DBD Confessionals

Father Vile's Confessionals are now open. Come talk about some misdeeds in the fog that have been weighing on you and your DBD sins will be forgiven.
I accidentally body-blocked a window my teammate was trying to loop at and caused them to go down. This was because I was going one way trying to position myself for the FTP+BU and miss read what they were doing… ended up vaulting it from the opposite side before them and they went down next to me. Still was able to hit the FTP+BU when they went down, but…yeah…sorry Yui…😅
Share your DBD sins of the week that are weighing on you.
I have two, one as Survivor and one as Killer.
First, I left out of the exit gate instead of participating in the hook rescue for the last person. I was at full health and zero hook states…
Second, as Killer I was trying to two hook everyone. I wasn’t keeping track of my hooks and ended up sacrificing Renato… Sorry Renato.
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Mine is seriously gutting me and I'm literally ashamed of myself, not kidding.
I have been doing all the old Tome Challenges and one was to kill the Obsession by any means.
I played as my main, Freddy, and literally ignored everyone looking for my Obsession who just happened to be Quentin.
I tunneled him straight off the hook twice at 5 generators because I just wanted the challenge to be over with.
After I followed him after his second unhooking, he ran to the exit gate and pointed at the gate switch.
I ignored it and knocked him down, and fed him to The Entity.
I feel awful. I can't stop thinking that maybe he was begging me to let him live so he could open the gate for a Daily Ritual.
I am sincerely sorry, Quentin.
I should have played the match out and let you earn some bloodpoints. I seriously feel ashamed.
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I keep cracking myself up with previous attempts at a response. My main surv is Quinny and so as you can imagine I have to sympathize as a fellow Quin. Yea, those tome challenges can be brutal with how they want you to behave in-game. Sometimes it's just against your own script. You did it for the challenge and now have a chance to wipe the slate clean. Your DBD sins are absolved and you have been forgiven!
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I absolve you of your sins, you have been forgiven!
I feel like the hook one is easy to do on accident, especially when their team lets them hang on the hook and they go into stage 2. I've had games like that where I try to go around and 2 hook everyone and even when I leave the area with no intention of going back to hook they still let their teammate hang around on hook until 2nd stage. I don't know if they don't catch on or just apathy, but it happens.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on1 -
While i was playing killer last night, there was one survivor who was incrediblt toxic to me all game with teabags. Fast forward 4 gens and 11 hooks later, he was the last survivor alive and was on death hook. Still tea bagged me at every single attempt. Eventually I down him and pick him up. He doesn't struggle, accepting his fate. Instead of hooking him, I walked around looking for the hatch, and eventually I found it. About 1.5 meters from the hatch, I put the survivor down and watched him crawl to the hatch. As he was about to crawl into it, I walked up, closed the hatch, picked him back up, and hooked him on a nearby hook.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain5 -
We all have our black jacket moments. Times we feel the need to stray from the teachings of the Jedi and walk another, darker path... May you walk through the fog absolved of the disruption to your equilibrium that the toxic surv caused you. Perhaps consider picking a funny and nice surv or baby surv to go free in their trials if you still feel the need to balance the onus of that match.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on3 -
Forgive me father because I have sinned 😢
Yesterday I played several clown matches with a very evil build: knockout, infectious fright, Hex: Third Seal and STBFL.
I don't know what possessed me to do these abominable things. All those survivors… l slugged them all.. for 4 minutes. I don't know why I did it but it felt good... a feeling I haven't had in a long time.
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That's a good way to handle Toxic players. He earned that! I'm giving you a Gold Star 🌟
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Did you maybe have a bad day in real life and the negative emotions from it were transferred to the Survivors?
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I was on Ghostface. A survivor sent us to The Game and proceeded to pre-drop everything and teabag me the whole game. They were the last one alive with 1 gen left. I went crazy with the teabags after I downed them.
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No sin is too big to forgive. Even running a slug build and bleeding out survs. My dredge has one too with similar perks for when I'm feeling a bit of the ol' ultra-violence.
@Edgar As you should have, rightfully so.
I absolve you both of your DBD sins. may you walk the fog with clear heart and mind
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Forgive me father for I have sinned. In a match against a face camping Bubba in which my team mates were sticking close to the hook I gave up shortly after hitting second stage.
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Xern & Burn, the Entity sees you and recognizes your devotion to it. Sometimes it does give us very tough battles when we're just doing our best so survive in its world. Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Entity is with you wherever you go. Walk the fog with a clear mind and conscience for your DBD sins have been absolved. You are forgiven!
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I recently had a fellow Fog goer reach out to me in a DM for a DBD confessional and the person, who will be kept anonymous, asked me where I got my degree from. In case there was any doubt, I got my training and degree from the Silent Hill Institute of Theology.
All absolutions are backed by the merit of my degree
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
I played anti hook with 3 buddies on badham… and I LIKED it ;-;
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I confess a rare handful of my Mandy games were relentless in the past 😭 Normally, when someone boops her snoot, I’ll be friendly and we’ll do random fun stuff in the match.
But one survivor wanted a match and pulled out all the punches on me (Flashlight clicks, teabags, flashbang). Once I caught them, they wanted to give boops but I was so into the match I said “nah, not giving it this time” and struck them down while they were trying to sobs* boop da snoot *sobs 😭 And I hooked them and their teammates were telling me no by shaking their head, they were all standing there watching me destroy their teammate. 😭 How will I ever recover from how they were just standing there like “Why Piggy.. why??”Mandy’s eyes were red that day 🐷
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I am that person that b lines straight to afk survivors with Lethal Pursuer. If I am playing an infect killer I may just infect and leave, but usually it's straight to hook.
I always give these people hatch, but the past few times they've just sacrificed themselves. I don't blame them, there's no voice chat but still, to somebody I am a monster. Still, it's a terrible feeling when that is how the match plays out
I get it, babies cry and pizzas get delivered. But my perk value, bro :(
One of my buddies is really bad for this. Whenever we play, he ALWAYS feels the need tohit the bong as the match is starting and it drives me insane.
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Oh Father Vile. I have a tendency to tunnel and camp any of the top popular survivors who keeps getting new skins. But its not my fault! I cant help it. The devs love and favor them so much. So.......i give my love to them too! And thats how i show it.
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One of my buddies is really bad for this. Whenever we play, he ALWAYS feels the need tohit the bong as the match is starting and it drives me insane.
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The day after Sable Ward came out and everyone was using her invocation I renamed by account Sable Hunter ran territorial imperative on Bubba and basement camped everyone who went into the basement for a day.
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We can't expect the Entity to do all the work. Walk through the fog in peace for your DBD sins have been absolved mate. Along with the rest of you deadly sinners 😉
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The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. Walk through the fog of clear mind and heart, Q. Your DBD sins have been absolved.
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My worst one that weighs on me to this day... I was playing my usual game as Pig, maybe 4 months after I started playing, so I was still getting used to holding killer info and game state in my head... trying to 2 hook everyone before killing anyone (which has since become more a suggestion for an honest attempt at 6 hooks overall before murder switch unless absolutely necessary as I go up against better survivors), and had a commanding start. I hooked a Feng Min and even though it was completely uncontested, I saw she just got left to go to second stage... no reason, just her team shafted her.
Having been on the receiving end of that myself, I was irritated with the rest of the team, and went more hardball... and in my mind I made a mental note, and said to myself "Feng Min gets hatch".
I'm still going for 2 hooks on everyone, but now I want to win... I get to hook 7, and in the heat of the game I remembered I was giving her hatch, but just totally forgot the reason. I saw her and chased her down, ignoring other survivors to get my 8th hook... and as soon as I hooked her she was instantly sacrificed.
I looked back confused at first... then realised that the hooks I counted in my head for each survivor only remembered that for her I'd only hooked her once... I wasn't looking at my hook counts, I was justvtracking each survivor alone, and I gunned really hard for her to get my 8th hook to ensure I had enough time to kill everyone else...
I felt really guilty about it cause I proper beelined for her when I saw her like she owed me money... can only imagine what she thought 😟
I'm sorry Feng 😰
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I played two matches as survivor when I first downloaded the game. Never again.
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im beyond help father. ive already accepted eternal damnation awaits me in the afterlife 😔
(I played 3gen skull merchant when she dropped and enjoyed it)
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I love having the last gen 99% with adrenaline and then tbagging in the killers face popping it and running away
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The entity matched me with these poor unfortunate souls and I may have created some new Legion haters tonight :(
It was very obvious that they didn't stand much of a chance, though I didn't realise they were completely new to the game!
Eventually I stopped hooking anyone, only using my power to vault and chase and try to get 5th hit downs. I was also going to let them do some gens and heal up, so that they could at least earn some BP before they died but I guess I went a bit too hard. Before I realised the error of my ways, it was too late. So I promptly sacrificed David and hunted down the bots. Gave Nancy the hatch as is my custom (I almost always spare the last Survivor).
I'm sorry David and Nea. I guess it really is better to be swift and merciless in situations like this…
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I brought myself to the new Haddonfield with a map offering while playing as Trapper.
If not for a key, I would get a 4k.
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Oh no, I Played on that map last night with a balanced landing build against a PH. Ended up being a hatch game like yours as well. I do not like the changes. Does not suit my taste and lowkey makes me miss OG Haddonfield. 😅👀. Walk through the fog absolved of your dbd sins.
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Step into the sacred space of Father Vile's DBD confessional and experience the beauty of confession.
Share your thoughts and feelings in a medium designed for reflection and peace.
Let your soul be heard in a space that welcomes your truth with open arms 🤗
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Well my first post may as well be for this confessional.
Several month ago I finally begun to play as different killers (prior to this, I played survivor pretty exclusively). I wasn't very good at the time and I had the bright idea to go for the killer adepts. I was playing the pig on Haddonfield and as soon as the match runs up a survivor runs up to me and crouches up to signify the desire to farm BP. Being a survivor player at the time, I understood the desire to farm BP and have "mess around" matches so usually when I get this request I normally play just to mess around for BP with the intent of letting everyone escape.
Survivor #2 runs up and notices that I'm not attacking #1 and crouches up and down as well. I simply leave them alone and start tracking down the other two survivors. The thing is, I never had any intention of letting them escape (if I could help it). I was able to slowly but surely kill of the other 2. One gave up and died on hook and the other never got saved.
The two that I originally spared were working on gens the whole time and they were down to the final 2. I found them pretty quick and still kept up the charade. I took turns smacking them and then they'd heal each other. They'd even hop off the gen to allow me to damage it for BP. I kept attacking slowly allowing them to heal. Eventually, they stopped healing each other. They were both working ok the gen injured. I finally had my chance! I downed the first one and the second guy came over to heal him (probably assuming this was just for BP gain). I downed him as well. With several hooks around I was easily able to hook them one at a time, completing the match and earning the adept pig achievement. I think about this match a lot.
One point I've made in order to correct things is to play as Vecna. If anyone finds the eye or hand/arm I automatically let them escape hopefully helping them gain the achievement or trophy. Gotta balance out my bad karma with a bit of goodness 😬.
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About a week ago, I let my team die as a survivor, after being put in a bad position.
Context, we were on the Thompson house against burger king Myers, we were doing okay, and we got the gens done, and all of us were unhooked, couple hook stages and so on some people.
the Feng was in trouble, Myers was chasing her throughout the house, Me and Nea, who were injured, were on the way to the gate Sable was opening. I will say this aint my fault here, but Nea went into the house to play altruistically and get the Feng.
The Myers had 3 stacks of DH, and downed both in the house, leaving me and Sable to try to rescue them as he slugged.
As the sable left to go find the totem and come from the other side, I searched around the tile around the Exit Gate for the totem, but then i came to a startling realization, as I played around most of the map for the game and i didnt see any lit totem in any other tile.
It was in the house.
Then Sable went down, leaving me up against a Myers that can wallhack and has no TR, and can Instadown, with no way to cleanse the totem
I felt really bad, but I decided to leave given the situation, Maybe I could have saved my teammates but… I dont think I could, and it ate at me for a couple days after doing that.
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Forgive me Father Vile, I have sinned so greivously as a baby player and must atone now that I am older and wiser.
Once as a baby Ghostface at like, 200 hours the power got to my head. I downed a Cheryl and a Bill, sacrificed the Bill, and then caught Cheryl at endgame collapse after I closed the hatch.She ran me for several minutes during endgame collapse, then I got her. I could have opened the gate. I did not, and this horrid little urge in my head told me to drop her on the closed hatch and sit there as the Entity took her, because I was a stupid little monster and wanted my sadistic 4k. I am so so sorry for who I was last year as a baby, Cheryl, I look back in total disgust at it now and can't believe I ever behaved like that.
Once as Survivor I got my first win against a baby Spirit and my friend in comms started egging me on to teabag her at the gate. I caved to the peer pressure and did it. She got no kills. I felt really bad after, and I couldn't bring myself to ever do it again. Then when I got it as Killer the first time, I realized how ######### it felt to receive and now I make damn sure I never do it ever again. I'm sorry baby Spirit. I am so, so sorry.1 -
Bless me my fellow nun, for I have sinned.
I allowed myself to get angry at an EGC. I was called trash by a fellow survivor, and my P78 was called into question. Though I did not angrily retaliate, I asked for details and got none. I had to take a break for a while after. Apparently my stealth playstyle upsets some people, and my willingness to sacrifice myself even moreso.
I hath bodyblocked a teammate accidentally, but cost them a hook nonetheless.I hath become so irritated as a catch and release killer by flashlights, that I began to third hook the survs in an especially annoying game.
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Forgive me father (and rebecca from my story) for I have sinned.
So, we needed 1 more gen to be fixed. I got hooked, so like every other time, I focused on my second monitor and just texted with friends. Rebecca unhooked me, but I, being a fool, didn't pay attention to the gens, so I thought we still needed to fix one. Therefore, I ran away from the gate, and the rebecca followed me. Only then I stopped and understood my mistake. All of the gens were fixed, the gate was ready to be open (at probably 99%). I saw Vecna, he saw me and Rebecca. We ran. Unfortunately, we got cornered behind a wall. Rebecca took the hit for me, I ran towards the gate, but unfortunately, she didn't make it. She died.I explained my mistake, she said everything was good, but I still feel guilty.
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Bless that Rebecca. She was a true G until the end. At least they were understanding and probably got a good laugh from you explaining your blonde moment
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We all have our moments of weakness the sin to anger. Answer in calm and you will not be swayed. A harsh word wakes anger. Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be removed from you, along with all malice.
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Top 10 betrayals. Now that's doing your first post right. 👍️
There's a lot to sift through with this one between the violation of Pig conduct codes 1.1 to 1.9.1.z and possibly some things that we at the council need to further review.
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one time, long long ago, when I was doing adepts, I got to ghostface.this was when it was based on pips, not kills. This was Hawkins, so good stealth map. I was either gold already or iri, and I was on Hawkins. Someone gave up on first hook, and then someone else gave up too. I knew I wasn’t getting enough of the emblems so I fake farmed with the remaining two for the next 8 minutes or so minutes and I killed them both, and I feel so terrible about it to this day and I really hope I didn’t scar them.
similarly, when I did evil incarnate, they brought 4 anniversary cakes, it was direcetly the week I think after the 5th anniversary, and they were clearly newer, and I just took what I could and did it. I even sinned against myself because I let people who drop their lunch boxes or beamers go thru the gate and this poor poor Leon.. I’m so sorry. Everyone had 1k-4k points. Except me.
I once tried to bodyblock for this Nancy that was getting tunneled and I sandbagged her so bad, worse than I ever accidentally sandbagged anyone before, by completely blocking the exit of the structure she was at, and I kept doing that thing where in real life you walk the same direction to get out of the incoming persons way, then you both move the same direction again.When nemesis came out, the first match I had a Leon give me his flash bang. Me thinking it was the vaccine gave it to a teammate to use cause he was infected, as I ran away, I saw the flash bang detonate and him blinded and they dc’ed.
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Walk through the fog absolved of your sins my brethren.
The Nancy story gave me a good laugh to start my day :).
Flashbang can lead to some pretty funny moments. I tend to throw mine accidently and blind either myself, or a group of us and I can't help but crack up when it happens. I'll be trying to save my teammate and I barely miss the window on the animation and blind everyone in the area while frantically hauling ass away.
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I had a flashbang in my hand but also came in with a medkit. I tried healing someone discreetly who was on death hook, but ended up throwing the flashbang.. to make it worse, I then tried to administer For the People but ended up body blocking inadvertently AND threw the pallet nearby by accident (console buttons..)
I’m sure the other person thought I was trolling but I was just doing things potatoes do 😢
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In the event game mode I carried somebody to the hatch and then remote hooked them while they were directly over it. I feel guilt over this misdeed to this day
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Forgive me Entity for I have sinned.
It was down to a 2v1 on Temple of Purgation. I'd just downed a Leon and saw the Nea in the distance. After downing and hooking the Nea, the next Tryk appeared. It was the Party Totems. I left the Leon slugged for over two minutes while I picked up every single totem on the map. He crawled away while I was doing this. I couldn't find him.
Just as he has a sliver of his bleedout bar left, I managed to find him, and hooked him.
I felt bad but the fat stack of 200k bloodpoints BEFORE cakes I got made me feel a bit better about it LOL.
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I gotta give myself some forgiveness. Years spent hearing the 2v8 hype and promoting it…yet when it finally arrives… I cant be bothered to boot up the game even once.
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As a Pig main, I didn't accept boops in a few matches last time I played. I feel so dirty.
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For real, it's so boring, and you can't just play normal DBD cause the queue times are atrocious.
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Let me think, are there any sins I've done?
- Bleeding out survivors who ran No Mither/Boil Over on RPD…. The OLD RPD with the Library
- Enjoying 1.0 Skull Merchant
- Enjoying 2.0 Sadako, but not spamming condemned (Having a good time with 3.0 though)
- Highly enjoying 2v8 on both sides
- Love Dredge's nightfall
- Run Iridescent Key with Blood Amber + Scene Partner/Object Of Obsession and TBag at a distance
- Thinks that going against Nurse isn't always so bad
- Always unhooks survivors trying to throw themselves on first hook
- Will absolutely slug survivors that attempt bully tactics that stall the game and get no real progress done
- Will absolutely blame survivors over the killer when they refuse to play around certain perks or playstyles that I know works due to experiencing it first hand
. . . Nah I'm practically a saint.
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I'm so sorry and I know everyone loves her but I really don't like playing against the Pig.
I'm sorry don't hurt me!
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