39

    How about 75% when normal and 50% when fatigued?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 6

    Please never bring back 100%! People talk about killer perks being free then you had IW to remove an important part of tracking for killers for getting hit. The exhausted part is just dumb they could remove it and keep it 75% or maybe nerf it to like 60%.

  • Btobin2426
    Btobin2426 Member Posts: 11
    edited June 6

    Yes iron wheel was over nerfed. Anyone who thinks is was not definitely always plays the killer. If as a killer you are so worried about somebody having iron Will. There is a perk you as a killer can play to nullify it for a period of time long enough to find the survivor. I think iron Will should just be instated the way it was. Put it back to 100%. It just seems like a lot of survivor perks are taken away from the survivors and The killer perks just continue to get better and better. Especially with perks that not only nullify survivor perks, but also a lot of Aura reading perks so you can find the survivor all the time.

  • YayC
    YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 105
    edited June 6

    Yea you're right. Eruption is so good right now, call of brine is amazing. Pain res totally hasn't been nerfed literally every single time it's been changed. Pop didn't just get a massive nerf. Dead lock wasn't nerfed either was it? Sloppy butcher and every single mangled and haemorrhage addon wasn't just MASSIVELY nerfed. Save the best for last wasn't just nerfed either was it? Ultimate weapon definitely didn't just have the main reason it was strong obliterated. But please tell us how the killer perks continue to get better and better.

    Iron will is strong right now and perfectly fine, the only reason it's not ran more is because it doesn't work with exhaustion perks and it shouldn't because it's so good.

    Also really, you're going to complain about aura read perks while survivors have a single perk that counter literally every single aura ready ability in the game?

    Literally the next match after I made the post:

    Please tell me more about how it's useless

    Post edited by YayC on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,987
    edited June 6

    Problem I think Iron Will has is it requires you to be very clever and have nerves of steel to use it effectively... it's strong in tbe right hands, but for your average players base, it's bullcrap and chips...

    I personally think it's current implementation is fine as is, if it were to be buffed, maybe it could gain perhaps a nice little secondary effect. Nothing too major, just a benign little QoL improvement...

    Something like suppressing pools of blood when standing still or crouching for example.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    As a Jeff main, I definitely think it got over nerfed...

    Either make it 75% all the time, or not work while exhausted.