Why the heck can survivors get grabbed from portals?

I was full health as well, I feel that you should get injured/downed if the killer if right at you when entering the portal, but being grabbed is quite ridiculous, and I feel that grabs from portals should be removed, I just discovered that this was a thing not too long ago, it may seem uncommon but when it did happen I was quite upset lets put it at that.
I'm not sure how you all would feel about this but considering how quick the killer can catch up (because the portal opens immediately after) I feel like portal grabs aren't necessary, and a regular injure or down is more fair.
Huh, majority of killers are having issue with even injuring them, pretty much impossible to hit during animation
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I never really had an issue with injuring/downing survivors if their entering right in front of me, but I never knew until recently that you can get grabbed, I guess that was pure bad luck for me, I was grabbed when my survivor model was entirely in, and my screen turned black meaning I successfully used the portal, so I'm just really confused at this point.
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I didn't even know this was a thing. Being grabbed from full health from a portal i agree that shouldn't be the case. It would be more in line if this could only happen whilst injured. But im unsure if that should be a thing at all.
I personally hope they are looking into the placement of portals though because there seems to be an infinite loop regarding the portal behind the tower. It's making me avoid the map, i've never really had this much trouble with a map before.9 -
How about you tell us why they should be removed, this is not related to my discussion so please do so.
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I agree with everything you stated 100%.
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Because survivors can use them to create legitimate infinite loops and it highly screws over M1 Killers.
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I mean it says it right there, the portals are unbalanced
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If survivors can be grabbed from portals thats at least one good thing going for them since they are super survivor sided right now so at least they get punished for entering a portal 2 feet away from you, I think even grabbing from healthy is more than balanced since you could just stand there and take an m1 attack to use them so it punishes abusers or people who cut it too close
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You stated that they should be removed entirely without any reasonable explanation when my discussion is on why portal grabs are even a thing. So no, it's not related, and in fact the comment you made is quite unnecessary I'm trying to have some actual serious discussions with people, but I do agree that the inside interior is quite strong, and it needs to be reworked.
The inside interior needs to be reworked, I do agree with it being quite ridiculous, especially for M1 killers.
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Considering it's a godloop otherwise for most m1 killer it should be fine xD
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Your not wrong about it being basically a godloop, but if they ever decide to nerf it, they should adjust portals as well.
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just stand there until they hit you and then use the portal if they are right at your back. portals are broken rn and this is what you are asking for? interesting
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Didn't know you can be grabbed from there. Thanks you for testing this.
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yes its a thing
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This looks so weird that my first instinct is to write it off as a bug.
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Being grabbed from a portal is definitely intended - same as you can get grabbed off a generator for example, with portals its harder though as the specific window for the grab is much smaller.
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I didn’t know this was possible, it probably shouldn’t be imo.
The portals in general have a lot of problems atm, there’s an infinite that needs to be fixed and certain killer powers need updates to work with them properly. But I don’t think survivors should be vulnerable to grabs on them either, it should just be a hit.
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I agree, they should just make it somehow less a godloop and at the same time take out the grabs.
That being said, I don't know in the slightest how they'd fix that, probably make the loop bigger at the top? xD
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So the grab was intended but the positioning of the portals was never reconsidered?
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Thats what I was hinting to, yes.
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then how big is the window to injure a survivor portaling cause killers are having an extremely hard time just getting a hit the hit just bounces off them portals need to be looked at
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i grabbed a surv from the library portal and it broke the portal permanently sealing it lmao
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What they should have done was made a specific animation for being yanked out from a portal lmao. An arm of the killer half out of a portal while the survivor animated to express surprise like being grabbed by Myers. That woulda made things funny at least.
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The same reason that full health survivors can be yanked off generators or vaults.
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I think if they just move one of the god/safe pallets out of the Dungeon and adjust the timing on how frequently the portals can be opened, it would help with zoning down there a lot. It might even make it quite strong for some M1s, particularly stealthy ones like Ghostface. At the least it wouldn't hinder Killers like Artist, Pinhead, and Huntress so much. Those portals really can and do make an infinite against M1s used well, and screw up aiming on everyone relying on it.
Honestly, I don't know why there's not just many portals in, but only one out. Going down there should feel dangerous, it's a dungeon crawl area in a Dungeons and Dragons map. Dungeons are DANGEROUS for adventurers, that's what makes it an adventure and not a cakewalk. Any Dungeon Master or GM for a tabletop game can tell you this. There needs to be risk. This area of the map currently feels low risk because all of the areas you COULD be trapped in, like that beautifully dangerous and thematic cage room, are optional.
There's also the little issue that for some ungodly reason, there's only two hooks in the TORTURE DUNGEON. Of all the places to have tons of hooks, it should be the dungeons of a Lich that experiments on and kills people to get raw material to do necromantic magic on.
But this all kinda emphasizes the problems M1 Killers in general have, so I'll leave it there. BHVR needs to work on helping M1s, especially those without antiloop, be able to do okay.