good trapper loadout ?

pandomran Member Posts: 17

addons: honing stone, iridescent stone

offering: ebony memento mori

perks: agitation, distressing, scourge hook: monstrous shrine, sloppy butcher

any tips to improve loadout? ive gotten one game with 3 moris and one escape, and one game with 4 moris w this loadout but im hoping to maybe improve


  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    What characters do you have prestiged?

  • pandomran
    pandomran Member Posts: 17

    i only started playing killer actively a few days ago, for the past few years ive only been surv so i dont have any prestiged unfortunately

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326
    edited June 12

    I would recommend prestiging plague for corrupt, as it makes him better in early game while setting up trap,s noed and/or no way out from trickster for end game, and keep agi on for that quality of life, or if you'd prefer you could prestige cenobite for deadlock. Addon's I think are fine, but I would recommend using the addon for more haste after placing traps, have an extra trap, or the one that starts you with all traps so you have more common ones to use. For offerings you can use bloodpoint offerings to get more addon's, though moris are good. Assuming you don't have any other killers though, you could replace distressing for enduring from billy and it's be a decent build.

    If you wanna go basement traper, go start with all traps, and walking through traps without stun, iron grasp, agi, monstrous shrine and a perk of your choosing and put all survivors in basement if you can, and put your traps on the basement stairs.

    Edit:grammar and spelling mistakes

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Vouch for Corrupt and Deadlock. Either one is basically mandatory for Trapper because of the amount of passive slowdown he needs due to the minimal amount of time he has to set up before gens start popping all at once.

    I recommend Corrupt more because the early game is his weak spot, but Corrupt + Deadlock is an incredible combination for him.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    If your looking for a fun build here's one

    Perks: hex: face the darkness, pentimento, hex:plaything, and hex:thrill of the hunt

    Addon's: the iri stone and the best addon to make traps take longer to disarm

    Offerings indoor maps, preferably lery's

    Hook everyone once as fast as possible while protecting totems, but let them cleanse a plaything toem for pentimento. They'll not be on gens, but instead on totems that are near uncleansable. It's funny when it works and usually pentimento+plaything is good slowdown anyway.

    Yes I did steal this from a YouTuber, can't remember their name so if I remember I'll link the video.