Killer Tier List 8.00

Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

Let's hear thoughts:



  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I dont think Chucky Is as good anymore.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511

    Is slinger really that good?

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 46

    Pretty good list. My changes would personally be:

    • Doctor moves down to B tier from B+
    • Clown & Slinger go down to B+ from A
    • Unknown goes down to A from A+
    • Chucky goes down to B+ from A+
    • Billy goes down from S to A+
  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    I feel like Clown and Slinger are both a little too high, swap Oni and Xeno around, and Nemesis is a little too low, but otherwise it seems about right to me.

    And technically this is correct, but some killers are inherently designed with more powerful abilities that, when used to their fullest potential, make them stronger than the others. For example, there's no question that at their highest, Plague is stronger than Trapper. Obviously I'm not trying to start a heated argument or anything, I'm just wanting to say that I both agree and disagree, if that makes sense.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660
    • Sadako and Pig above Ghosty.
    • Freddy next to Trapper.
    • Clown next to Nemesis
    • Slinger next to Demo and Bubba
    • Chucky a lot lower
    • Billy and Spirit are not on the same level as Nurse and Blight

    Rest I can more or less agree with.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Chucky down

    Deathslinger down

    Billy up

    Vecna down

    Clown down twice

    Wraith up

    Legion up

    Oni up

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 170
    edited June 2024

    i dont reallt think spirit is that good anymore, I think she’s middle A tier. I would move slinger to low b. Oni and chucky should swap places. Xeno is B. Just my opinion

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511

    But your average game isn't against four man comp squads, it's mainly solos which makes tier lists irrelevant.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    I chose 3 killers I think you have underrated and 3 you have overrated in my opinion.

    3 Killers I think are better than they have been placed:

    Xenomorph: I think xeno is the most underrated killer he cannot be played around with turrets consistently because they are too slow to setup and give him passive info through a brown addon because every placed turret has to have been setup by a suv you can infer where people are using his brown addon to see turrets in tunnels. He has a 24m terror radius when his tail is up so he is harder to prerun when monitor and abuse can be used to bring it down to 16, He has mobility pre-setup where he can get to any gen very quickly and his tail is not something that you can play around the vast majority of the time.

    Oni: even despite Oni's restriction that you need to get a hit to earn your power and will probably be aiming for 2 most games of different suvs at the start an oni in blood fury is as strong as anything in this game Bar Nurse. There is very little you can do if the Oni is good once he has his power so just because of that I would put him in A at least+

    Dredge: I dont think he is a good killer but I easily think he clears all of the very bad m1 brigade so he goes straight above ghostface at least, Him map traversal gives him something that synergises with perks like make your choice and bbq and their are times you can force hits with his power im not here to say he is a good killer but he is in the mix with the lower mid killers at least as far are doctor, wraith and nemesis he dont hang with legion and freddy imo.

    3 Killers i think are worse than they have been placed:

    Vecna: The killer just is not strong enough to justify the strength of the DnD equipment for survivors half of it gives a steady stream of info making playing against stacks that are calling out your location miserable and the rest of it is way to powerful for what it is. I honestly think people right now are massively overrating him because he is new and the average players which 99% of your time playing as him you will be against does not realise the strenght of the item.

    The shining light (as much as people may not like to hear it) is he is very good at forcing players out the game and tunnelling because even if 2 hits that are mage-hand-assisted takes too long because of his cooldowns just forced 1 hit on a unhooked guy is oppressive and the first player hooked is likely to have weaker items making him just a good tunneller.
    Also because artifacts cannot be used when injured any artifact holder can immediately be tunnelled out the game off-hook from 2nd stage and killed on the floor.

    Taking advantage of these things put him at the top of A but playing him in a way that nicer and he drops straight down to the bottom of B+ imo (I really don't like Vecna im am the rare vecna hater on this forum and i know I'm in the minority but this is why)

    Singularity: EMP's can be used to cripple him and once a game gets out of his hands I don't think it's possible to bring it back without some major survivor slipups. Its just has to do with how many EMPs. Im not good at maths and its going to look a bit wordy so someone else could probably go find the info and

    5 boxes passively printing take 100 seconds a survivor can speed that up by 4X making it take 20 seconds when an emp is taken from a box it starts printing and will have another in 100 seconds there are 4 survivors in a game if all 4 have emps 5 emps will be available in a max of 100 seconds bare in mind to complete a gen as a lone survivor from 0 to max charges it takes 90 seconds.

    The best way to beat a singularity is to bully him out of the game get an emp first thing and drive by cleanse any survivor in chase if 2 survivors are doing this and one guy is on gens and every time he finishes a gen he drive by clenses the chased survivors slipstream you will win every time in a coordinated stack i have done it a few time with some friends he is a weak killer masquerading as a mid-tier killer. 95% of the time this wont matter but judging a killer off games i would have won on something like Ghostface is not how I judge what I think is good or bad how he feels in games I'm struggling in matters more and singularity flops hard on that test. low B+


    imo Wesker does not compete in the tier he is in anymore since he is not a consistent free hit getter, his power has been randomly made worse which happened around the time of the UE5 change and blights collision hitboxes changed even though nobody talks about it (only few mentions I could find below)

    He just feels worse than he use to but that's me being subjective i like to play wesker and he has been nerfed in the most recent patch on top of that mid A

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    There's not really a correlation between comp vs. solo-q and how powerful each killer is though, y'know? To use the same example I did earlier, Plague is still much more powerful than Trapper at their peaks whether it's comp or solo.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Not really, such lists usually just assume max potential on the killer. So maximum skill ceiling reached.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,651

    I'm sorry Freddy mains but he should be behind Myers and Trapper, both of which have snowball potential

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Everyone will have their own interpretation based off of their own experience with those killers, I personally don't believe freddy and onryo are weak but that could just be bias because I like to play those two killers

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited June 2024

    Seeing Billy in S-tier is kind of wild to me. Yes, he is extremely good. Just not that good. I'd rank him right after Plague (who would be number 5 thanks to her addons right after Artist). Chucky is also way weaker than Artist. She can force hits in every loop and also has huge map pressure. Plague simply has the pressure and addon advantage as well as one of the most powerful chasing tools DBD has ever known.

    Other than that, I'd put Dredge above Nemesis and Freddy right at the bottom. He is the only killer that absolutely cannot snowball, he has about 4 good addons (2 of which are killer instinct after teleporting), a base power that is so lackluster, downsides upon downsides and self-inflicted restrictions. No way he is better than any other killer in the game. Myers has Tomb Stone Piece and Tuft of Hair, can snowball and is also a bit stealthy, Trapper has some very mean addons and has huge snowball potential and Legion has better addons, a way better chase, built-slowdown thanks to constant mending and the ability to traverse maps quickly.

    Wouldn't that put Artist at number 2 and Huntress at 3 though? They can hit you from almost anywhere on the map, if they're good enough and their skill ceilings are close to infinite.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Just curious why do you think spirit isn't as good anymore? What's your thoughts behind that?

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,358

    Vecna should be higher he 100% smokes the Clown, Alien and Chucky at the very least. I think he's better than Oni, too. Oni may have a higher power ceiling but his early game is a significant enough drawback that good survivors will draw out that early stage of Oni as long as possible

    Vecna cracks teams open like an egg while only suffering a minor spawn penalty

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Skull Merchant is sorta low (Put her in A tier if we're talking objectively.)

    Chucky is too high (His Scamper got nerfed, and Slice/dice is hilariously dodgable, put him in B Tier)

    Hillbilly is DEFINITELY too high. He's good but not better then bubba. High-mobility doesn't mean a thing if survivor can hug a rock and avoid the billy REFUSING to M1. (I am one of those survivors because both Billies and Bubbas couldn't M1 to save their lives.)

    Vecna needs to be High-Tier A+, especially as he goes unnerfed as of this moment.

    Bubba is too low for the ridiculous buff he was given (He was always a better billy TBH, A-Tier. )

    Twins being lower than Artist and Plague is insane to me, especially given how they operate. (Equally as annoying as facing a skully, please put her higher then those two )

    Xenomorph should be a tier higher for how absolutely BRAINDEAD it is for them to just M2 with little consequence and strike you through any pallet or vault given. (A+ Tier)

    Onyro, Dredge and Legion being that low is a crime, especially for how easy it is for Legion to put on ONE perk and profit. (They all need to be in A-Tier.)

    And the Singularity NOT being borderline S tier is insane to given how OPPRESSIVE he is.

    I think every OTHER killer I haven't mentioned is okay, definitely could be better though.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511
    edited June 2024

    Disagree, trapper with his best add-ons is fearsome and supposedly weak killers like pig, sadako and freddy are consistently among the top kill rates even at top mmr.

    Post edited by Yippiekiyah on
  • zdw01
    zdw01 Member Posts: 17

    whats sad is my favorite killers to play as are the lowest on here

  • Jaredleto1234
    Jaredleto1234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 70

    It's crazy people still think trapper is bad. Anytime I need to do a 4k challenge I immediately pick trapper. Using the addon for carrying all traps at the start and the free reset every 30 seconds is a nearly unwinnable situation for survivors. You can make a web around 3-4 gens and never leave your web from the start of the game. Even with the nerfs to how much you can regress a gen, it is still plenty.

    It has been very funny to see killer mains try and gaslight people into thinking Vecna isn't at the very least very high A+ tier. I would rather play a Spirit or billy before I played against a Vecna.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    There's a video by Hen's I believe showcasing Billy vs Blight where they conclude that Billy is even stronger than blight (which i don't nescaserily agree with), but the point is new billy is incredibly incredibly stupidly strong. I'd suggest you watch it and see what you think.

    As for chucky vs artist don't get me wrong artist is completely broken, but the chucky changes were pretty much just buffs and i think he's basically an easier to play spirit now.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Trapper has good addons don't get me wrong, but without addons he's completely terrible, which is why both him and myers r in C tier. Other low tier killers also have insanely good addons like trapper as well so its not a trapper excusive thing.

    Vecna is very strong yes, but there's so many strong killers in the game these days its tough competiton. I'd argue half the killer roster these days are strong or very strong killers.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013
    edited June 2024

    Yeah. They both have chase powers, freddy's is weaker but doesn't require mutation. And freddy has a reliable teleport ability and passive oblivious. Nemesis has zombies but they aren't reliable at all.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I'd argue the chucky changes were net buffs. His cooldown was nearly halved which is absolutely ridiculous, his cooldown is now quicker than spirits for an ability nearly as strong if not stronger in some situations. Not being able to vault over pallets doesn't matter too much because most pallets you can hit around as chucky similar to spirit, and shack and stuff you can just break and then get a hit straight after.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited June 2024

    Yeah and that video is hilarious. I mean, he couldn't have shown something more biased and false if he tried. First, compare the builds. Then look at how these supposed comp survivors actually played. A comp player that doesn't know how deadly a Hillbilly is around the syn cars? Another comp player, that is in a dead zone with SB and instead of running, he walks so that the killer has an easier time back revving? Hilarious. Seriously, they looked like they weren't even paying attention half the time.

    Public survivors play better than that. At least they wouldn't make these kinds of blatant mistakes. This looked like they didn't even try.

    Also, the Chucky changes were some heavy nerfs. He can no longer scamper windows or pallets without using Slice & Dice. That's huge. Artist isn't broken either. Just way better than Chucky. Chucky has no map pressure, no mobility, a chase power that is weaker than Artist's and when it comes addons he is also weaker.

    I don't see how Chucky would be comparable to Spirit. Both are 4.4 m/s killers but that's where their similarities end.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    The hens video wasn't the best quality but theres plenty of others as well showcasing just how strong new billy is, he's very akin to blight powerwise except he can instadown which is insane for a killer of that tier. If a billy player is good it's extremely difficult to last that long in chase because not only do you not get a second chance because he can instadown, but predropping isn't even effective against the killer. He also has the best mobiliyt in the game, has no cooldown on his power unlike any other S tier character and has instadowns.

    As for Artist and chucky, artist also has no map mobility either, infact i'd argue it's worse than chuckys because chucky can use his really short cooldown now to dash across the map akin to a wesker. Chucky also i'd argue has an equal or in some cases better chase power. The reason chucky and spirit are comparable is because they do the same thing. They are 110 killers who rely on their extremely strong chase power to down people really quickly and win through fast downs. Chucky and spirit can both hit you nearly anywhere except around a few dropped gods, which in both cases they'll simply break and hit you after like any killer would. Also chucky gets a good stealth ability as well for some strange reason.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    Billy still has the same counterplay he always had. You win the mind game, you're safe. You know which loops he can curve and play around that and suddenly his strength is not all that great anymore. I main this killer and I have done that for 2 1/2 years. Believe me, I know a thing or two about his abilities and his limitations. Hillbilly cannot readjust. If he misses, then he misses. Blight on the other hand can readjust. That's what puts them apart. The only thing that migth push Billy up close to Blight are the LoPro Chains. They were fine when he was weak but with all his other strengths they just aren't fair anymore. At least not in that form. Maybe if they had a big downside.

    Artist doesn't need map mobility because she has map pressure. As long as you're not profitting from elavation, you are never safe against her. She can down you from across the map through objects. That's way more powerul than Chucky trying to use Slice & Dice for mobility. When it comes to loops, there is also no doubt that Artist is a lot stronger. Against her, you cannot loop anything. You need to chain. Against Chucky you can do both and even then Artist can play around you chaining loops better than Chucky.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited June 2024

    I think your assuming that old billy is the same as new billy, they aren't remotely close. What your describing is old billy who if you knew what he could flick he was not strong in chase, he was way slower, way longer charging time, easier to read and had a massive limitation on his power usage.

    New billy has:
    -A shorter charging speed
    -Walks way faster when in cooldown
    -Moves way quicker
    -Can curve corners at over 180 degrees now
    -Can go straight for half a second and then curve 90 degrees
    -Can curve 90 degrees one way and then 90 back the other way to go around tight bends and obstacles
    -Way more generous curving and easier to use curving, flicking as billly used to be really hard, now its really easy
    -Has overdrive which is up about half of the time and moves faster than a nurse blink and has an even faster charge time
    -Has a wayyyy shorter cooldown after ending a chainsaw sprint
    -Has a minimal penalty for bumping now and can move whilst bumped
    -Also has no limitation on his map mobiliy or his power usage

    These things add up because it means its extremely difficult to survive in a chase. You can't play any loops because he can hit you around anything. Predropping is inneffective because of his break speed. He can also hit you around dropped pallets similar to a blight. Hiding behind walls or obstacles is much less effective because its infinitely easier for him to simply curve around them now or hold his rev until he gets overcharge. In overcharge as well you have to instantl drop every pallet and hope he doesn't hit you around it or on the way to the next one or you're dead.

    So what's billys actual weakness now? He takes slightly longer than the other S tiers hit you. BUT when he does hit you its an instadown so.

    You can't chain loops or simply loop a chucky he'll hit you anywhere unless you have an insane god pallet infront of you or something, its like trying to loop a blight you'll just get hit around everything. Except that its way harder for chucky to miss. Artist does have to take a bit of time to zone you and catchup again to kill you which means on average you'll probably have quicker chases as chucky than artist against good survivors.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    He got buffed, but more importantly he's basically a pyramid head without the tunneling ability but with a greater threat range and better choke and 3gen controlling imo.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    why do you think Demogorgon is on same level as Leatherface?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Walks faster when he is charging? Do you mean his movements peed while revving his saw? Because as far as I know that did not get touched at all, if it did I'd be glad to see the source.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited June 2024

    You're right it's not faster whilst he's revving, it should say faster whilst he's in cooldown because he moves faster after letting go of the chainsaw.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Mostly because of his chase potential. He can shred pallets akin to a bubba but having a ranged like dash attack is really good in alot of situations at getting hits other killers could only dream of, and it has a really big hitbox so its difficult to dodge or react to. However i'm not totally familliar with buffed bubba just assumed he'd be around here.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited June 2024

    The charge speed is reduced by 5% and only in Overdrive. Otherwise it's exactly the same as it was before. 5% of 2.5 seconds is 0.125 seconds. That's really not that big of a deal for something that only happens in Overdrive.

    The movement speed while charging remains unchanged. It was 3.68 m/s and it still is 3.68 m/s.

    His base movement speed also remains untouched. They gave his chainsaw a 10% speed buff from 9.2 m/s to 10.12 m/s and in Overdrive 13 m/s. You have a very audible clue for when that happens and you can also clearly see it because his chainsaw emits blue flames.

    The curve window was increased from 0.75 seconds to 1.0 seconds. That's a 33% increase. It's a lot but not gamechanging.

    He could go straight for 0.25 seconds before and still get the 90° turn. The difference is not as significant as you think.

    Zigzag curves have always been a thing. The longer curve window doesn't do much when it comes to this part of his gameplay.

    Curving itself wasn't changed and I have no idea what you mean about being easy now. It's still the exact same mechanic it was before. The difficulty didn't come from the 0.75 seconds turn window but from the highly increased sensitivity, which remains the same.

    I already covered everything there is about Overdrive.

    The cooldown before the rework was 3 seconds. Now it's 2.5 seconds. That's a 16.67% difference. It's noticeable but again not that crazy considering he was overly punishing before.

    The bumping penalty is 2.5 seconds of moving at 1.84 m/s second and not being allowed to do anything else for that time. Again, he was overly punishing before, now he is pretty forgiving but still fair considering his counterplay.

    He didn't really have limitations on his map mobility and power usage anyway. At least not for good players. They had already toned down overheat to the point it didn't do anything other than unnecessarily nerfing DriftKing Billy, which is a meme build.

    Before you make such a list, at least fact check that stuff. About half of what you said is simply not true and the other half is grossly exaggerated. All of these things add up to a killer that is very strong, no doubt. But we are talking about a killer that was considered C-tier (sometimes even low C-tier) before and is now A-tier just behind Artist and Plague, making him the 6th best killer in the game. He has a lot going for him but he ultimately lacks these situations in which you simply go down no matter how good you play compared to those above him (unless of course you do what the survivors in that video did and give him absolutely free hits).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2024

    I wonder if otz will redo one of his older videos, The billy vs bubba video. Both of these killer received many changes since he did last one. I don't think demo's portals or shred attack has any competition for bubba's instant down or chase capacity.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    He kinda does require “mutation” though. If they’re awake his power does nothing. Where as Nemi still has a chase power even if they aren’t mutated with his pallet break.

    Passive Oblivious is more of a detriment honestly since he has a lullaby anyway. All removing his terror radius does is make terror radius and stealth based perks completely useless on him.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Might be true if crouch tech was not a thing... Because of this his hitbox is really small.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    The charge speed is reduced because in order to have the current speed billy has now, he used to have to run engravings addons which would significantly increase the charge speed and was a huge detriment. Now he gets base charge speed with engraving like effects in his base kit, excluding all the overdrive buffs which exist. 0.125s matters alot when your moving at 13 metres per second during overdrive and when your playing against a killer who the counterplay is being able to make it to the next pallet or around a corner in time.

    You're right the movement speed whilst charging is the same, that was meant to be the movemetn speed during the cooldown is now faster.

    10% speed increase is incredibly useful basekit alone, excluding the crazy overdrive effects or anything the iri engraving does. There's a reason double speed blight was and still is incredibly powerful, speed matters alot.

    An increase to the curving window once again even only 0.25 seconds is really really huge. There's a reason adren vile on blight went from being the worst addon to one of the best once the turning restriction was reduced slightly.

    Curving is alot more powerful and easy now than it used to be because of all of the stat buffs i just mentioned. You move faster, charge faster, curve for longer, have much more generous collision and have a much smaller penalty for missing or bumping.

    You can't say that his map mobility is the same it used to be. Its much better now. Moves faster, has overdrive, and even if as you say overheat didn't mean much most of the time, that was because people didn't rev as much as they used to. It still somewhat limited your ability to hold m2 like you can now.

    Billy used to be C tier yes, but you ask any streamer or comp player what they think of billy and they'll tell you he's S tier. Infact alot of players think he's number 2 right now over spirit and blight.

    The point is all these buffs which you've wiped away as "minor" or they don't matter that much matter so much more than you think. No one said that the hit speed recover buffs killers got a while back were "minor", they were huge. And billy got a huge number of those buffs which have compiled to make him incredibly strong.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    It's quite easy for a billy to predict or play around crouching, plus even if someone crouches you it doesn't matter that much because the cooldown is super negligable. Crouching is the only chance you have at a loop to not get hit everytime pretty much but it's not exactly reliable. Crouching a blight or a demo is alot more punishing for the killer.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I meant the shred... The post I quoted didn't even mention Billy... But crouching Billy also does a lot, he still has 2.5 seconds of cooldown after that, so as survivor you will most likely make it back to the pallet again. And apparently crouching Bubba is a also a thing and can make him hit a pallet instead...

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Ever since the removal of hug tech and his add-ons being reworked, Blight isn’t as stupidly oppressive as he used to be and is closer in strength with Spirit and Billy than he is Nurse.

    Nurse is truly the only S tier killer. Sure you could consider Spirit and Blight S tier but they aren’t as busted as they used to be and their power/add-ons have been changed over the years. Nurse has been nerfed as well but she still fundamental breaks the game than Spirit and Blight can’t do. Blight and Spirit are still very strong and in a tier of their own because they are head and shoulders above other A tier killers but not Nurse level.

    Billy on the other hand is a strong high A tier killer but I don’t believe he is as strong or stronger than Blight or Spirit.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You forgot about going close or going wide when trying to avoid a curve, making it around the corner is not that easy.

    Ofc it is useful, but that alone does not suddenly turn him into a beast, you still need the overdrive to curve most things, there is a reason people ran double engravings and it is because it was basically required to curve most tiles... So 10% is not enough on its own to do that.

    It offers the possibility to curve more tiles, sure, but his usual counterplay still applies, all it does is give Billy more options.

    Curving is mostly about control, you need to have the skill to steer the right amount during the initial curve window, while all that stuff helps it does not suddenly become easy. There is a reason why Billy is the hardest killer in the game and the effort that goes into learning how to properly curve tiles is enormous.

    His map mobility is a bit better, but I don't think that part matters too much... His mobility is still hindered by the same stuff as before, just as bit less because of the collision improvement.

    I don't think the comp players put him in S tier... I'd argue they still think Blight and Spirit are better because crouch tech exists, without that maybe. He is really strong now sure, but he still has counterplay and you seem to forget the effort that goes into mastering him... It is only fair that the opposing side needs to put in is equal to the effort the killer player has to put in and if you argue a master Billy is too strong then you can only compare that to a master survivor player. Everything else is not a fair comparison... And before the changes nobody played him because he was the hardest killer to player and really weak at the same time... It is great to have more Billy's again :) his counterplay is still the same as before and it is fun, it is just that you won't get away as easy anymore, you are not as heavily favored as before.

    Those buffs matter to his strenght, but they don't matter to his counterplay, because it is still available, working and effective if you do it right. You just cannot be as sloppy as before and get away and the Billy does not need superhuman precision anymore to have a chance to get a saw. I think that's fine.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess. I would say that a good Spirt gets held by a few pallets on each map, and everything else is just a hit if she players properly. Whereas you can loop a Billy and possibly a Blight now on most loops and get away without that much of a guarantee. People really underestimate Spirit a lot. A good spirit will demolish you and make it look super simple. Because in the end it does not matter that you can hear her, because she moves so fast.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Yeaah.. spirit shouldnt be that high anymore. She's gotten plenty of nerfs and she is good against new players and players without proper headset or hearing difficulties. Otherwise you can pretty easily tell where shes coming from and she can be countered.

    Shes also gotten plenty of nerfs lately.

    Wesker should be way higher.

    Tier lists are kinda personal thing anyways people will never fully agree on these.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    I’m like the #1 advocate for “Spirit is still a strong killer”. I’ve mained her since her release back in 2018 and I’ve been P100 with her for a year. She’s my golden child for killers, I love her.

    But she’s nowhere near as stupid as she once was. Her old busted add-ons (MDR, Prayer Beads, green speed and duration, purple amulet), no collision while phasing, no directional audio are a thing of the past and make her more counterable. However you can use directional audio to your advantage at most loops and it doesn’t matter if they can hear you because you’re nearly double their movement speed and the collision doesn’t matter to good Spirit players and is actually a buff because she can’t be body blocked by aggressive survivors trying to use their endurance perks.

    But she is cucked by god pallets and certain windows while Nurse just doesn’t care. Plus two story maps, Nurse is just a better option because it takes Spirit forever to traverse something like Midwich while Nurse can be wherever she wants. Not to mention Eyrie makes no footsteps so playing Spirit is hell on that map. Nurse is usually always gonna outperform Spirit. Nurse will outperform anyone on any given day.

    Between Spirit and Blight honestly they’re pretty equal. Spirit can actually recharge her power quicker than Blight with certain add-ons, she suffer no fatigue or cooldown after an attack, and she has less counterplay. Both have insane chase powers. But I would still give a slight edge to Blight because of his map traversal and shorter base cooldown.

    Now with Billy I just don’t see how he’s better than Blight or Spirit. He’s so much better now but his chase power isn’t as strong, he’s more counterable, he’s cucked by more maps, and he’s way hard to pick up and play. Billy is a great killer but not on Spirit or Blight levels.

    Spirit is one of those killers that will make good survivors look average and average survivors look terrible.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    What's the effective counterplay against new billy? I don't see much other than dropping every pallet instantly.

    Once again i'd agree with you if this was old billy, but new billy is so much easier because he's wayu more forgiving, it doesn't matter if you miss multiple chainsaws anymore.

    Also if you buff a killers strength, it means youve removed counterplay or made it more difficult to counter the killer.