Why did you think the instant hooks were a good idea?

Cryptikk Member Posts: 407
edited June 16 in General Discussions

Seriously, there is no chance for flashlight saves or anything, and it's leading to sweaty killer game after sweaty killer game in what I assume was meant to be a fun, silly game mode? It's unbalanced, especially for solo queue.

Behavior, why does there always have to be some OP gimmick in your events, the snowman free health states from two years ago, the insta exposed last year and now the insta hook. I feel like I am actively encouraged to just play the normal playlist instead of this event because it is not a fun time at all.

Every time there is to be a nice and cool event, there always has to be some bullshit gimmick that your devs go overboard with.

also, sidenote but another thing I want to vent about: how do you not learn to lower the numbers for these challenges after last time you had to lower them??


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,050

    It not the amount for the community challenges, it's the fact that you have to have that challenge selected in order for it to gain progress. Considering most people have previous challenges from tomes to do that give extra bp i don't think people want something to just sit there and give them nothing.

  • XxBloodyBaronxX
    XxBloodyBaronxX Member Posts: 3

    Also doesn't help that you can get the event tome done without bothering with the community challenges at all, kind of beats the point of having them to begin with imo

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,560

    Old iron will on demand for 15 sec does not exist I take it?

    With sabo I agree, the insta hook does negate that. Flashlight, I haven't seen yet. Don't know how that works, because the killer has to first pick the survivor up to hook them with the mechanic. Do you want to save them mid hook animation???

    If you are soloq and struggle with Gen speed, you should not waste time with flashlight safes. They are risky and can easily lead to a snowball of the killer. I know they are fun, but if you want to escape, then they are detrimental.

    Insta hook has not been a problem for me.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 153

    Yeah it doesn't negate flashlight saves, the timing is just much more precise.

    Instahook is powerful, and very much too strong, but I really do not see how it would be an issue if it were toned down as a perk?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,409

    What's OP about some insta hooks for the event? I've yet to hear a real reason why this is a problem. Survivors got some strong stuff as well for the event.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 407

    I agree survivors have speed tunneled. I think and a point deficit perk where at least 3 of 4 leave trial under 5k points.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,013

    If you hate it so much, go play the regular queue.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 495

    it negates ds which is ridiculous other than that idc

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,846

    Insta hook would not be that problematic if it uses a far hook

    but since its the closest one…

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 407

    I would advertise the sweaty killers stop playing event and let us play it. You go to norms.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,992
    edited June 18

    Id like to see it both buffed and nerfed:

    • Buff: Remote Hooking lets you pick the hook the Survivor is sent to, including Scourge Hooks, giving the Killer more control over where the Survivor is hooked. (This effect does not apply to Basement Hooks.)
    • Nerf: The Survivor must have wiggled 25% of their wiggle progress in order for the Killer to use Remote Hooking, giving the Survivor the opportunity to perform a flashlight/pallet save.

    I think it would be a fair trade-off that still makes the Remote Hooking worth using while making sure it isnt too strong. And I think it would be an amazing complement to using Scourge Hooks.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 160

    Remote pallet breaks are even more of an awful idea and they have no excuse for this one considering it is a returning feature from last year that already was universally panned. Devs are so out of touch.

    Well, looking at how long killer queues have now gotten merely a few days after the start of the event it is safe to say most surv players already got the memo.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 407