The annual "Franklin's during Anniversary" is going to be extra special this year, I feel

As we all know, Franklin's is a mediocre perk that's typically only used to put survivors on tilt. It's just not that valuable. But every anniversary, item usage goes through the roof significantly enough that it's viable to consider running as this is the time that medkits will consistently have styptics and needles. That's the generous assessment of the perk. At any rate, the Franklins gang always come round this time of year.
This year though, we're most likely going to see a surge in Weave Attunement in conjunction with Franklins and people are going to be upset just by having Franklins exist in their lobbies.
Do you folks think that people running this 2 perk combo for the anniversary is going to be what gets Weave Attunement nerfed? I hate to be pessimistic but I personally think Weave+Franklins is going to be a hot topic come Anniversary.
It's not even so much as the Weave value I'm concerned about but rather the emotional response that Franklins evokes.
Hey, more Franklin's + Weave Attunement means more Object value :D
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It would be funny, in a sad way, if both Vecna and his perks got nerfed so soon after launch. The chapter was already unappealing to me but if BHVR wants to further convince me to never buy it, that's fine by me.
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I don't think "Franklin's + Weave attunement" is problematic at all. On the contrary, playing with Aurareading can be interesting and fun. There will always be people who get upset about every little thing. You can't change that, because you can't please everyone.
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I honestly think Franklin's and Weave Attunement is fine, it's just annoying to face. I understand why people don't like it, since it robs you of your item, makes you need to get rid of it so Weaving doesn't screw you, then adds oblivious to be the cherry on top.
I don't think any of those effects are overpowered for a double perk combo, especially with the other options available, but speaking from experience, yeah, it's frustrating.
Post edited by ArkInk on15 -
On 2 story maps it's pretty much an instant loss for soloQ teams.
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We need to explain to survivors how to pick up item now? This perk is not even mediocre, but I won't be surprised to see survivors are mad about another aura perk, since there is not so much left to complain about.
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Eh, maybe, maybe not. But, frankly, it wasn't necessary for them to more than double Weave's coverage from PTB to live in the first place. At most, that might get reverted, but I'd still be surprised if they didn't wait a few months to do even that.
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I'm not bringing items lately and haven't seen many killers with these perks equipped post-game. The couple of times I have seen it in play is when the whole lobby has items. When there's less than 4 items it doesn't seem to have as much play, for obvious reasons I guess. To add, I've noticed team mates dropping medkits at the start of the game and going back to them when they need it. I've also noticed an increase in team mates bringing Strength in Shadows and Plunderers. I guess the latter have also noticed if they don't bring items at the start then the killer probably won't bring the perks.
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I mean it would kind of be silly to complain about a 2 perk combo being good because its half your build in one combo and its info and a bit of debuff.
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I'm actually excited to see this perk used more it's a lot of fun, quite powerful and has room for meme moments.
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It's a pretty balanced combo 2 perks vs. and item. The meltdown survivors have over losing items is probably the most consistently irrational things I've seen in this game. It's always funny watching survivors throw the game for a flashlight.
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I complained a lot about FTP+Buckle Up, which was really disgusting for a two perk combo, due to the lack of any real counterplay when pulled off right. At least in this case here you can drop you item at a safe place, if you really need it for some special occasion.
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For the two park combo, place the item on the ground first. Fortunately, you will be notified of the perk, so once you see it, pick up the item and take it to a non-chase position and store it there. For medikits, you will waste half of your killer perk slot just doing that. In the case of a toolbox for sabotage or a flashlight for stun aim, you have no choice but to hold on to it.
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What do you mean by Mediocre?
I love Franklin. It adds ANOTHER objective for the survs I face besides using sprays and get rid of totens.
The existence of Weave Attunement only made it sweeter.4 -
It'd be especially interesting because I don't really think anniversary players bother to counter weave anyway
Also pretty sure BHVR is going to nerf it because it's "frustrating" to survivors, meanwhile ignoring all that ridiculous sabos because killers not being able to hook is apparently not an issue
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Right but FTP + Buckle up wasn't info + debuff, it was instant pick up and endurance which was a chase reset that can't be countered easily. This combo you can just put an item in a corner and retrieve it later then exit the game with it and the "op op combo" does the bare minimum of a single aura read and a single oblivious effect.
If the combo was two slowdown perks that stacked perfectly then people should be up in arms but its literally just info and debuff
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I don't understand what is the issue with it...
You can find in first second on match, then just put your item in corner. You just traded your item for killer's two perks, I take it...
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Yay, another Distortion killer?
No need to nerf Distortion right?
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Ive gone against Weave Attunement and it honestly isnt even that bad, even with Franklins.
The easiest counter to it is just picking up the item and moving it to an out-of-the-way location so they get no Aura Reading value.
Boon: Shadow Step is also pretty decent as well since it provides a massive area that just outright blocks Aura Reading (with the added benefit of removing Scratchmarks).
Alternative, you could just… idk, not bring an item. I know the Anniversary items are cool but I normally save them up anyways due to their limited supply once the event ends, and a lot of people normally hoard them anyways.
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I'm going in for those items. It's going to be a challenge to get them this year.
Just a side not to all of the peoe here claiming it's too strong: it's info. No chase. No slowdown. Just info. If the killer is not one of the strongest in the game, it's not extremely strong and the killer is wasting two perk slots that could also be pain res, Deadlock, corrupt, surge or dms.
It's really not that bad guys.
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Honestly I’m already expecting it and I keep getting 5-6 matches in a row with killers running this combo. I also take into account that the anniversary starts ON rank reset day so the first few days of the event are going to be frustrating to play, and I honestly may just hold off a few days.
Having said that, here’s my take: Run Object of obsession, plunderers instinct and appraisal. Take an item into the match and be a loot goblin. The more items you place around the map, the more aura reading you have, especially at loop points. Yes the killer can infinitely see you, but you can also see them. Obviously you cannot run a full SWF with this build as only one of you can be the obsession, but if you’re playing solo, give yourself the edge if you can, especially if you’re not a strong looper.
Whats good for the goose…
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Alternatively you just don't bring a item at all, wasting 2 killer perks for completely free
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Wow, that's an amazing idea, friend. You can run this in SWF, sometimes it's better to not be the Obsession the perk still works anyway if your aura is revealed you just don't get the 30 second aura intervals
Now,how to convince my friends to swap Distortion for Object xD
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Hey now Franklin's is a good perk lol or at least I think so, I like to equip Franklin's and Hoarder on Hag to trap items, people just love it when you do that.
In the old days of this game the anniversary is when the toolboxes use to come out , getting so many event hooks was how you got special items and everyone would Sabo all the event hooks to prevent killers from receiving the reward, in fact for a while afterwards event hooks were unable to be sabotaged due to the outrage it brought.
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it’s the way that I’ve had at least 6 different killers running anti-item builds in the span of 2 hours. I don’t even care about losing an item. I just want the aura reading for Weave Attunement to have a smaller radius.
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I hope it's not Weave Attunement that gets the nerf when Franklin's is the problem child that's really not that useful except when used for tilt. But even then I don't think it needs a nerf, and disabling items can be useful in some niche situations, so that should be kept, and short of reworking Franklin's to disabling items for 100/120/140 seconds + depleting x% of charges when this happens I don't think anything really should be changed.
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Object of obsession does not work for you if you’re not the obsession. We can’t have 4 obsessions in one match at the same time remember.
If everyone in your SWF runs the perk only one of you will actually benefit at a time. Meaning the rest of you are still visible to the killer but you can’t see them.
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Franklins being a shadow of its former self and people still having issues with it is hilarious. It's not the end of the world if they can't use their item.
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jokes on you i never use anniversary items, also no cake offering btw
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Me neither. I collect and hoard mine cuz loot goblin things 🤣🤣
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Only the Obsrssion can see the killers aura every 30 seconds, however any instance of the killer revealing your aura will reveal the killers aura.
Only the Obsession can keep tabs on the killer but any Object user can call out Lethal/Bloodwarden etc.
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Thank you for clarifying this! I appreciate you.
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I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I used this perk for a couple months without realizing this, I even jokingly gave my friends trouble for stealing my Obsession status. I think the perk is worded in a slightly confusing way
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Weave Attunement deserves a nerf anyway since combined with Franklins it's basically a perma wallhack.
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Anyone running Object of Obsession will see the killer's aura if your aura is revealed to the killer
Regardless if they are the obsession or not
Edit: someone already clarified that I guess lol
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I mean I don't really care, I haven't been bringing items because toolboxes are getting me tunnelled, because every single Killer thinks I want to sabo.
I can always get more items, anyway.