What license killers could you be waiting for the longest in future dbd

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We will never get FNAF
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Have faith, Springtrap will come and he'll bring Vanessa as a survivor and we'l lget the pizzeria as a map, and it will be beautiful.
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And an R-Rated Cut of the FNAF movie exists, what's your point?
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It does? Where? Point the way
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Stranger things Vecna
I feel like BHVR would be very hesitant to work with Netflix again and for good reason. I feel like that makes ST Vecna's prospects grim.
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Oh my bad apparently R-Rated footage was shot, but plans to release a cut with that footage were canned.
I guess it really does depend on Scott's stance on M-Rated games…
Then again, it's not like Dead By Daylight is that much gorey than a FNAF game (A REAL FNAF game, not Security Breach), it's not like it's straight up Mortal Kombat 1 with Liu Kang sucking people's entrails out via black hole. And Scott is big on fanservice, and is perfectly aware of how many people want Springtrap in the game.I'd imagine the "The game is Rated M!" was more in response to people who wanted a Scooby Doo or Ghostbusters chapter (Both of which I still kinda want, but I understand why it's not likely.. as much as I want to re-enact the fanfilm Freddy Vs. Ghostbusters)
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The target demo for FNAF is too narrow. If they suddenly did give bhvr the green light to add springtrap in the game, it would piss off lots of parents who were under the assumption that FNAF wasn't too visually gory for their kids. Also it's late so I didn't dig too deep into it but it looks like FNAF hasn't done colabs with anybody else in the game industry so that's also a red flag.
Would it be cool if we got springtrap? Sure would be, but the chances of it happening aren't logistically good. Our best bet is that we get an og animatronic killer
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it's not like Dead By Daylight is that much gorey than a FNAF game
This is not true at all.
Most of the violence in the original FNaF games is left to the imagination. I.e. it's implied or happens in a retro graphics style where there's simply not enough detail to warrant being described as gory.
Compare that to DbD, which explicity shows people having their fingers cut off, tongues ripped out, put on meat hooks, etc.
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In this first game we see the player's eyes gouged out and hanging out of a Freddy suit
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- I'm a huge FNAF fan and I'm 33 years old, and I'm hardly an outlier
- I've worked retail before, most parents barely understand that FNAF is a horror game to begin with and they definitely don't know what DBD is
- The most popular "kid's game" these days is Fornite, a game where Rick Sanchez from Adult Swim's Rick & Morty, which is full of sex and violence, can shoot Michael Myers in the head with a realistic shotgun
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Welp, if FNAF ever manages to get in, I'll think of you and smile at how happy it'll make you
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The game is literally rated 12. You absolutely do not see anyone's eyes get gouged out.
There are human eyes hanging out of the Freddy suit. But once again, we do not actually SEE them get pushed out of anyone's head and the final presentation is so cartoonish and lacking any actual blood that you'd be forgiven for thinking they're just plastic and part of the costume.
I'll reiterate. FNaF is rated 12. It's suitable for tweens and teens. They absolutely could not get away with the level of violence you're saying the game contains.
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Remember in Sister Location when Michael Afton has his stomach ripped open to have Ennard use him as a friggin suit?
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You mean this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_dMR65Pc7Y
Once again, we don't see anything. It's a "fade to black" type scenario where the grisly happenings are not directly shown.
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And there's also the fact that Springtrap's entire backstory is that he's a guy mangled in a suit, a mangling that happens on screen even, heck in his second appearance his arm is reduced to fragments of bone.
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Does FNaF contain on-screen violence? Yes.
Does it contain on-screen violence of the same calibre as DbD? No.
FNaF is a PG-13 horror franchise, DbD is 18+. Pretending there’s no difference in what each franchise depicts is just silly. You’re either very misinformed or being intentionally dishonest.
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Isn't Stranger Things also 13+ though?
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Walter Sullivan from silent hill 4
I need a second silent hill chapter
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Something like that. But I don't see why that's relevant.
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Well FNAF can't be excluded for being 13+ if we already have a 13+ series……
Actually with the arrival of Tomb Raider, we'd have two 13+ Franchises
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When did I said anything about excluding FNAF?