Today has been a terrible experience.

I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start with playing as survivor (P.S. this is coming from a rank 1 Killer and Survivor):

The new ranking system has, atleast for my 15+ games today, turned killers into extreme campers and tunnelers. This is completely understandable, don't get me wrong, but the ranking system needs to go back for killers. Why make what was already pretty difficult even more difficult? When I played Jane I couldn't leave the lockers and vaulting is still messed up. I also had a couple of games where I couldn't heal people that were on the ground or sabotage hooks. Also, Head On doesn't work every time...

As killer:

I'm a Trapper main and I can't pip to save my life. I almost always get bronze for chase as a trapper and from I've been reading I'm not the only Trapper having issues at the moment.

This has been a pretty awful day of DBD and I'm hoping there will be fixes to the many bugs I have seen today soon.

I'm not here to hate on killers or survivors, I'm just telling you my experience today. Maybe I'm not alone?


  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    As killer in my case:





    Normal play + Stupid hatch mechanic (two Generators rushed)


    The generators are faster now maybe?

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    The amount of bugs I’ve seen today is HUGE. Like my screen turning completely red while in the bloodweb, I freaked out.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I don't know a single person who camps because the ranking system is to hard now. What logic is that anyway? Also 90% of player don't give a single ######### about ranks and pips. Why do you care?

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    edited March 2019

    I don't mean face camping, I meant more along the lines of not leaving the hooked area at all maybe I didn't clarify. I literally just had a match where the killer was chasing me on the other end of the map and when the hooked person was unhooked the killer completely dropped the chase and went back and tunneled the survivor. They weren't even the obsession.

    Also, people can say they don't care about rank but they do. You wouldn't have all the posts today complaining about how hard it is to pip or twitch streamers complaining about it during and after the PTB. I care and so do most people.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    2 gen rushes.

    then quit the game.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I could not agree more with OP. Today has been a dumpster fire. I promised myself I would not play until match making was fixed, but I decided to believe the devs might get this one right...….WRONG!

    Seriously, my day in a nutshell:

    Trapper Main - 7 matches with 5 4k's and 2 3k's. I gave the hatch on each of those. Zero pips, and the mercy hatches were both depips. Not like I care about rank at all, but wth was that? I got zero points deducted for being around the hook, so no camping. I did not get DS'ed a single time, because I typically don't tunnel the person off the hook. I had several matches were I had at least 8 hooks or more. But, as usual, I did not get much of anything in chase because I focus on herding toward my traps. I had a match with 12 or more traps catching survivors. My chaser emblem was all but zero. No pip. So, I got punished for using my killer's power?! Seriously devs, wth is that all about?!

    Played survivor with my wife - 5 matches of laaaa-----aaaag and the game locking up. Faced a deluge of camping, we are talking hardcore, dedicated, drool on the keyboard camping. Had 3 killers DC!! (All three were campers getting destroyed.)

    The FPS was dropping worse than rank 20 survivors in a red rank killer match. WTH did you do to the engine?! There were times I could not heal, or click a gen, or pick up a trap.

    Pure dumpster fire. Fix this crap. You guys should have this type of stuff down by now. I thought Blizzard was

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Maybe this is what the Devs had in mind when they said not every killer is meant to be viable. This new system is definitely highlighting which killers need serious love for a competitive approach.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    A lot I can put up with and think it's business as usual for this game but the leaked perk really hurts. It feels like they learned nothing from DS.

    On top of that infinite loading is still a thing. That was the number 1 problem with the game.

    Then you have bugged scratchmarks still, entity blocker not working etc

    All these bug fixes and the worst still remain.

  • boogieman976
    boogieman976 Member Posts: 35

    New perk compared to DS? I'm assuming you are talking about Flip Flop? It's nowhere near as strong. I very rarely see people slugged long enough for it to make a difference. I'm a killer main and have no issue with it at all. DS, on the other hand, still not nerfed enough.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    how is there already a leak about new perks when we just got a new chapter? is this even legit?

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Yep, I play solo survivor and it has been #########. Really considering to move on from this game, but I have yet to play killer so I will see how that will be, with the new changes and crap.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    edited March 2019

    Let me just add that I just played a match where noone could unhook. All 3 of us went to the hook and no one could unhook anyone.

  • MissJuliette
    MissJuliette Member Posts: 13

    I personally don't care about rank. I've been down in the red ranks but I don't like it there. I play for fun, not for stress.

  • Arabytes
    Arabytes Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2019

    Out of 7 matches as a survivor, 4 was obsession without obsession perks