Saying GG first, as the winner, is disrespectful
Literally this is WHAT I"M SAYING!!
It's quite literally only a GG for the other side, then if you say it wasn't for you, then It's nothing but toxicity. LIKE HOW IS THIS BEING A GOODSPORT? I'll say it a 10000 times more, It's only a GGWP for the winning side, otherwise, if they lost, your the one being being a badsport, toxic, etc…3 -
For a game like DBD, I feel It's rare for a match to go evenly. Usually the killer tunnels someone out, then It's a domino effect, and the killer get's their little 3-4k and says GG. Like was it really when you tunneled someone out for the win?
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It goes both ways
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If you only say it when you win, then how is that good sportsmanship? If you're not saying it every single game, regardless of what happened, then don't say it at all.
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How do you know the person isn't saying it every game?
I generally say it whenever I get the chance (PSN player though and half of PS players have their chat blocked), but I've played enough games to know that not everyone will consider it a 'good game' even when I've played fair and they've escaped.
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I'd rather someone say something silly, or say nothing at all than typing GG after a stomp. It's literally just way to be passive aggressively toxic imo. Cuz as I said, you mostly only ever see it from the winner's side. SO how would that be a GG for anyone else but the winner, on a stomp?
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Normal game a gg doesn't matter to me, but if it was a stomp it feels pretentious.
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See, this is my gray area. If it really was an even match, then saying GG as the winner isn't really all that bad imo, unless of course it was a stomp where you kill everyone at 4-5 gens. Like how was that a GG then?
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So basically you only say GG when you win the game? That's the whole point of this post. There's an obvious trend of people who only reserve their GG for when they win smh
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I don't think saying it first or not has any bearing and I've never thought of it that way.
I generally only see gg's though from the winning side most the time. The losing side rarely has sportsmanship from my experience unfortunately.
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It's just saying good game.
If someone tunnels and camps you all game then slugs you out for the whole bar then says GG it may be tongue in cheek but if you lose a game stomp or not, leaver or not ect and the other side types gg it's just them showing respect.
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This is what I'm trying to say. You let people go, play nice, nothing.
BUT if you get stomped, tbagged, bullied the whole game, then SUDDENLY you get a GG.
I can actually attest to this from last night. I had a game where I had everyone in the game on death hook, at 4 freaking gens, let them all go, and nothing…
Like this is what I'm trying to say, like how is it that you only get a GG when you play horribly?You're literally comparing a real life sport to an online video game. How about you get out of here with this crap smh. This is not the same in any way shape or form, unless like the other person said, It's comp.
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It's just good sportsmanship to show no hard feelings no matter how sweaty or aggro the match gets, it's like a handshake at the end of a chess match. It literally means Good Game.
I promise you it's really not that deep and there's no real ulterior motive for someone saying "good game", and if you're really that offended by it when you lose maybe you should take a look at why. The vast majority of people definitely appreciate good sportsmanship.
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They read it as "git gud" not "good game" and that says more about them than their opponent TBH.
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I bet you're EXACTLY the type of people I'm talking about.
Besides, how does winning at least 85% of my killer games make me a loser? Also I don't say GG if I stomp the opposing side, regardless of what happened.3 -
If you read anything I wrote, then you would know that most TTV players WILL stick around at the end, and still not say anything unless they won. Same goes for the majority of the playerbase smh
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Idk, maybe a growing trend? You can literally go to the pause menu, and see who's still in the game. And most people usually are, and still say nothing when they win/lose. OR just go look at their TTV, if they are one, and most the time, they say nothing unless they win…?
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So, if a person clicks their light at you, tbags, bullies, and says GG, was that really being a good sport?
Or as the killer, tunneling one specific survivor, ignoring their teammates, at 5 gens, really being sportsmanlike?
Or if they had a bad start, but Tbgas and clicks their lights at the exit gates, then says GG, is that REALLY being a good sport tho?
OR better yet, they wait out the EGC timer, leave at the last second, then says GG, IS THAT really being a good sport then?
Waiting out the timer, wasting time? Plz explain how that's being sportsmanlike because that's what usually happens, and is basically the whole point of this post.1 -
Well, if you want to ignore history and pretend we don't have any idea that's your choice. It's also a poor argument on your part because unless you're stating DbD has been around for decades you're conceding that there is far longer of a history of people showing good sportsmanship by wishing their opponents well than DbD has existed.
As well, I started my post stating some of the people who are saying gg is toxic have defended teabagging and then after establishing whom I was referring to used you to refer to the people I had already established I was talking about. If you want to ignore English grammar that's your choice as well. Just don't expect your lack of historical knowledge or not reading how my sentence was structured properly to not weaken your argument.
Also, you don't speak for everyone else. I like a gg after any match. Everyone I know feels the same albeit that's in real life competition and other video games. While that's anecdotal I would suspect that since the position that 'gg' is toxic after a match is an unpopular one that more people prefer it than not and there's no way to tell what another person is thinking.
This is just my opinion but I think feeling 'gg' is toxic comes from people who have way too much of their ego tied up in a video game, don't handle loss very well and that's why they feel attacked when someone is most likely just trying to be respectful to them. Losses occur in life and the better thing to do with a loss is analyze what you could do better and then move on without a second thought.
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People with this mentality seem so odd to me.
So I can't say GG after having a good match that ended with me…winning? I'm only allowed to say it when I lose? I have to wait for someone to say GG to me if I win so that I can say GG to them and not be disrespectful? I can see your point if it was an awful match, you didn't get much done, people d/c'd or killed themselves, barely anyone hooked, etc. But in general, no I will not care if someone says GG to me first and they won the match.
If you care this much about stuff this stupid & you let it upset you, you should not be playing a PvP game. Chances are you find every little thing someone does or doesn't do, disrespectful with this mindset.
Someone already pointed this out but its sportsmanship. Say it regardless of winning or losing. I played football/soccer for 8 years & at the end of every match, regardless of the outcome, both teams lined up at center of field and shook hands.
Don't be a sore loser. No one likes those.
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What the post is truly getting at, if you actually read it, is that most people ONLY say GG when they win…
Also how is being toxic all game, then saying GG, in any way, sportsmanlike?2 -
The whole point of this post is pretty much about how people only say GG when they win, and almost never when It's a loss.
Also, how is being toxic all game, then throwing a GG at the end, being in anyway, sportsmanlike?1 -
I read it. Saying don't say GG when you win (cause its disrespectful). "If you're gonna be sportsmanlike, at least wait for the loser to say it first, otherwise, say nothing or leave some encouragement." Literally at the end of the post, if you actually read it.
So again, I can ONLY show sportsmanship IF the loser says GG first? What kind of stupid logic is that? If anyone's being unsportsmanlike and a sore loser, its the OP attributing everyone saying GG to him who wins, as 'disrespectful'.
I don't care if you don't want to say it. But you don't get to tell me when I can say it b/c you are in your feelings over it and have this weird unhealthy outlook on 2 words.
The 'being toxic all game, then saying GG' is literally the only legit example that I agree on. That sucks but that isn't every match. And people don't just say GG for toxic reasons.
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I always say gg, even if i lost.
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I say gg no matter if I win or lose , I'm talking about the whole part where it was said if you won you shouldn't say it first, who really cares about that? I can't believe this is even a thread, this type of mentality is exactly what's wrong with this community
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I would say using the streamers as an example is the worst place to look. That is not exactly the best place to look for ethical people.
Deciding to turn good game into being toxic has got to be a bait. The game is over all of what happened in the trial is done. The two opposing sides are now done combating and it was a game.
Also all of things “toxic” in game most of the time are used to get into their opponents head. It is a tactic that has been used in all games. They are usually not doing it maliciously. They do it to get you to make mistakes.0 -
I get those aren't normally good people, It's just one of the many ways to see the type of people I'm talking about. Just skip to their Post game chat, and It's only a GG if they won the game most of the time.
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Whether someone is 'toxic all game' can largely be up to interpretation.
People will complain about some of the strangest things. I've had post game abuse for not farming, for farming, for playing mirror myers, for playing plague. I've had people DC even when I've played nice AND am planning to let everyone escape and then had the other three survivors teabag and give up (this event).
Giving them a gg at the end shows that I wasn't being toxic even if they think I am.
To see that this is also interpreted as toxic is ridiculous. There is no winning. Some of you are just determined to be miserable at any cost.
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dbd isn't real people. you heard it here first.
it's all made up and doesn't exist therefore you can be a baby and cry when someone offers a handshake
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I'm staying because I want to know Killer's perks and add-ons.
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TTV's will likely stick around since a good chunk of the time theyre in a SWF.
Also do you really care that much that you check if theyre live after the game if they dont say gg, then wait/go back into the vod to check if they said gg in another game?
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i usually say gg whether i win or lose just to be friendly and end things on a good note no matter how the match went... but after reading this thread and the mentality so many of you seem to have, i think ill just stop entirely. you'll complain about toxicity, you'll complain about people being nice, you'll complain about 2 letters in an end game chat just because you lost, what is even the point in trying to interact with most people in this community at all? when i get "stomped" and someone says gg to me, i just say gg back and move on like a normal person, instead of expecting my opponents to read my mind and know im offended over losing in a video game. its basic sportsmanship to say good game, but go ahead and keep taking literally every little thing in this game personally, im sure you'll have a great time.
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I'm literally just using them as a good example of what I'm trying to point out.
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Yes, but unless Im misunderstanding youre basically saying they only say gg if they win. Who's to say they just dont say gg whether they win or lose?
Its just so petty to get upset over good sportsmanship. If theyre saying gg, 99% of the time it has 0 ill intent.
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My brother in christ. What I'm telling you right now, is if you SKIP to all their POST GAME chats, they only say it if they win. Just look at their previous streams.
So for the 1000th time, how is it being a good sport if you only say GG when you win, and almost never when you lose? How exactly are you being a good sport at that point? It's literally just passive aggressive gloating at that point4 -
maybe you only pay attention when it bothers you…
I would hardly say it bothers me, it’s just an observation. I win, people don’t say it. I lose, suddenly it’s a “gg wp” scenario. 🤷♂️
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Literally this.
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And again, youre telling me that against ALL streamers you go against, you go into their stream to look at their vod JUST to see if they say gg in their post game chats?
Either youre lying, or you have A LOT of free time on your hands.
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I've looked at maybe 15 or so over time. I mean, I only have almost 4k hours in this game, so I'm obviously going to have seen a lot of streams. It's also just to prove my point.
Also, sometimes I like to check just to see their perspective when I'm in their game.
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I see what you meant now. my bad.
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that's all the proof I need that people are not being forthcoming about their intentions here.
it seems like it bothers you… enough to judge everyone saying it.
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I’m judging those saying it based on the observation of when it’s said, not my emotional response to it being said.
Not sure how you’ve even came to this conclusion. My reasoning is pretty clear.
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Its worse when the winner types "EZ" after a stomp.
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Not really. One's a verifiable fact where the practice of teabagging came from and the other is somebody ascribing a motive to somebody with no evidence, no way to ascertain the intention and when the practice being called toxic has been used throughout human history as a way to show good sportsmanship.
Is it possible a person could try to mock with it? Of course, somr people are jerks. However, if somebody wanted to mock you, why wouldn't they just say 'gg ez', 'you suck', 'wow, you're terrible' or far worse since that's not only possible but has no repercussions for doing so.
From your 'it goes both ways' that brings up the question as I wasn't citing you specifically about teabagging but now I'm curious. Do you teabag or defend teabagging your opponent? If not, then are you agreeing with my point about how logically inconsistent it is to both defend teabagging and yet call a practice that has its roots in sportsmanship and showing respect to your opponents toxic?
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The issue is that your perception is subjective, and you're assuming the other person's intentions. This situation reminds me of when I said God bless you to someone who sneezed and they got very upset because they were not religious. Obviously nobody says gg or bless you with ill intentions- these are common courtesies. You can be offended but expecting everyone to share your way of thinking based on your personal interpretation, regardless of the intention behind the words is not fair.
Also I would like to add; the idea that people only say gg when they win can tend to happen because if they die they're not going to stick around just spectating a strangers match just to say gg at the end. It doesn't mean they don't wish you a gg but typically unless they have a friend, or the match is clsoe and they want to see who wins, they won't stick around.
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Why would someone say GG if he wants to disrespect the opponent LOL. Saying GGEZ or generally any trash talk is far better and effective.
That's why I think saying GG is just out of polite. I do it all the time.
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From my experience, I can see people sticking around til the end, probably to see what perks I use, then leave. If your gonna do that, why not say GG then? Oh right, It's probably because the lost the game, so It's only a GG when they win.
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It's disrespect basically because It's only said when you lose the game, and the other side wins. How many times on average do you see "GG WP" when you stomp the other side? Probably not much. But if X side stomps you, then It's almost always "GG WP".
That's the whole point of my post is to call these A wipes out. It's so annoying seeing GG when it was clear that the other side only reserves it for when they won.2 -
Sorry, I believe I meant to reply to someone else.