Is DBD right now, TODAY, The Most Imbalanced that it has ever been?

turfking Member Posts: 64

As a person with a lot of money sunken into my favorite game and one who plays for hours every day until recently, I find it boring. I play Survivor and know 99% of the time, we are going to die unless The Killer lets us go. And when I play Killer, unless The Rift forces me to Kill or you Quit, I let everybody go after I've tortured them for a good 15 minutes because I feel like the game is so unfair. This coming from a Killer who was so bad, that I never thought I'd be able to catch anyone to hang them my first year and a half. It seems to me that since BHVR nerfed Medkits, it's been totally Pro Killer by a lot. I believe they nerfed them to help killers combat Teams but seriously, the regular players, especially the Solo ones, are paying the price to help Killers who were never going to be top Killers, yet now EVERYBODY WHO PLAYS KILLER, CAN AND SHOULD KILL EVERYONE IF THEY TRY TO. It's way imbalanced imho and I ask because I want it fixed somehow and I want the game to be fun again without having to rely on buying a new character for it to temp be so. Also, has anyone read the latest reviews? It is clear that the imbalance is causing the strife everyone complains about in them.

Is DBD right now, TODAY, The Most Imbalanced that it has ever been? 33 votes

InnCognitoKA149108turfkingA_basement_bubbaEEPAlienDipStickMysorecclain 8 votes
Science_GuyOnryosTapeRentalsbleep275SlamitieCrowmanglitchboiAggressiveFTWReverseVelocityHaunterofShadowssizzlingmario4ConfigIron_CutlassKarthArchol123CypheriusSleepyHYharwickTyler3AkeenoCopyriteMania 22 votes
I am not sure
Jeff_JayCorvusCorax86papadeathstroke 3 votes


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Check out old footage of real infinite 4 men key escapes mori after first hook, omegblink nurse... Old old old swamp that was so big it could not get rendered and many more... The game is probably in the best state we ever had from a balance perspective. Says nothing about how fun it is though.

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2024

    ? 6 people? Any staff?

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64

    Hey DBD, Release Stats on how many escape the past month. I'm going to just play Killer from now on and not ever letting anyone go now. Then I want the following months numbers. I'm gonna Kill them so fast, they are gonna contemplate quitting. If you wont fix the game, this is my only choice.

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64

    I know the old footage. I know the healing Boon was a problem. If you think the Killers were at a huge disadvantage then, then THAT is where we are now on the opposite side of that equation. I am saying the larger maps, which I miss playing either side, and The Medkit Neffs were where it went south. Too much advantage has been given to the Killer side. The Medkits used to matter, now they are all the same so I don't care if I lose a Ranger Kit. I dont want to find and join a SWF Team, to have a competitive game, so now i'll just play Killer and make others as bored as I am by killing them quickly

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,900

    Anyone who votes yes hasn't experienced Old DBD in any form, imo.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,707

    Survivors used to have absolutely no protections against being camped and tunneled off hook.

    Keys could be used to get a full team escape and created nasty 3-gen situations where the killer couldn't kill a survivor without losing to a 3-man hatch escape.

    Moris used to work after first hook instead on death hook.

    Nurse used to be able to have 5 blinks and had addons that increased blink distance also increase blink speed which made it impossible for any survivor to juke nurse.

    Maps used to be way less balanced.

    Modern DBD has it's own faults, but it's by far more balanced than the previous incarnation of DBD. Old DBD today would be a nightmare with how good players have gotten on both sides.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Old DBD had infinites, no protection against tunneling and camping, You only had to do 4 gens if somebody died, before that were ridiculous hatch stand offs, Eruption....just Eruption, Skull Merchant 1.0, Omega Blink Nurse, 3 hatchet iri Huntress, Getting DS'd 4 times in 90 seconds, Dead Hard lmao and it goes on and on.

    Saying DBD is the most unbalanced now is silly if anything we're in a weird place where most things feel weak on both sides.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    it’s only imbalanced if you strictly play survivor or killer. It leaves you with heavily biased opinions and a lack of understanding for the difficulties the other side faces.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Oh brother, COH on release is what you consider "old"? I shudder to imagine how you would react to REAL old dbd

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Old double pallets, shack with two windows, old killer vault speed, old old cow tree... No Bloodlust, no entity blocker, maps the size of Australia... I have no clue how the game managed to survive in that state, it should have died right away because of how stupidly unbalanced it was... Oh right every rushed vault was a fast vault for survivor xD I cannot understand how killers managed to get hits in that game...

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64

    Anyone, Get your best 4 Guys together. You can even cheat by communicating during game. I'll give you a choice of 10 Killers to go against. You choose who I use. And if I dont Kill 10 of you out of 12 in 3 Games, you win. You then convince me. I've been playing since about 9 months before Stranger Things went away. So I did miss a few early years. To me, the fairest time for both sides was before the shrinking of every map. Before Medkits that do all the same thing just slightly faster and after the boon healing was taken away. Are Anti-Camping measures better, 100%. All I know is, I was the worst Killer out here for my first 18 months and I used to escape about half the time via teamwork or find ing the hatch. Now its more like 25% of the time and part of that is a Killer letting last guy go. So please, lets do this and show me I am wrong and I am the problem. That I play terrible Survivor now and I get lucky to Kill all when I choose to.

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64

    I play BOTH every day. I will get my hours put into the game tomorrow and this is my main account. I have an account where originally I started playing only Killer and another only Survivor but wound up playing both and completing 3 Rifts every cycle. I'll get those hours too. Your theory doesn't apply to me in the least. I stand by any Killer should be able to kill everybody if they choose to, with limited time playing Killer. I'm not Anti Killer. Taunting Fools are Tools. I get a kick out of these idiots when I let them go and they taunt. Killers take some abuse. I get that. That doesnt mean they arent at a huge advantage. I got to get to sleep but I'll see if I can find my hours played and post it tomorrow because it kinda feels like you all think I'm some kinda noob or somethin'.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Make a general discussion then, this is kind of the wrong place to try to convince people otherwise... And given that you have not seen the origins of the game where it was way more unbalanced than currently you probably will not convince the majority of people. Your experiment also does not really anything about that...

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2024

    282 Days, 12 Hours 13 minutes before I play my main account right now. Yea, not a noob and my point is, the game was way more fair 18 months or so ago. Killer is too powerful and can be easily won by killing all 4 in someones first try with any killer other than maybe the Blight and Nurse because they take some getting used to

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2024

    The Worst Event by far. Lets make it easier for The Killer so he can not only remotely hang you, but he can toss you in the basement too. Dont use any Perk like Flip Flop etc, POINTLESS DURING EVENT. I'M DONE. WHOMEVER THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA, NEEDS THEIR HEAD EXAMINED. ENJOY EVERY KILLER WANTING TO PLAY AND ALL SURVIVORS QUITTING AFTER A FEW GAMES. THIS MIGHT BE THE FIRST EVENT I NEVER FINISH. I am beyond peeved right now.


    This game is dying before my very eyes and no one else sees this? I LOVE THIS GAME. MY HOURS PLAYED PROVES THIS and yet everyone thinks I am crazy. Maybe I worded the poll wrong but the game was way more balanced before and if adding in the tweaks like Anti Camping and Dead Hard nerfed I always thought should happen way before it did and there are other great changes made since the nerfing that made Medkits largely useless. I go back to that because the game, for me, was fairest a this time. It feels like all the time spent becoming a good survivor was wasted. I dont know exactly why Killer is so much easier now, I just know it is. I dont mind adapting to changes, I do think it keeps it fresh, but currently it all seems so lopsided and has for over a year now. I wish I didnt feel this way and I love having new Characters and outfits all the time now. I dont know what else to say if no ne else feels the way I do or at least not enough to speak their mind if they do. Maybe its me. Goodluck. I dont know where to go from here.

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