What do you think the worst Ultra Rare addon is?

There are some ultra rare addons that are really bad currently, but what do you think is the absolute worst?
I have a few contenders, and I'm gonna go against the grain and not put Waterlogged Shoe among them:
Knight's Contract:
I've tried, but this addon simply doesn't do anything. You lose a lot of distance placing a guard and it's pretty much impossible to catch up in 8 seconds. If it was something like 30s it'd be decent, but it being on every fourth guard would still make it restrictive. It needs a sound cue when it activates too.
Expired Batteries:
This is a huge debuff for what is essentially a very minor buff. I remember seeing the numbers run on this addon and the buff is barely even noticeable.
I'd opt for a full rework for this one personally, as tweaking Haste values can be dangerous.
Redhead's Pinky Finger:
Oh how the mighty have fallen…
This addon has been nerfed to the point where it isn't really useable anymore. What it really needed was a full rework. Make it give Invigorated Survivors Exposed or something, I don't know.
Iridescent Videotape:
Disabling a whole part of your power, AND getting another debuff… I'd say get rid of the TV turn on time debuff since you lose a pretty significant part of your power just by running this addon.
Hellshire Iron:
Factoring in the post-hit cooldown and reload time, you're left with about 5 seconds of Undetectable. The Aura reading effect it used to have was way better.
Obsidian Goblet:
Like, c'mon, it doesn't even give you undetectable while charging Rites of Judgement. Give it a few seconds of lingering time and make it activate when holding your power and you're golden.
Which Ultra Rare addon would you pick as the worst? It doesn't even have to be on this list, I'm just highlighting some good contenders.
The knight add-on. Every fourth guard is crazy
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Obsidian Goblet and seal of Metatron for pyramid head
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Yeah, it's wild how many conditions it has. The stars have to align to even have the chance of getting its effect to work.
Obsidian Goblet I agree with but Seal actually does something (which is more than can be said about 85% of his addons). It's bad, sure, but I wouldn't put it among the worst.
He really does need an addon pass, though.
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yes his addons are serviceable but they are still bad and not worth a perk slot as they are at best situational or not as good as range addons
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Iridescent Hatchet.
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Agreed, zero fun for survivors and the killer. I have 1,000+ because they are so lame.
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Soldiers Putee is the worst in the game. Imagine being a 115% M1 Killer with a 50 meter terror radius 💀
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i like hellshire for undetectable hit challenges lol but otherwise it definitely is as useless as it can get
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All the instant down addons are bad but can give u vaule when camping. Skull Merchant and sadako addons hinder u more than running nothing but at least get something for it. Pyramid head sitting on his trails is so silly 🤣🤣. Insidious in a form of addon is still u guess it bad....
Slinger addon actually do completely nothing at all. 10 seconds isn't enough time to branch off to someone else. You basically chasing someone who know u there undetectable for 10 seconds. Not to mention the time it take to reload. Slinger got the weakest addon here
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I think iridescent add-ons should be the best add-ons instead of a combination between purple, green and yellow. Some killers even have yellow and brown. They should figure out what the strongest effect is and link it to rarity. Iridescent add-ons are more meme add-ons with huge downsides
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I'd argue the Soldier's Putee is actually pretty good… for a yellow addon. If it were a yellow it'd be considered a pretty solid but outclassed addon for a few gimmick uses, it only looks awful because it's an iridescent.
My answer, to the overall thread, is definitely Pyramid Head's Obsidian Goblet (an addon that does nothing of note) or Skull Merchant's Expired Batteries (an addon that is worse than running nothing). Hard to pick between the two, honestly.
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Both Artist's ultra rare add-ons are hella dogshit.
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Videotape hands Down.
Its a meme Brown addon.
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Freddy Black Box 😂
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Between Goblet and Videotape I have to say Videotape. At least Goblet does nothing entirely, while Videotape makes you essentially the weakest killer in the entire game. I mean, it's literally Sadako, a basic M1 killer, without her main ability: her slowdown.
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I completely forgot about those, honestly. Iridescent Feather is terrible, yeah, a huge penalty for an effect that won't even trigger half the time anyway.
However, I honestly don't think Garden of Rot is actually bad. Super underrated addon. You can get behind someone can force them to either take an instadown or reset the repel timer for a follow up. You just have to play around it a little. The exposed timer could do with a small increase, though.
Iri Feather could be Undetectable when the power is on cooldown at all, without a penalty, and it'd still not be amazing.
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I've got a bunch too.
I've used them once and I felt ashamed of myself.
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Oni's Iri that gives a mini infectious fright on missed hits is pretty bad in practice IMO.
You can use it if you don't know where someone is but you shouldn't be using your power in the first place without knowing someone's location.
Randomly running around bonking is a waste of time and even if you do find someone with it, you probably won't be able to snowball which weakens Oni a lot.
Missing a hit on a survivor and accidently finding someone else nearby could get some minor value.
You could also bonk the ground after a down to see if anyone is nearby for a flashy/snowball but at that point just use Infectious to save time and scan a bigger area.
In every video I've seen showing it off, the person would have gotten more value running Infectious, running any other add-on or would have found the person anyway because of scratch marks, blood etc.
Edit: Now if it worked on hits and misses both then it'd actually be pretty good IMO.
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I think that one's pretty good. It makes it pretty much impossible to stealth out Blood Fury. You shouldn't really go around bonking random places, you need to have a bit of game sense about it.
It serves a different purpose to Infectious. I generally run them both together for maximum effect.
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I will not take the Hellshire Iron and Obsidian Goblet slander.
Hellshire Iron is an addon that shines with perks that provide Undetectable, since it leads to more confusion between Survivors. In my opinion, it is best with Tinkerer, since Survivors wont be able to tell the difference between a Hellshire Iron proc and a Tinkerer proc. And Undetectable in general can just throw off Survivors since it is unexpected, just hit them, lose your Terror Radius, pretend to leave, and then run back into them, I get plenty of free downs even against some pretty experienced players doing it.
Obsidian Goblet definitely isnt the best, but it does have good application, since you can place your trails down in loops, it can provide some mindgaming potential. And since it is pretty much acting like Insidious but faster, it can also be used to camp an area (good with Dragon's Grip) with basically no downsides. Also since Pyramid Head has barely any good addons, Obsidian Goblet is not that bad compared to the competition.
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Your clutching at straws, they're hot garbage.
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I’d say either Expired Batteries (the SM addon) or Iridescent Videotape is the worst.
Expired Batteries gives anything from 0.75% to 1.75% speed depending on the number of survivors tracked (but usually on the lower end). Haste is a strong effect, but not when you’re losing half your claw trap battery life for what is often less than a 1% speedboost. Personally I think her having haste in her kit at all is unhealthy and should be removed anyways, so I’d vote to rework this addon.
Iri Videotape literally just makes Sadako an m1 killer with a lullaby and some mobility at the expense of 2 downsides, one of which is losing basically all condemn slowdown. It’s not worth it at all and even if they removed the cooldown penalty it probably still wouldn’t be very good. Maybe they could try having it reduce condemn gain on teleport to 0.5 stacks (instead of 1 stack) rather than just eliminating it entirely so it doesn’t just take all of her condemn pressure away.
Also I agree with you that Hellshire Iron’s old effect was a lot better, they should bring it back.
For Pinky Finger maybe they could do that invigorated players gain an action speed bonus to vaulting (both survivors and killer) and breaking (only for the killer). Either way, the current one is both bad and also impossible to balance, it’s either terrible or OP and there’s no in between.
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I think you're getting Manuscript and Expired Batteries mixed up. Manuscript is the Terror Radius one.
Anyway yeah both of those addons are really bad.
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Yeah I did mix them up lol, corrected my initial post.
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I'd say freddy's black box. iri tape and cenobite's engineer fang are pretty bad.
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It’s not even worthy of being an add on, it should be basekit considering the killer is the weakest in the game without their power.
Goblet is bad but it’s not just something that should be basekit as an ultra rare add on. And expired batteries are definitely awful too but I’d argue better than Soldiers Putee because at least it gives haste above 115% on a killer who can become undetectable at the push of a button.
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What about Chuckys hard hat?
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Engineer's Fang is insane? wdym
True, with the removal of manual scampers that addon is WAY worse now.
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Amanda's Letter. The fact it takes up an UR Add-on spot when it's no stronger than a rare is sad.
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I never run Cenobites Engineers Feng without a gameplan. It's OK sometimes if I want easy Face the Darkness value but mindlessly using it is pretty rough as it frontloads your chase power to the Healthy stage which can be OK for dealing damage but securing downs against aware, safe survivors is a nightmare.
You have the power to inflict pain and suffering but no means to end things. Not the worst iri, but it's Rapid Brutality tier if it sneaks into your build
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Do you think Legion is insane? That's basically engineer fang. a harder to legion that doesn't even have remote chance at downing survivors.
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You still have a decent chase power with 2 chains. The downside hurts but it's still more than Legion gets in terms of following up on a down.
Legion also doesn't have Chain Hunts. Or the ability to injure at a range. Engineer's Fang is also great for camping, since the cooldown for exiting the chain is a LOT faster than Legion's fatigue.
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Original pain is better for camping and tunneling. Have you ever tried catching someone around a loop with this ability with 2 chains? You lose more distance then gain distance. It is atrocious. The 2 chains is so bad that you might as well use Bent Chain(His grey add-on) for 100% blood points.
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3 charges 1 pallet break. they should make bubba's iri add-on reset his power cooldown after pallet break. Kintsugi Teacup from Spirit. It is the last change he needs to be 10/10.
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Use them, not Lethal Presuer
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Yes, I have tried catching someone around a loop with 2 chains. I run the addon from time to time.
Fun (sort of related) fact: Engineer's Fang actually stacks with Bent Nail, as in, when you hit an injured Survivor, no support chains show up.
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Over My Dead Body!
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Distortion needs 5 tokens and a token regain after completing 50% repairs on a generator.
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Huntress, 5% movespeed when out of hatchets is silly
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Distortion needs to permanently reveal the aura of the survivors who use it! And make them insta killable AND hindered by 99% for 10 minutes!
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That’s what I’m saying! What a lame Ultra rare! It’s the worst imo!
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Two beautiful 😍 images
Long live Distortion and Nancy Wheeler ❤️
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I mean, it does something. It's bad for an Ultra Rare but it doesn't actively shoot you in the foot or do literally nothing.
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If I hear distortion one more time 🤢🤮