Ranking up still easy as survivor

Just two pipped without even trying. How are things on the killer side?
For me is more easy as killer now, because I play stealthy as survivor and I don't get enough survival and boldness points for a pip...
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I was chased for a while, unhooked one person, heal few, done a little bit of gens I think. Playing like I did before.
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Well, good for you. Need praise?
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I've been getting black pips rather regularly. I wouldn't say it's too easy. Both games I was tunneled through most of it and ended up escaping with 20k. Wouldn't saying it's still easy.
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I played 4 trials as survivor today, 3 safety pips and 1 pip, playing as good as before the patch, before the patch this would be 4 pips or maybe 3 pips and 1 safety.
I supose i have to start playing like a regular looper if I want to pip, which I don't like.
PS: I have played solo, for clarification, I suppose in SWF is more easy to pip than killer, as always.
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same for killer. want a cookie?
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Agreed. Only survivors with a very unbalanced way of playing are complaining about not pipping or de-pipping.
There is no justifiable reason to receive 2 pips for an overall average game/gameplay style. And you don't need to loop to get pips. Actually, the opposite will be true because then you are not doing anything else and missing out on points. They obviously don't understand how the system is supposed to work and just want everything given to them.
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Haven't even noticed a difference, almost forgot they changed it.
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I know right. And as you can see here bunch of salty survivors keep being ignorant of not playing the game properly.
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What ranks are you playing on? If you have no problem double pipping on red ranks I would like to see some footage so I can learn from the best.
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Edit: wrong Rank thread
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I don't stream, and there are plenty of other popular streamers doing it better than me, you can learn from them.
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I have yet to see a popular streamer double pipping on red ranks. You should start your streaming career today, because you seem to be the only one that is able to achieve it.
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It is not on red ranks because of the reset and I don't play that much surv these days (I was usually rank 1 both roles). But If I do it when I reach 1 I will take a picture or something. Rank 9 currently.
And I play on ps4 dunno if that changes anything.
Edit: Where did his comment go? Lol.
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Ok sorry then.
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Try aiming a flashlight fast on a PS4
Try doing a 270 degrees turn on a PS4
Try doing a fast vault on a PS4 while NOT running
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Some things are hard for killers also. For example playing Nurse is impossible etc. It goes both ways.
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IN game the programmers of DBD on the PS4 never heard of, nor use the L3 or R3 button :P
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If killer decides to camp though you can't pip. Your Benevolence gets screwed really hard.
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Really? How do you manage to get non-dcing mates?
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I think s/he wants a cookie. Why else post "Look how awesome I am" threads
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This is the problem I have with the emblem system at high ranks. Red ranks can screw the other side over easily. Killer pissed you off suicide on the hook and deny him his pip. Survivor pissed you off face camp him and deny everyone in the lobby a pip. That is a ridiculous system.
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On a PC, when pressing the space bar you'll fast vault automatically. On a PS4, you have to run to make a fast vault. When crawling or walking it is IMPOSSIBLE to make one. Why not simply write a function to use the L3 button on the PS4 to fast vault, the same as pressing a space bar on a PC?
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And I think you are salty and jealous probably because you seem so butthurt that I find survivor easy.
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Btw killer is not that bad. Pipped at rank 1.
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You have to run to make a fast vault on PC also otherwise you slow vault. What are you on about?
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He has to make excuses for not performing well. That is majority of the community, they learned it from the Ochido. I never even used flashlights and ds and i never had problems pipping once I played the game more.
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I see his point though. You literally made a post equivalent to saying "EZ" without giving any actual input into how it is easy. Most people aren't complaining about it being to hard to pip. They are saying it is ridiculous that you have to play the way BHVR want you to. "Oh look the killer tunnelled all round and managed to down someone with NOED at the very end. Better not escape now because if I do I lose a pip. Better risk my life to save someone that will probably be being camped or I am not gunna pip" or "oh look even though the exit gates are open I need to hang around a bit because the killer hasn't managed to chase me enough for me to get my evader points to pip." This is red ranks now. Yeah it is "gg ez" for you at rank 9 but at red ranks it is literally situational based on the killer you get if you pip. It ist the killers choice if survivors at red ranks pip and survivors choose if killers at red ranks pip. That is a stupid system.
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Just another troll thread from eveline. Gets really boring.
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True, no actual input just "gg ez" posts.
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And yet you are all here to tap yourself on the shoulder. How strange.
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Afraid not, I'm regularly a rank 1 survivor thank you very much.
But, I guess it's easier to call other people jealous or salty when you get called out to divert it away and/or change the subject
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The irony of this hurts
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I know maybe if there was some intelligent input behind these posts it would be fine but just saying "oh look I did good what about you" is not really helpful. Why did you do good? Why don't you reply with a counter when someone says why they don't like the pipping system? Why post at all just to say "I am good at the game"?
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Why do you guys care so much about me? I think that speaks for itself. I have people basically following me in threads and accusing me of something that is not even true. I am just saying ranking up is easy as before, how is that bragging?
You guys are obsessed with me.
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Excuse me? You commented on my thread useless information after I informed you it wasn't a visual glitch. (How am I supposed to take a before and after photo if I don't know the killer is going to DC) then I commented on your post about why people are annoyed at the new emblem system specifically at red ranks (which currently doesn't effect you) which you ignored. Then I agreed with someone that you sound very self centered. Your last comment shows you are self centered because you suddenly think we are out to get you. If you want to post about how good at pipping you are at least explain why you like it Vs the old one or give some intelligent input rather than just patting yourself on the back. Could you imagine a post like this from everyone "it is easy to pip you are just salty" it is just mindless dribble.
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Oh so that is why you are mad, because I said take before and after photos of a glitch. Ok. Get in line. I have so many fans here that is hard to count.
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I am not mad at all. You seem to be mistaking what I am saying. If you want to post on the forums use your intelligence. Write something meaningful explain why you feel that way about whatever you are talking about. Otherwise the forums will be filled with "oh look I pipped today wooo see: http://imgur.com/gallery/sQkGGY0" how are those posts helpful at all? Then you never give any counter argument or debate just "clearly it is salt".
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Wanna have your cookie? Wont get it.
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I played a couple of games with a friend who came to visit. He is rather new and depipped every game. I only pipped once and I ended up with avg 20k points so Idk what is going on. If you play too stealthy it will hurt your growth I think
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People like my posts. I have serious posts too but I am usually laid back, I will do what I like thank you very much. You do you.
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IS TOOOO EASY!!!!! please fix!!!
i like the idea of only pro players on the top... and casuals on the middle.