We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Does nobody give af about Freddy?

He's seriously close to bottom tier when it comes to killer


  • Wraff
    Wraff Member Posts: 149

    BHVR doesnt care. Why should we?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Even when he was stronger he was boring to play and play against... So it does not really matter to me if he is weak or strong when he is not fun to play...

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,135

    ^ this.

    After the Rework he was pretty popular, because he was so strong for so little effort. Now he is not strong anymore, but still requires no effort at all and is just boring.

    You really, really have to like the character to play him, because Freddy offers nothing apart from being a iconic Horror character.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 638

    I think he’s the worst killer in the game. Just a M1 killer not quite a killer worse than him. Maybe trapper without add ons.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Well he's sitting at a 63% kill rate so I doubt he's on the list at all

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Even Trapper without addons is probably better... At least he can try to trap basement, Freddy has just absolutely nothing. He does not even have the high of forcing someone into a trap you placed beforehand that Trapper has, Trapper is not good but at least he can be fun under some circumstances. Freddy is just boring, basically in all areas of his current kit.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would assume so, despite them saying they don't take killrate and usage rates only into account.. They probably do, but don't want to admit it because it would make them look bad... What other reasoning would there be except the high usage rate of engravings for example to want to nerf them? Well I guess eventually they will give him something, but I don't think it will happen before 2025 or 2026 xD

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    People do it's just that with over 30 killers in the game some get talked about more than others.

    Freddy's players and mains exist but because there is 1) not much to him 2) he is old and 3) he is not as strongly distinguished from the other killers like Nurse as he is just a regular m1 with snares offering a little bit of help he is not the kind of killer to attract loads of players.

    imo it would be nice to see a full rework and a Robert Englund skin.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,925

    I mean they gave him one rework already so its not like they don't care. They just prioritized other killers since.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,522

    That rework was 5 years ago and he's been in a very weak state for about 3 years now.

    Since then he's gotten 2 changes, one of them wasnt even documented and the other was the nerf to Adrenaline about 2 months ago

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,925

    Its one more rework than other killers have gotten. How many changes have they made to Myers since his release for example.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,784

    He's just very difficult to enjoy in his current state. He's not fun to play because he is a weak D-tier killer, and he's not fun to play against either because his power is just super uninteresting. And unfortunately other than his recent indirect buff from Adrenaline being nerfed, he has not had any changes now for quite some time. He just feels forgotten. I do care about him but I have very little reason to play him in his current form because it's just not satisfying at all, it's not fun and I know the survivors I'm playing against probably aren't having fun either.

  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 42

    It would be great if they reworked him got Robert Englund to do the voice overs. I play him occasionally and I don't think he's as bad as people are saying, but he definitely needs some love.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,823

    Don't tell that to the ones who cite the stats for arguments, he's way up there. He can't possibly be bad.

  • Bootyloops
    Bootyloops Member Posts: 6

    Well have you tried him recently? I 4k with him almost every game… I do feel like I'm the only one that plays him though. I can't remember the last time I got a freddy match.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,239
    edited June 9

    Yeah……….try tell GeneralV that he is the weakest killer in the game. It wont go over well…

    Post edited by MechWarrior3 on
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I dont want to waste energy And time into a 10th post of how bad Freddy needs changes And still nothing happends in year(s).

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,028
  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 538
    edited June 9

    I have mentioned this topic for years now.

    All he received was a new Z-Block/Cat-Block, a nerf to "snares through walls" and a slight buff inside "Adrenaline.

    If they dont have interest in doing a bit more than changing a stupid number in a code, just activate Pallets together with Snares.

    However, we Freddy-Mains wish for more.

    Just sad how BHVR act around Freddy.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,170

    They think he's a model killer! So fun, bcuz easy to beat!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,170
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,170

    Yeah, I can't argue with that. Literally. Trying to say a killer is as strong as Nurse or Blight, and that everyone's just not playing that killer to their fullest potential... They also do this with Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Clown, Deathslinger. When we all know they're trash.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,170

    A rework which they nerfed into oblivion soon after, because he was "S tier" and created matches that lasted "forever" and crap like that. That nerf is the biggest indicator of catering to a casual audience in this game's history.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,485
    edited June 10

    no. he was popular because one thing. He countered broken healing speed med-kits and he also softly countered gen-rushing if the player was good. I think he would be twice as popular if they just returned his swing chain and jump rope add-on's to the original -3% healing and action speed penalty per asleep survivor and 9% action speed penalty for repair/healing for individual asleep survivors. Even if his chase sucks, he would be miles more playable.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,135

    He was popular because he had his massive Slowdown and because he was so easy because of said Slowdown. Stacking Slowdown is always the easiest way to play Killer and that Freddy was able to use Perks AND Add Ons AND had a simple ability (placing Snares back then was basically reverse-Bloodlusting, because you could spam them and just make the Survivor slower) made him super-easy. That he would be more popular if they just add the Slowdown-Add Ons just proves it. It is not about fun, but about just being braindead easy.

    My cat could have played him well.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,485
    edited June 10

    you got that wrong. slowdown isn't fun for killer. it is necessity because 6 minutes game is barely a game. Freddy allowed you to play the game vs efficient teams. that is also why I miss old original thanatophobia as a perk. makes bad killers more viable.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,135

    I never said it is fun for Killer. I even said it is not about fun.

    It is about having the best tools to win and stacking Slowdown massively helps to resolve skill issues. A bad player with stacked Slowdown can be better than they would be without it. Simple as that. And therefore you saw so many Freddys back then - easy to play Killer, massive Slowdown, even a really bad player could get decent results with him.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,485

    couldn't you say that about any perk? A bad player will do better in the chase with enduring/spirit fury/bamboozle then without it? The perks don't make the player good. The good player makes the tools look good. The players that played freddy made freddy's toolkit look good. Now you can get any 9000 hours killer to play freddy and that player won't make the killer look good. You can forget about bad players getting results with him.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    You either main freddy, are a classic horror stan or don't care.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,135

    Sure, in theory you can say that about every Perk. And sure, Enduring/Spirit Fury is a combo which makes Killers play less good, simply because they dont have to fear Pallets. And Bamboozle encourages players to just vault the Window instead of learning how to run a Tile (and IMO it is a brainrot-Perk, it has its applications and especially had those in the past, but if I see a Killer vaulting a T/L-Wall, I just cringe).

    But with Freddys Slowdown-Add Ons, you just had to exist as Freddy. Players would fall asleep eventually, so if you had Jump Rope and Outdoor Rope this was just 15% Action Speed Reduction for doing nothing. And if you had Jump Rope and Paintbrush, it was only 9%, but right from the start.

    And, as I said, his Kit was really not difficult to play. (And is still not difficult to play, just less effective as before) I dont mind Freddy being a strong Killer, but he was a strong Killer for the wrong reasons.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    freddy's actually not a bad killer, but his power is an inferior mix of different killer's powers. at least trapper is unique despite being garbage. nobody's gonna complain about a killer that has nothing special. if you play freddy for invis, you can play sadako or wraith, for better antiloop you can play clown, and for mobility you can play blight. if you want a killer that can do all of this but isn't trash then something like spirit or hillbilly. why should anyone play freddy then. even though legion is bad, he still has a high pick rate because his power's unique.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 538

    Anything bigger than one single addon-change would be a win. Ah nevermind… everything, even if its just a number increase for Nancys Masterpiece from 3% to 3,1% would be a win.

    I feel like everything is for nothing, BHVR just dont touch that poor Soul from the Elm Street.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 538
    edited June 12

    Lets be honest:

    After Vecna I would love to see a mixture of both Freddies.

    Ability 1: Pull Survivors asleep

    Ability 2: Set Dream Snares

    Ability 3: Place Dream Pallets

    Ability 4: Dream Projection

    The old mechanic (survs need to be asleep to get hit) returns, but the Dream Transition is not 7sec default, but 4sec default. In dream, survivors suffer the old speed penalty by 30%, not 50% like in the past for example. On top of it, while survivors are in this Dream Transition, they suffer from Incapacitated, so they cant just finish a generator in your face.

    Addon-Pass und that would be all.

    Its so simple. Would he become OP? No, probably he would become a bit better, maybe a B-Tier-Killer. He will never reach the levels of M2-Killers like Blight, Unknown, Huntress or Oni, but at least he wouldnt be boring and weak anymore.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,369
  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    He is the bottom tier killer, specially after killer buffs.

    Its sad that he needs another rework to be viable again. I wish at least they make him more consistent to what he looks like in the movies.