Can we stop the blaming please?

Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312
edited June 15 in General Discussions

It's fine that some of you prefer the chase gameplay, but when you fail at that, stop blaming people who prefer to play hide and seek. (Distortion / Calm Spirit ect.)

You choose your own game style, and if it gets you killed, you only have yourself to blame, not the person who (if you die) plays more effectively than you.

So, can we please stop this where some people push the blame for their own mistakes onto others?

Killers also have both hide-and-seek and chase killers.

(Just to be clear - Im not talking about "just hiding the whole match" im talking about playing the game as everyone else, but with non-detection perks)

Post edited by Unknown2765 on


  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    When i was a killer main, some of the games where i had least hooks were games where i could not find anyone. Whole "ninja" swfs.

    • That is effictive.

    You choose another playstyle? fine, each to their own. - but dont blame others if you die.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312
    edited June 14

    So you are litterly trying to force YOUR fun upon others "you cant play this game if you dont enjoy it the way i do?" - if that is the case, then that is very entitled if you ask me.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    And a lot of killers tunnel.

    Not everyone play like you describe. - including me.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    So the majority should decide what everyone should play? why dont we ask bhvr to lock 4 perks for everyone then ??

    The store description of the game is this

    Stealth is the best way to avoid being caught.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    So you dont think people who run stealth perks are doing gens? or what are you saying??

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,046

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful, and on the topic of the thread. Thank you.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Then Don’t blame me for tunneling and we’ll call it even😁

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    If you want to queue up with Survivors that gel with your own personal play style, you'd almost always be better off joining a SWF.

    You'd can't expect anyone else in Solo Q to play the way that you want them to. And if escaping consistently in solo is your goal, you kind of have to bring selfish perks and play in a way to maximise your own chances of survival. BHVR have put perks into the game specifically for this kind of play style.

    It's worth remembering that the MMR system does not treat this game as a team game! Only SWFs live or die as a team. Solo Q is kind of an every man for themselves deal and I think it's best to go into a trial with that in mind.

    I'm happy to be a team player, but I've had Survivors complain in chat when I've tried to help out but failed and also when I've decided to prioritise my own chances of Survival. You just cannot please some people.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,194

    As long as no aura reading and all Nancy's survive ❤️

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312
    edited June 14

    Thats a big stereotype/genaralization to post.

    I can assure you that even when im running Distortion i also run Deja-vu (most of the time), with the goal to be effective on the gens. I guess im just better than everyone else you play with??

    And what you describe is not what im seeing, can i ask what region you play on?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I was never talking about you specifically, I was originally replying to the person I quoted, and that person mentioned parasitical survivors so I was responding specifically to that. I never made any generalizations, I talked about specific behavior I witness in my matches and how it's not fun to play with the people who exhibit that behavior. I didn't accuse a group of such behavior, I just said I witness the behavior a lot and it's miserable to be in the same match as those players. You're reinterpreting what I say to be about you.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    Ok, fair enough. I think i might have missed their comment.

    And i get that, im not a fan of people hiding in lockers the whole match, and thats not what im talking about in the OP i made.

    I see a lot of complaints about people that play with Distortion ect. ← And that is what im trying to address with this thread.

    I use it alot, i enjoy the Hide-and-seek gameplay → That dosnt mean that im not taking "my turn" on the hook, or try to take protection hits if needed, it just means that i decide (or try to at least) when the killer sees me… I even think i have Distortion on my Sabo build.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    People need to accept that stealthy team mates have always existed and they always will. I just had a game now with a Nic Cage who spent the whole game hiding in the lockers. He joined in for a group heal but as soon as he heard the terror radius, he stopped and entered the locker next to us while I finished the heal. He had zero stealth perks but he still managed to be the last guy standing with less than 10k (!) bp while everyone else had 28k+. Was he infuriating to play with? Absolutely! But this is an issue of SBMM. I'm not sure how someone so scared at the hint of a terror radius was on a team with 3 competent survivors.

    The fact of the matter remains that his hiding strategy was just as valid as any other strategy in the game. But likewise, I don't feel bad for leaving him to go to second stage on his first hook, because my strategy was to take advantage of his available hook states to finish my gen.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    Look, if you want or need to hide to get out of a chase or avoid detection, that's fine. But hiding all match is throwing, plain and simple. That's not a play style, that's choosing to play survivor and then not participate in the actual match, making the game way harder on your teammates.

    The reason it's fine for hide and seek killers is because they're a solo participant, plus several are designed around the need to stealth.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Hiding is only strong when used strategically, as long as you aren't pretty good survivors being a distraction generally does much better job

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    I agree on that, and i never ment "just hiding" the whole game as "Hide-and-Seek" ← Thats not playing the game imo.

    I ment playing with perks like Distortion and / or Calm Spirit ect. is a valid playstyle as well as chase builds with 2nd chance perks are.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 165

    It could definitely be argued that a stealthy survivor can waste some of the killers time when they're looking for them, but it will never be as efficient or as helpful to the team as slamming gens until you're forced off by the killer, and following that up with a lengthy chase.

    Not saying you're hiding the whole game, but all 4 survivors need to take chases during the trial.

    As stated already, stealthing tends to skew hook distribution amongst your team, and if someone is sacrificed before the third Gen is repaired, it's almost always a guaranteed loss for the survivors.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312
    edited June 15

    Lets say that people stop use Distortion, i cant talk for others but my self, but my looping isnt good, so what you get it a 15-30 sec chase and then im downed → this leading to me leaving the game early, now you have 1 less person to fix gens… do you think thats a better option?? (i suffer from a work related mussle dmg so i cant play as much as i would like, so i cant just go and play more to get better)

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,632

    Yesterday, several Distortion survivors have let the teammates die on hook to stay hidden.

    I've found them because I was making a point going as far away as possible from the survivors on hook so they could be saved.

    I've killed the hiding cowards.

    Hiding is all fine but not playing as a team isn't.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 165

    Skill in chase aside, the relevant point I'm trying to make is that you need to take your share of hook states to better the odds of you and your team escaping.

    I suppose it's totally valid to stealth for hatch. You escape, it just isn't very enjoyable for the other 4 players in the lobby you know? Your 3 teammates are dead and the killer is bored looking for you rather than being in a chase.

    Also, if your injury prevents you from becoming more skillful in chase, why bother arguing with people on the forums who will never understand your situation? If you're enjoying the game the way you can play it, keep doing it and ignore others. You're not violating any rules.

  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 229

    Stealth can be fine, but only if the survivor doing stealth is doing generators and knows when to stop stealthing and get the attention of the killer to draw heat from the rest of the team. From my experience, people who prefer stealth fail at that last part most of the time. They'll still be stealthing when everyone else is on death hook and cost their team the game.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    im not a fan of people hiding in lockers the whole match, and thats not what im talking about in the OP i made.

    I see a lot of complaints about people that play with Distortion ect. ← And that is what im trying to address with this thread.

    I use it alot, i enjoy the Hide-and-seek gameplay → That dosnt mean that im not taking "my turn" on the hook, or try to take protection hits if needed, it just means that i decide (or try to at least) when the killer sees me… I even think i have Distortion on my Sabo build.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312
    edited June 15

    Blame the people, not the perk. - I have had the same experience with SWFs that didnt give a f. for SoloQs, i have even been used as a sacrificial lamb as a SoloQ. - That dosnt mean that all SWFs are toxic - right??.

    We have gang members here wearing black, does that mean that everyone wearing black is a gang member? no it dosnt.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906
    edited June 15

    I played with an urban evading, calm spirit, and distortion Ada two days ago. She only touched gens once someone else was in chase. She urban evaded to every hook, immediately leaving the gen the moment someone went down and saved before the killer could make distance then she hid so the recently unhooked could take aggro. I usually dont mind stealth but she had me p%%%%ed off. With one gen left we were all on death hook except her. This 'playstyle' is not healthy or fun from everyone. Her last perk was left behind probably because most of her teammates end up dead and she gets hatch.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    did you read the OP?

    It says with BOLD "(Just to be clear - Im not talking about "just hiding the whole match" im talking about playing the game as everyone else, but with non-detection perks)"

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,736

    i did read the post a second time. "You choose your own game style, and if it gets you killed, you only have yourself to blame, not the person who (if you die) plays more effectively than you. "

    who gets upset at stealthy players if they play it effectively? i do get upset when no gens get done after my 2 minutes+ chase, it's not effective. let's break what's effective and what's not

    • hook states are a resource. keeping yours while multiple people are on death hook isn't effective. you need to stop stealthing and make risky plays, in fact at that point you need to be that "chase me" survivor because you need the killer to do that to be effective. i like doing risky gens in such scenarios, like attacking a 3 gen or doing a heavily exposed gen while the killer is nearby with occasional bodyblocks. trying to exclusively go for bodyblocks most of the time doesn't work and you need to be doing gens during that time so i don't go for them, but it might be preferrable.
    • you have to be doing something (useful) while someone else is being chased because from that point on pallets start getting thrown, resources are being used and you have to make the most out of it. if they are playing the "chase gameplay", then stealthy player needs to be doing the "gen gameplay", stealthy gameplay isn't an option as soon as a chase starts; it's not being effective. obviously there are exceptions, like you still might need to stealth if the killer is nearby and you are on death hook, or the gen is in a dead zone and you would be an easy down if killer switches target.
    • possibly will repeat the 1st point but, a teammate getting tunneled is the most vulnerable person, not you. stealthing if a tunnel is going on is throwing and not effective.

    i personally don't get annoyed by stealthy players even with a full on stealth build if they are playing it smart and being effective. in fact stealthing is really strong if they stealth when they are being the target, killer looking for them buys WAY WAY more time than the survivor ever could by getting chased, with the plus that pallets aren't being used. being useless and mindlessly hiding is the issue, not the stealth aspect of survivor gameplay.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283
    edited June 15

    I think the problem is that MANY, not all who play the "stealthy" builds like distortion, calm spirit , urban evasion do tend to hide and play extremely selfishly. This is the reason why people hate those perks and this gameplay.

    I admit i am not a fan of this gameplay eather. I'm a teamplayer i even die for randoms since honest to me good game is worth a death in the end if i've managed to save, heal, get some chase and do gens. I don't care about escaping every single match and i do enjoy chases. I like learning how to extend my chases and get better. So to me personally it feels weird when someone rather hides and pushes the gen jockeying and chasing to other people instead of learning and even bothering to try. The fact that many of these people wont even save from hooks is a big problem.

    I do hope behaviour someday puts in that we can see other survivors perks. Sadly this will mean i might dodge a lot of these "stealth" players and self carers to avoid the possible frustation.

    You are allowed to play however you want, but you also need to understand where other people are coming from who do hate these perks and gameplay. Selfish teammates and hiders are the worst, its just the sad truth.

    I don't hate the perks, but distortion does need a change.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    Interestingly I just had this game with all my team mates running Distortion and Calm Spirit and honestly I was surprised because I wouldn't have picked it at all. I had Empathy and could see none of them hiding, they were all found just fine by the killer and two did do gens. I think the Jonah was trying to make friends with the killer to farm, as the killer never returned to hook to tunnel but Jonah kept running into him. Two of the killers perks were aura reads so I'm guessing he wasn't happy they had Distortion as he didn't go easy on them. He then found hatch first but let me have it, I'm assuming because he felt bad for me lol but yeah, they weren't bad team mates at all. Jonah was misguided.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Yeah, this is what I do. I'm a total gen jockey and am happy as a clam to be puttering away on a machine, but chases are my weakest aspect. It's better for me to avoid them than to second-chance extend a 15 second chase (I get found late-game with no pallets).

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    I get that, but that is not how everyone use them → if the perks were gone, the same people would most likeley still play like that but with other perks, and then we could ban or nerf all perks to a point were we would not have any good perks left.

    Thats why im saying that this is on the people, not the perks, as i former killer main i have met a lot of bully squads

    IIIIIII (with bully squads i mean people who are not focusing on the gens, but only try to annoy the killer as much as possible) IIIIII

    → that all ran the same DS, DH, Head-on, and self-care, and then 4 flashlights or 4 sabo boxes.

    But that toxicity is not on the perks or items, its how the players decide to use them.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,312

    Exactly, im a gen jockey too, but i do use Distortion as well as Deja-vu, to be able to find and do gens quicker, and splitting potential 3 gens.