Teleporting to hooks

can we admit that teleporting survivors to hook with invitations is a bad idea I hate it
Hopefully this experiment has resulted in them deciding not to implement a perk that does this. Saves the killer so much time. Negates SOME flashlight saves, pallet stuns, and all wiggles. Nullifies breakout and boil over. Sabo is completely useless. No one ability removes so many survivor options. In my opinion this was not very well thought out. And the trade off is a pallet killers just respect until it's dropped and completely useless or a real one that can be broken instantly with an invitation. There I've added " some' for people that had an issue with me saying blinds and stuns were negated.
Post edited by feechima on8 -
they did a stupid ability last year as well (expose someone when you get bloodlust)
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It absolutely does not negate saves. I can assure you even with mashing it I had people blind or stun me plenty of times. You might be missing the chance to do so.
Either way complaining about an events mechanics is ultimately (I am guilty too) pointless. It's temporary and not worth investing time into adjusting it. If you hate it then the normal game is still there.
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I just like not having to worry about hook deadzones
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would you prefer the blood lust expose from last year?
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I don't see any problem, "saving" attempt has always been a throwing except broken things like dashbang or 100% sabo, what's the problem when killers use a resource to hook quickly
Do you rather wishes them to slug instead, because that's what easier
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they’re already slugging that hasn’t stopped slugging for the 4K has become the norm even during the event
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Of course slugging for 4k is different, because it's fundamentally different concept than slugging as a constant pressure
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I think Expose is better, can deny with pallets. Or a teammate body block(?)
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I think if you still have bloodlust already you can just apply it on the bodyblocker?
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How does it negate flashlight saves and pallet stuns? Those happen at the point before you even get control of your character... At least it would lead to people needing timing again in flashy saves...
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No, it doesn't. Killer is still fully exposed to full pick up animation and you can time it to flashlight blind him or if timed well still can pallet stun him to drop that Survivor.
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This is great feature honestly and I love it. Makes playing killer less of a chore and don't have to worry about dead zones of no hooks.
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The killer need to recharge the ability
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I like it as a concept to help killers against rampant hook-denial and bully squads. Just make a perk that charges with chase time and can only hold one complete charge at a time. That way, if the killer is struggling, it'll just give them a little boost every once in a while.
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It's less obnoxious than the exposed effect last year, but still pretty annoying. Fortunately, this year we have separate game modes.
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Vote by not playing. They will get the message if enough people think its the equivalent of headbutting a brick wall in the scale of fun things to do.
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remote hook is really good for slugging. I was playing Michael with Infectious fright tier 3. i downed 2 people from tier 3 and remote hook both survivors super fast.
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Yeah, right. I've seen several flashlight saves from people who know what they are doing. The person still gets sent to a hook. Same with pallet stuns. Ive even seen the killer take the stun after sending the surivor to a hook. May be due to server lag but your window for success is much smaller than it should be. I stand by my statement that this is a terrible idea.
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I think There is fairly huge cooldown between each remote hooks
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I'm not repeating see above. Devs implemented a power with with a janky server network. Even with pallet stuns and flashligh blinds teleport to hooks is still getting through in some instances.
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Sure but then that is on the survivor for not having proper timing on the blind. Usually killer cannot dodge the blind, because he does not get control back before the blind goes through.
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The remote hooking does make hooking feel less of a chore. Less time spent hooking = more time freed up for more chases
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I don't blame you to me it's annoying and the first time it happened I thought the killer was hacking since I didn't know they can do that. People are saying the bloodlust expose thing from last year was bad in my opinion it wasn't a free down just for being a chase for a little bit. The remote hook is something that basically makes no sense yeah it helps with blind and bully squads but still.
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i meant that i remote hook one person and then pick up. 2 fast hooks. you can chain down and chain 2 hooks back to back.
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I think it has promise as an antigrief feature for both sides, IF AND ONLY IF they make it send the Survivor to the furthest hook from the Killer, AND do SIGNIFICANT tweaks to the mechanic. As it is now it's too free, maybe adding a requirement or a long cooldown if it's a perk, or making it only activate under certain conditions, would make it more okay for this purpose. If done right it could curb camping, tunnelling, slugging four people for a bleedout, hook deadzone/comp corner abuse, bad hook RNG abuse, sabo boil over squad bullies, and work as a catchup mechanic for Killers that need it.
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It is pretty bad, as a mechanic, but I enjoy making sure people using Boil Over don't get to use that perk
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Remote Hook should activates after 2 seconds and it would solve the problem.
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Personally I think it's neat.
Especially when you get teleported to a hook right next to someone on Midwich because that map's hooks are ridiculous.
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I think it's dependent on ping.
I've seen people get hooked and THEN their DS stuns the killer. You can absolutely negate saves of any kind if your ping is high enough which isn't hard to deliberately do.
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no it’s not because killers are doing it right away they kill one person then slug the other 3 that’s if you’re lucky if you’re not they’ll slug everyone at 5 or 4 gens
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there isn’t
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- For those who have a "proxycamping" playing style, this event is like a miracle🤣
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i like that it's a massive middle finger to pallet saves and buffed sabo which are such nonsense. though it's way too time efficient and starstruck is I N S A N E with it, surprised people didn't figure that out and start abusing it yet. saw a huntress use it, luckily no other killer, and i was like damn, this combo seems absurd.
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It doesn't work against flashbang/flashlight, but it works on pallet stun unless survivor actually time it perfectly.
If survivor tries to play it save (wait until you move), you can send the survivor away.
I usually don't go for save while playing survivor, so I don't care about it as survivor and it just feels so good as killer to use it.
Thing is if there was perk that would do only this effect, I wouldn't consider it good anyway. It would be definetly valid to use if you are worried about sabo squad, but otherwise I think Agitation is just better.0 -
Who signed off on this nonsense of a modifier. It changes the game up so much that i'd rather just have it as seperate queue like Chaos Shuffle. It's sooo bad on surv side… While on the other hand, killer is having it great with this and pallet break QoL change.
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It is a separate queue. If fun bothers you so much play the standard game mode .
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I mean it should be required to get the timing right for the safe, but currently that is just not the case...
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I am pretty sure it is possible to pallet save against it, but timing is definitely harder than fleshlight save.
But even if that was a perk, how is it different from lightborn? That denies flashlight saves no matter what.
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I don't see how survivors are so bad. I had quite a lot of fun with it.
All modes are valid. Unless killer has Enduring...
I definitely enjoy playing around the quiet mode. It's so strong on indoor maps. It is kinda big deal for me as Jeff main.