it feels like dbd is ignoring the trickster community

trickster players have been complaining about tricksters current gameplay and bugs for 7 months now and bhvr still hasnt even said anything because of the combination of many of the trickster players not having the platform to get bhvrs attention and the community not exactly caring because of how much of a joke trickster is.

the rework removed any reason to use knives, made him have no skill, 70% of his addons becoming useless, removed any personality he had and made him absolutely boring to play as and against. not to mention his lobby animation being removed/bugged, his animations being of synced when using a certain addon

trickster may be "better" but he is not only boring but unhealthy. not only that but right now, there is NO reason to play trickster when huntress exists. everything he can do, she can do better.

please, we just want our old killer back


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    I posted a bug report on trickster memento blades. It is so annoying that they haven't fixed that after 7 months. The Sadako Invisibility lasting -33% also needs to be fixed.

  • Jay_Whyask
    Jay_Whyask Member Posts: 566

    It "feels" like the Trickster community is being ignored?

    idk man, I can see them ignoring you guys in real time and I didn't need to feel a thing.

    Get well soon Tricksters 🤕🙏

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    his throwing animation is bugged when using Memento blades.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited June 17

    Trickster moves at 115 so he can actually get good value from M1 perks. On top of having a main event as well. There are definitely several reason to play him rather than Huntress. I would say there is even more of a reason now considering he gets main event more than twice a game finally.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644

    Personally i like the new version of trickster better. Being 4.6m/s and having no recoil makes him way less frustrating to play than the old version. I do not want it back.

    I only want more ammo basekit since i have to reload after every chase and make memento blades basekit, rework memento blades, the combo duration add-ons, death throes compilation.

  • RiC4
    RiC4 Member Posts: 13

    He is definetly better than old Trickster, but. Im Trickster main and i dont like 8 blades for healthy state, but. BUT he needs a huge add pass, every add is based on Main event and they are boring addons, unfun addons and useless addons, BHVR need change this and make different effect for them. Memento blades NEEDS to be basekit. U cant play decently without that add. I always say "i have just 1 slot for add" because i cant play witout memento blades. BHVR please. Trickster needs a complete rework in his addons.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    They are it sucks.

    Trickster rework has gone under the radar but it really ruined the killer for me, i want to see a revert.

  • le_epic_noob
    le_epic_noob Member Posts: 6

    before, the whole point of trickster was knives. right now, in most situations it better to m1. your just playing m1 killer with a 40m lullaby, there is no reason to play trickster when there are killers that do what he can but better. his main event is utterly useless unless you use addons and its very unhealthy that you get main event every injure, it encourages unhealthy behavior such as slugging, tunneling and camping. funny thing is, there are other killers who are better at slugging, tunneling and camping .

  • le_epic_noob
    le_epic_noob Member Posts: 6

    i understand where you are coming from but here are some of the issues trickster mains have with the rework

    the standardized throw rate promotes spamming and heavily discourages other play styles.

    the 8 blades to injure makes his knives useless and makes it better to m1 in most situations.

    his main event being only 8 knives removed a play style and creates this "press x to win" button which promotes slugging, camping and brain dead gameplay.

    with the combo system being reworked, trickster has lost a bit of personality since the old combo didnt reset upon injury and would allow trickster to continue it w/ him saying stuff like "hoo" "hya" and "ha" every knife throw which gave him more personality.

    the rework either directly or indirectly butchered his addons making 70% of his addons useless.

    the survivors laceration ui has been bugged for who knows how long.

    trickster no longer turns around and winks at you in the lobby.

    tricksters throwing knives are off synced when using memento blades.

    and all of this is just the top of my head. many well known trickster content creators such as wacek and revvium are against current trickster w/ revvium going on trickster strike for quite a while now. i hope you can see why exactly the rework is hated

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644
    1. What playstyles?
    2. I think he has always had this issue.
    3. Again what playstyle and i don't think it's good enough to be considered a win button. It's only really effective if survivors exposes their line of sight after being injured.
    4. That's unfortunate i'll admit
    5. True
    6. It seems to work atm for me. I notice the injured scratch stays on dying survivors after downing them with knives but it seems to look ok atm but i do know that it been bugged in the past
    7. Unfortunate, again.
    8. True but it's only a minor issue for me and i don't really notice it in the heat of gameplay but hopefully they fix it soon

    These to me are issues that can be fixed and improved upon, i don't see why all this warrants reverting the rework entirely.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    You should still absolutely use knives over M1s it would be very bad not to. Knives have no cool down, no weapon wipe animation, very little punishment for holding, and give main event. If you spend most of the game M1ing you will start to lose more and more until your MMR drops and then you start winning again.

    And you said yourself there are other killers who tunnel and slug better so you might as well leave his main event alone. And his main event isn’t bad either, definitely not great without add ons but not bad.

    There are only 6-8 ranged killers in the game trickster included. He is the only one who can down someone before they use their on hit speed boost fully. He moves at 96% when holding knives and 115% normally. There are definitely a lot of reason to play him. I use to main him and still play him a lot. He definitely needs some tweaks but in no way should he be reverted to 110% Slinger and Huntress should be 115% as well

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I'm gonna be honest I didn't know there even was a Trickster community.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 842

    I very rarely play Trickster as I play on Xbox but yeah this rework just killed him. He was a nice change of pace just huckin knives but with him being 115 what's the point

  • le_epic_noob
    le_epic_noob Member Posts: 6

    yes you should use your knives but every single map that is open, there are a bunch on clutter that the survivor can put in between you can them by simply taking 1 step to the right

    main event w/o addons can BARELY give you an injury if you have decent aim, and if you dont down/injure then you have to deal with the stun and having you ability removed for 5 ish seconds which gives the survivor enough time to make it to a loop. and thats only if you catch them in the open, you CANNOT injure them if they have a structure unless you have addons which you can try to mind game them but only if they arent patient

    trickster isint a ranged killer unless you plan on lobbing 8 knives w/o the laceration meter going down then be my guest. with the new trickster, no the hell he cant. with 8 knives and your stagnant throw rate, the survivors have more than enough time to use their speed and get to a structure. if you want to down someone really fast over loops? play xeno or huntress. want to hit people from far away? play huntress. want to pressure a group of people? there is legion, bubba, pyramid head and huntress. want to do cool shot? slinger exists. do you want to show of your skill? huntress has an insane skill celling. huntress is current trickster but better

    lastly, huntress and deathslinger should not be 115. players should be incentivized to use their m2 and not rely on m1

  • le_epic_noob
    le_epic_noob Member Posts: 6
    1. before you could do tapping to not have to deal w/ the recoil and to save ammo but not there is no recoil and you get main event every injury so ammo is not a problem. another playstyle was trying to get hits from afar/small gaps but with the current 8 knives, there is no reason to do so because knives have less significance
    2. before he was 110 and his throw rate would ramp up. it HEAVILY encouraged you to use knives since you could down them VERY fast if you are good w/ them but if you m1, they get a lot of distance since you used to be a 110 killer
    3. it removed a playstyle around an addon that got reworked. before there used to be a addon that would reload your knives after main event and allowed you to play trickster w/o needing to reload a single time if you had really good aim.

    6. i should have specified this. im talking about from the survivors POV. before every single time you got hit by a single knife, a single laceration strand around the survivors appears but now when you get hit by tricksters knives, instead of them appearing one by one, they appear all at once

    7. some trickster players including myself flick to get hits and use his hands as an indicator but with it being offsynce, you cant flick

    and there is currently a photosentivity issue that covers the survivors screen purple and every single time they are hit by a knife, i flashes white which could kill people but sadly not many people know about this and still play trickster

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 151

    So back when I used to work on game balance for another game we had a character come out that was a cute cat. This cat was initially made to be super new player friendly and allow people with skill discrepancies to enjoy playing together more. abilities were basically impossible to mess up, but also not really a lot of special things you can do with it in terms of expressing skill. the character ended up becoming a nightmare to balance because of this and some other reasons, and basically ruined the game play at pretty much any level of gameplay. For awhile we updated the character with patches, nerfing and buffing various things in hopes to get the character in a better state. After about a couple years of literally nerfing or buffing the character she was in her most unhealthy state. As a team, we had to just bite the bullet and say, "hey, this one did not work out, we cannot balance them to be fun, enjoyable, or have counterplay." What we eventually did is nerf her so hard that they had the lowest winrate in history of the game of any character ever. She was literally the most unplayable guaranteed lose that I have every seen in a video game. She has been reworked some and today can get picked, but by no means is strong.

    The reason we nerfed her to this point is in our opinion it was just a flat out failed design. Just a 0/10 design that cannot exist in the game, and needs to be so so so weak that nearly nobody picks her. This is what happened, nobody picked her and the character was largely forgotten.

    Trickster is DBD's "Yuumi." There is not a way to balance trickster so that he is fair or fun for both sides. Trickster is either going to get bullied by his slow downs he gets with his knives, or get main event so fast its so oppressive that its impossible to lose with him. In my opinion, and frankly most of the communities, Trickster is just a garbage experience to play into or as. They have tried changing some numbers and things about trickster and really, both the killer side and survivor side pissed and moaned about it. This is just one of the killers that didn't work out. It was a bad design and BHVR should just nerf him to a place where he gets 0 gameplay until a full remaster/rework comes out that is 100% unrelated to the current iteration of trickster.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    If they are "ignoring" the trickster community, then they must've forgotten the Freddy one

  • le_epic_noob
    le_epic_noob Member Posts: 6

    i get where you are coming from but we do not ask for another rework, we are simply are asking for a revert. i dont know how hard/easy it is but what im complaining about is them not saying anything and being left in the dark on whats going on in the background

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 325

    They literally talked about him in the last Q&As. Stop whining 24/7 and be patient.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502
  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    I was about to guess that you were talking about Yuumi from LoL, as a former Yuumi main, I agree. She's incredibly difficult to balance, especially since it just becomes a matter of whichever champion had Yuumi sitting on their shoulder would end up winning for their team. I.E she just sat on the tank/engage/bruiser and let them take all the kills, while sheilding and healing. Basically just handing a win to an overfed carry. Not to say that said carry was ever unstoppable, but seriosuly I still have nightmares about a Yuumi Samira duo who just wrecked my team in just over 25 minutes.
    She's in a slightly better spot than she was, in that she's not a guaranteed win for whichever team she is on, but she is still incredibly strong in the right match-ups and can still be a pain to deal with.

    I do sadly have to agree with the bottom statement, Trickster feels good now that he moves so fast in that he can now cover ground and pressure gens a bit easier, but his throw-rate being fixed (or bugged), feels like absolute clunky/rubbish (yet they changed Huntress to be able to keep her move speed while holding her hatchet…) Like what's the point of being able to move fast if you can't use your power fast enough to pair with it? (Again, Huntress is allowed to do this, but I don't see her getting nerfed.) also 8 knives to injure feels like too damned many against a competaint team, but against a weaker team feels like over kill, this isn't even factoring in maps and other BS where there's a lot of LoS and clutter to just cuck his knives over.
    But I agree, where and how can you change him to stay true to his OG design while also making him different. But not so different he may as well be a different character, personally, I'd be in favour of a partcial revert, but keep the changes to main event and the movement speed while making it 7 knives to injure/down.