Is it me or Dredge sometimes feels like D tier killer?

I laugh, remembering that I thought I would main this killer. I mean, I still have good matches with him, but some matches he feels worse than Trapper. Mostly because he is imo most map dependent killer. And same as Trapper, he needs half of his addons basekit.
Also he feels soooo slow, almost every match my first hook happens when half of gens already done. Some of my problems on top of it:
Locks on lockers delay his chases so hard and you barely chase someone in first half of the match, trying to catch someone on gen. Remnant does nothing unless you are on isolated loop, otherwise it's just easy skip to another loop. On some maps like Swamp you don't even have your second power, because there are no lockers.
Also he is one of killers who suffers too much from "3 gen solution", probably the only viable strategy on him back in the days, which gone now.
I never bring map offerings, but after last matches on Dredge I feel like I need to, just to make my power not useless. I hope we will see some big QoL to this killer this year, because I really love his concept and aesthetic.
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I would say C tier but yeah Dredge is good on Midwich and not great everywhere else and considering the buffs they gave Huntress and Trickster it seems they have no intention of increasing the number of lockers on maps. Considering this I think the locks on lockers should be removed entirely, Dredge isn't strong enough to warrant the mechanic.
Singularity without EMPs is easily A tier, Xeno without turrets would be a top 5 killer, Dredge without locks would still probably only be B tier on most maps.
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Dredge is for sure one of the lower tier killers on tierlist.
He is very addon depending, map depending (locker spawn). His chase power is meh and is situational. Experienced survivors won't care about some darkness around them since they know the maps back to back even in their sleep at 2 AM if you woke them up suddenly. Locking lockers shuts down his power in chase a lot so his teleport is for the most part just travel tool.
So you end up with meh slow chase power and map teleport with minor annoyence of darkness 2-3 per match.
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I feel the same way. He is pretty weak outside of nightfall and locker spawns make him weak in nightfall.
To really have a chance of success as dredge you are pretty much locked into a playstyle of using Malthinker's Skull add-on and injuring everyone and then getting downs during nightfall.
Also not sure if it's a bug but the first teleport you do in nightfall isn't sped up which affects him noticably.
I think he needs buffs3 -
Dredge is garbage on any map but Midwich and Hawkins.
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I haven’t purchased him just because he’s too map dependent. Maybe they should allow him to teleport to chests and totems to help him out a bit.
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I agree, locks on lockers can be removed easily.
But can't agree on Xeno, he won't be top 5 without turrets. Some matches against bad survivors you only see turrets in disable state after exiting tunnels and I don't feel he is that strong to be top-5. I can win a lot of time against him in some maps.
But Singularity definately will be top-3 killer without EMPs. I did post here, where suggested to remove them, but after conversation I changed my mind. I think EMPs should be nerfed, but not removed.I think if you started teleport in "day", it won't speed up.
I don't even consider him as hit and run killer anymore tbh, with Sloppy and 3 gen nerfs, he can't keep up with temp of the game anymore.If they not gonna do anything about lockers spawn, maybe teleports to chests isn't bad idea tbh. Giggling while thinking about possible animation.
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he is D tier
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Regarding slower teleport speed at the start of nightfall: This happens because there is a 3 second transition period between daytime and nightfall where most of the benefits of nightfall haven’t gone into effect yet. If you begin your teleport during this 3 seconds, you don’t get the faster teleport speed (it is still 12m/s).
When you see the circle around survivors’ portraits turn orange, that’s when nightfall actually starts and that’s when the faster teleport speed (and faster cooldown) goes into effect. But if you start the teleport during daytime or during the transition time, it keeps the slower speed for that entire teleport.
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Yes, that's what I said briefly. Thank you for info anyway!
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Before you ever evaluate a killer, play AGAINST him, not AS him. Otherwise your "feels like" will always be biased and won't actually tell anything.
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I also thought I would be a Dredge main when it first released but unfortunately I just can't play it very well at all. Survivors always seem to know where I am, where I'm teleporting, and what I'm doing the whole game. Nightfall doesn't even seem powerful most of the time. I like everything about Dredge except for actually playing as Dredge.
BTW I keep seeing your opinions on this forum and we think alike on almost everything. Just thought that was funny and wanted to share.
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Too addon dependent and too much information given to survivors.
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I wish people would do this both ways....
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And you decided that this experience is not based also on games against him due to what? Last Dredge I played against got 4 hooks on RPD. Now what? Am I entitled to have opinion now?
Oh, it's cool, brother in mind! <3
Yeah, that's also point I forgot to mention. He announces everything. Oh i'm here and i'm there. I love his sound effects, but it's too loud.
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Ah okay thank you